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16 Fi"'. 7. Jan Mayen i Vinterdragt, fra Nordvest. — Af den foranstaaende Rejsebeskrivelse vil man se, hvorledes vor. Expedition samlede det Materiale, vi liave benyttet til at forbedre Kartet over Jan Mayen. Da Ex- peditionens Hovedformaal var at unde'rspge Havet, kunde vi anvende kun en kortere Tid til Undersogelsen af Jan Mayen, og de Iagttagelser, som vi bertil kunde samle, maatte blive udforte lejlighedsvis, eftersom Omstmndighederne tillod det. Vi kunde saaledes ikke afvente de gunstigere Omstam- digheder, der vare nodvendige for en mere gjennemfprt Undersogelse, men vare npdte til at combinere de erholdte Observationer og deres Resultater paa bedste Maade ind- byfdes og med seldre Underspgelsers Resultater. Dette bar kostet ikke lidet Arbejde, og det af Captein Wille og mig udarbejdede Kart er Erugten af en Rmkke gjentagne For- sog paa at tilfredsstille alle de spredte Iagttagelser, der foreligge. Som man vil se, vare vi under vort Opbold ved Jan Mayen ikke sserdeles begunstigede af Yejret, men vi vare beller ikke smrdeles ubeldige, — dog var der liden eller ingen Lejlighed til at anstille systematiske Iagttagelser. Af addre Literatur vedrprende Jan Mayen er til Kartet og Beskrivelsen benyttet fplgende: 1. De Nieuwe Groote Zee-spiegel, inboudende Eene Bescbryvingbe der Zee-Ivusten van de oostersche en noord- sche Scbip-vaert. Amsterdam 1662. Beskrivelsen af Jan Winter View of Jan Mayen, looking South-East. The foregoing account of our exploratory work will show in what manner data ivere collected on the Norwegian Expedition for constructing a new map of Jan Mayen. The main object of the Expedition being to investigate the physical conditions of the sea, the time we could devote • to the exploration of Jan Mayen was of course compara- tively short; and the observations we succeeded in obtain- ing had to be taken occasionally, according as opportunity offered. Thus it was not in our power to carry out a complete investigation; we could only combine in the best possible manner our observations and their'results, collating them with those of earlier explorers. To do this has cost ' considerable labour, and the Map constructed by Captain Wille and myself is based on a series of re-iterated attempts to combine all the scattered data before us. As previously shown, the weather during our stay at Jan Mayen was neither particularly favourable nor exceptionally bad; but we had little or no opportunity of instituting systematic observations. Of earlier works on Jan Mayen, .the following have been consulted: —. 1. — De Nieuwe Groote Zee-spiegel. inboudende Eene • Bescbryvingbe der Zee-Kusten van de oostersche en noord- sclie Schip-vaert. Amsterdam 1662. To this account is
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The Norwegian North-Atlantic expedition 1876-1878 =


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