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12 Den fplgende Dag, lste August, fik jeg om For'mid- ' dagen nogle Sollmjder fra Ankerpladseu. Yi lettede og stod sydover, loddede og skrabede paa 70 og 95 Fames Dyb (se Kai'tet). Buiiden var sort vulkansk Sand og Slik og Dyrelivet rigt; Vandet ved Bunden havde en Tempe- ratur under 0°. Over Jan Mayens Sydland laa Taagen fremdeles og skjulte de Overste Dele, men over Nordlandet • spredte Skyerne .sig efterhaanden, saa at vi liele Efter- middagen og Aftenen havde det herlige Syn 'af Beerenberg i fuld Solbelysning. Selvf'olgelig vare alle. Tegnere i fuld Virksomhed. Fra den nordligste af de paaKartet mod 95 Fames Dyb betegnede Stationer tog jeg en Baekke Maalin- ger af Beerenberg: Horizontalvinkler og Hojdevinkler mod Sextant, Heldningsvinkler med det til mit geologiske Com- pas hprende Klinometer, saint flere Skitser. Dette Material er benyttet til Tegningen af mit Billede af Beerenberg. • Til Venstre ser man den sorte A3g0 i lidt over 6 Kvartmils Afstand, det mermeste .Object. Havhorizonten ligger i lidt over 4 Kvartmils Afstand fra Ojet, og alle Strandpartierne dukke folgelig under denne. Til Hojre for A3g0en sees Kraterne Esk og Vogt, begge med sine klpf- tede Kraterrender. Mellem Krater Vogt. og det spidsere Fjeld (Scoresby’s ■ Berg) til venstre for samme, der ligger lige op for Ostkanten af Aigoen, synes en Dal med en Bergmasse, der skraaner mod Yest og hvis Fod var synlig fra Ankerpladsen, jnaaske en Lavastrom. Dens Farve var mere blaalig, medens Kraternes er rpdlig. Ostenfor Krater Vogt saaes, mindre tydelig, nogle Hojder under Beerenbergs Fod, indtil man kommer til den store Sydbree, der i eii Bue gaar ned fra Snegrmndsen til Havet. Partiet mellem Sydbra3en og Sydostkap frembpd i den betydelige Afstand, 9 til112 Kvartmil, ikke mange Detaljer. Lige pst for Syd- brseen kunde jeg se en Hojde eller en Hojderyg, der syn- tes at ende i et Fremspring i Havet, Scoresby’s Cape Fish- burn. Som man ser af Billedet, kunde Snagramdsens gjennemsnitlige Beliggenlied bestemmes med en ikke ringe Nojagtighed. Dens Hpjde beregner jeg efter mine Maalin- ger til 706 Meter over Havet. Over Snegraendsen sees Beerenbergs Snekaabe, der daekker liele den 0vre Del af Fjeldets Basis. Denne Basis er en Had Kegle; dens Skraa- ning maaltes paa Vestsiden til 8° og' paa Ostsiden, ned mod Sydostkap, til 10°. Over Basiskeglen, der raekker op til en Hojde af c. 1400 Meter, hfever sig Beerenbergs Askekegle med en ydre Skraaning af 42°. Denne fremtraeder ren paa Vest- siden, medens der paa 0stsiden skyder frem fra Keglen nogle Bibber, antagelig Lavagange gjennem Keglen, der reducere den apparente Skraaning til 32°. Paa Vestsiden maaltes, fra den 8° heldende Basis af, et hengere Stykke med 15° Heldning, derpaa et kortere Stykke med 28° On the following day, August the 1st. I took in the forenoon a few solar altitudes from the anchorage. We then got under weigh and stood south, sounding and dredg- ing in 70 and 95 fathoms (see Map). The bottom con- sisted of black volcanic sand and ooze; and there was abundance of animal life. The hottom-temperature was helow 0°. Over the southern part of Jan Mayen the fog still lay heavy, obscuring the most elevated tracts; but over the northern part the clouds were gradually dispersing, and throughout the afternoon and evening we had a magni- ficent sun-lit view of Beerenberg. All who could draw were now' of course fully engaged in sketching the Scenery. From the most northerly of the observing-stations at which the depth, as indicated in the Map. was 95 fathoms, I took a series of measurements of Mount Beerenberg, .— horizontal and vertical angles, with the sextant, angles of inclination, with the clinometer belonging to my geological compass, and made besides several sketches. The material thus acquired has been carefully worked up for my pros- pect of Mount Beerenberg. On the left-hand side;, distant upwards of 6 miles, the black wall of Egg Island, the nearest object in the picture, is seen boldly projecting. The distance of the horizon being a little more than 4 miles from the point of view, all parts of the shore dip beneath it. , To the right of Egg Island are seen the Esk arid Vogt craters, with their jagged edges. Between Vogt’s crater and the somewhat acuminate mountain to the left (Mount Scoresby) rising behind the eastern acclivity of Egg Is- land, extends a valley filled with a rocky mass, — pos- sibly a current of lava, — the base of which was visible from the anchorage. This mass had a bluish tint, whereas the craters are of a reddish colour. East of Vogt's crater loomed a few summits at the foot of Mount Beerenberg, and farther on was seen the great southern glacier shelving down in a curve from the snow-limit to the sea. At so considerable a distance as 9 to 12 miles, the tract between the southern glacier and Cape South-East did not present many prominent details. East of the southern glacier, I could distinguish a summit or mountain-ridge terminating apparently in a headland, — Scoresby’s Cape Fishburn. As will he seen from the plate, the snow-line could be determined with very considerable accuracy. Its elevation I computed from my measurements at 2316 feet above the sea. At that height commence the snows of Beerenberg, which cover the entire upper portion of the base of the mountain. The base has the form of an obtuse cone, that on the west side was found to incline 8°, on the east, towards Cape South-East, 10°. Above the lower cone, which attains an altitude of nearly 4600 feet, towers the cone of ashes, with its outer slope shelving at an angle of. 42°. On the west side the slope has the surface smooth, but on the east exhibits a few prominent ribs, probably dykes of lava, which reduce the apparent incline to 32 °. On the west side, ■ from where the base of the mountain shelves at an angle of 8°, the slope for a good way up was found to be 15°, then for a
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The Norwegian North-Atlantic expedition 1876-1878 =


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