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11 volden, hen til iEgoen og udenom denne. Der, hvor Lagunvolden stoder til Foden af iEgoen, saa vi Snelag, dsekkede af sort Sand. Vi fik den folgende Dag, soni det nedenfor vil sees, en simpel Forklaring paa dette Forhold. JEgOens Sider ere overalt mod Soon ganske stejle. Paa Sydvestsiden saaes i den tverbratte Yseg et udmerket tyde- ligt Profil af de Aske- eller Tuf-Lag, hvoraf 0en, eller nu rettere Halvpen, er dannet. Yed svage Yindstod ramlede Dele af Asken los og styrtede som lias ned i Fjaxren eller i Havet, eller hvirvledes af sterkere Yindstod op til hoje llogskyer. iEgo-Kalven er et losrevet eller tilbagestaaende Stykke af iEgoeiis Krater, bestaaende ligesom bele 0en af sort Tuf, der indeslutter storre og mindre Stene. I JEg0- Kalven saaes Stene af indtil en Meters Tvermaal. JEg- 0ens Krater er nu aabent mod Sydost, den ydre Del er begravet i Havet. Et Suit gjennem HCgoen fra NW—SE viser paa den mod Land veudende Side Lag af Aske, der, parallele med Overfladen. lielde mod NW. Henimod Kra- teret derimod lielde Lagene ned mod dette, mod SE, og inde i Krateret ser man paa dettes bratte Vaxgge det ud- gaa'ende af disse Lag som horizontale Belter. Da vort Forsog paa at komme i Land bavde vist sig frugteslost, skred vi til at bestemme Beliggenbeden. af vor Ankerplads i Forbold til fremtrsedende Punkter paa Land ved trigonometriske Operationer. Yed Higo-Kalven maalte jeg med Sextant Hojden af Stortoppen paa “Voringen”. Da vi vare komne tilbage til Fart'ojet, rejste Capt. Wille ud i Baaden, hvorfra ban, liggende i en passende Afstand og Retning, maalte Vinkelhojden af Stormasten, og derpaa Horizontalvinkelen mellem Stormasten og det Punkt, hvis Beliggenbed skulde bestemmes, i samme 0jeblik som jeg, staaende ved Stormasten, paa givet Signal maalte Horizontal- vinkelen mellem Captein Wille og Punktet. Paa denne Maade bestemtes Afstandene til .ZEgo-Kalven, til Fugle- berget paa Yestsiden, bvis markgrede Top (se Fig. 1) var synlig over det lav ere Ejde, og til Klippen “Lodsbaaden”. Fuglebergets Azimut bestemtes af Skibets Officierer ved 3 Compaspejlinger paa 3 forskjellige Kurser, og Horizontal- vinklerne mellem dette Punkt og de ovrige observeredes. Fra Fuglebergets Fod bavde jeg den Dag, vi vare i Land, maalt Stormastens Vinkelbojde og Skibets omtrentlige Azi- mut. Saaledes vandtes et efter Omstamdighederne godt Grundlag for 0ens Kartlsegning. Samme Dag toges mange Skitser. Sydlanderts Udseende kunde nogenlunde opfattes; dog vare de liojeste Partier bverken nu eller senere under vort Opbold fri for Skyer. Yort. store Billede med Lagu- nen viser Sydlandets 0stside meget naxr saaledes som det saaes fra Ankerpladsen. and some distance round. Where the barrier of the lagoon abuts on Egg Island, we saw layers of snow covered with black sand. The next day, as will appear below, a simple ex- planation was obtained of this phenomeixon. The sides of Egg Is- land are exceedingly precipitous towards the sea. On the south- west side, the well-nigh perpendicular wall of the cliff exhibited with remarkable distinctness the strata of ashes, or tuff, of which the -island, or now rather the peninsula, is composed. A puff of win’d brushing the surface sufficed to loosen and blow about the ashes, some falling on the beach or into the sea, while a violent gust wduld whirl them aloft in clouds. The Egg Island calf (detached islet) is a disrupted fragment of the Egg Island crater, consisting, as does the whole of the main island, exclusively of black tuff, in which are imbedded larger and smaller stones. In the tuff of the islet were seen stones measuring, as much as 3 feet aci-oss. The Egg Island crater is now open towards the south-east, the outer portion- lying buried- in the sea. A vertical section through the island from NW. .to SE. ex- hibits on the land side layers of ashes, which, runping parallel to the surface, incline towards the north-west, but, as they approach the .crater, turn off towards it, dipping in a south-easterly direction, and within, on the precipitous walls of the cavity, niake their appearance as broad.hori- zontal bands. The attempt to land having proved abortive, we now set about determining the relative position of our anchorage and that of salient points on shore, by means of trigonometri- cal observations. Off the Egg Island calf, I measured with the sextant the height of the main mast of the “Voringen.” On our return to the ship, Captain Wille put off in a boat, from which, in the proper direction, he first measured the angle of elevation of the main mast, and then the horizontal angle between the main mast and the point the position of which had to be determined, whilst I, sta- tioned beside the main mast, at a given signal, simultane- ously measured the horizontal angle between the boat and the point. In this manner were determined the respective distances .of the Egg Island calf, of the Fugleberg, on the west side, the conspicuous summit of the cliff (see Fig. 1), being visible above the low-lying isthmus, and of the “Lods- baaden,” or pilot-boat rock. The azimuth of the FugRherg was taken by the officers of the vessel, from 3 compass- heai-ings on 3 diffei-ent courses, and the horizontal angles between that point and the other landmarks were observed. From the foot of the Fuglebei-g, I had taken the day we. were on shore the angle of elevation of the main mast, together with the approximate azimuth of the ship. We thus, considering the circumstances, succeeded in obtaining a fair collection of data for constructing a map of .the Island. The same day numerous sketches. were xxiade of the coastal scenery. The contours of the southern land could be discei-ned with tolerable distinctness; hut neither on this nor any subsequent occasion during our stay were its loftiest tracts visible. The lai-ge plate with the lagoon shows the east side of the southern land very nearly as it appeared from the anchorage. 2*
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The Norwegian North-Atlantic expedition 1876-1878 =


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