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20 esse for de gamle Hvalfangere i det 17de Aarhundrede, I men paafaldende er det unegtelig, at Scoresby, der roede langs denne Kyst den 4de August 1817 og var iland paa Toppen af Krater Esk samme Dag, ikke omtaler denne betydelige Brm, der danner et saa fremtrmdende Trade i Landskabet. Se Vogt’s Beretning og vort Billede. Er ogsaa den en nyere Tids Dannelse? Med Hensyn til Krater Esk og Krater Vogt maa jeg bemerke, at jeg efter nojagtig Gjennemgaaen af Scoresby’s og Vogt's Beretninger er kommen til det. bestemte Resul- tat, at disse Forskere have besteget forskjellige Kratere. Vogt beretter nemlig, at ban besteg Scoresby’s Krater Esk. De seldre Karter give ingen Vejledning, da disse Gjen- stande ikke ere af nogen hydrografisk Interesse. Scoresby siger (I, Side 162), “at ban fra Krater Esk saa ved Foden af Bjerget paa Sydostsiden, i Nan-lieden af en vaddig Lava- strsekning, et andet Krater med Band som en Murtinde, af lignende Form som det ovenfor beskfevne (Esk).” Beg’ge Kratere ere angivne paa bans Kart, det vestligste betegnet “Esk Mount, a Volcano”. Vogt saa fra det Krater, han besteg, nede paa det lave Forland det lave Askekrater “Berna”, der neppe lisever sig over Sletten, og paa Vogt’s Kart er Scoresby’s andet Krater udeladt og “Berna” sat istedet. Efter bvad jeg, som ovenfor nsevnt, til forskjellige' Tider kunde se, findes alle 3 Kratere, saaledes som paa vort Kart angivet. Der er i Vogt’s Beskrivelse, saavidt jeg kan se, Intet i Vejen for at antage, at det Krater, Scoresby saa tydelig fra Toppen af “Esk”, er det, som Vogt har besteget. Jeg bar ogsaa tilladt mig at give dette Krater Navn efter denne Forsker, livis llejse til Jan Mayen i saa boj Grad bar udvidet vor Kundskab om denne 0, og livis Beskrivelse deraf liavde orienteret mig i Forvejen i den Grad, at jeg under vort Besog der liavde en Folelse, som om det var en tidligere kjendt Egn, jeg var konimet til. iEgpen er i “Zeespiegel”, bos Zorgdrager og bos Scoresby fremstillet som en fra Hovedlandet ved et Sund . adskilt virkelig 0. Vogt’s Kart forbinder den med Land ved en ganske smal Tange. Vi saa den som en- fuldstaen- dig Halvp. Man se Fig. 2 og Kartet. Scoresby’s Cape Brodrick, Pynten indenfor Sundet, er saaledes forsvundet mellem 1817 og 1861, idet 0en er bleven forbundet med Land. Landtangen, der nu er lige saa bred som JEgoen selv, ligger adskillige Meter over Havspejlet. ji Lagunen paa Vestsideu omtales i “Zeespiegel’’ og forekommer paa Kartet saavel her som i Zorgdrager’s og i Scoresby’s Verker. Paa Vogt’s Kart er den bleven ude- glemt. Den korte Beskrivelse i “Zeespiegel” stemmer godt med mine Iagttagelser paa Stedet. Den lange Lagune paa 0stsiden derimod findes ikke i nogen af de teldre Beskri- Off tbe coast, the navigation is here, according to the earlier accounts, a good deal incumbered with rocks and shoals; and hence, possibly, tbe old whalers of the 17th century did not attach any hydrographical importance to tbe glacier. It is however' undeniably strange, that Scoresby, who on the 4th of August rowed along this part of the coast, and the same day ascended to the summit of Mount Esk, should not have mentioned so considerable a glacier, forming as it does a prominent feature of the scenery (see Vogt’s ac- count and our view). Can this, too, be a later formation ? As regards the Esk crater and the Vogt crater, I feel convinced, from a careful perusal of Scoresby’s and Vogt’S accounts,, that the said explorers must have ascended different craters. According to Vogt’s statement, be ascended the Esk crater (Scoresby’s). The earlier maps afford no assis- tance in deciding this doubtful point, since such details, being without hydrographical interest for tbe navigators of that time, were not laid down. Scoresby, who bad ascended the Esk crater, states (page 162), that “at the foot of the mount, on tbe south-east side, near a stupendous accumulation of lava, bearing the castellated form, was an- other crater, of similar form to the one above described.” Both craters are to be found on his map, the most westerly of the two being designated “Esk Mount, a Volcano.” Looking down from tbe crater lie had ascended, Vogt saw beneath him, on the low-lying foreland, the low Berna cra- ter, which hardly rises above tbe surrounding tract; and on Vogt’s map Scoresby’s second crater has been .left out and the Berna crater substituted in its place. As .previ- ously stated, according to what I observed at different times, all 3 craters are to be found, in the respective posi- tions given them on our map. In Vogt’s account there is nothing, so far as I can judge, to oppose our assuming that the cone which Scoresby distinctly observed from the sum- mit of Mount Esk is that ascended by Vogt. I have like- wise made free to give this crater tbe name of the explorer whose voyage to Jan Mayen has so largely contributed to extend our knowledge of that interesting island, and whose accurate account had rendered me so familiar with its topo- graphy, that during our sojourn there I had frequently the impression of being in a country I had visited before. Both in the “Zeespiegel” and in the maps by Zorg- drager and Scoresby, Egg Island is represented as a veri- table island, cut off by a sound from the main land. On Vogt’s map, an exceedingly narrow strip of land connects, it with tbe main island. As ive beheld “Egg Island," it was in every respect a peninsula; see Fig. 2 and the Map. Scoresby’s Cape Brodrick, the point lying within the sound, must ac- cordingly have disappeared some time between the years 1817 and 1861. The isthmus, which is now equal in breadth to Egg Island itself, rises a score or so of feet above the sea-level. The lagoon on tbe west side is mentioned in the ac- count of the island given in tbe “Zeespiegel,” and may. be found on the map accompanying that work, as also on tbe maps by Zorgdrager and Scoresby. On Vogt’s map it has been left out. Tbe brief description in the “Zeespiegel” agrees closely with my own observations. On tbe other
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The Norwegian North-Atlantic expedition 1876-1878 =


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