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21 velser eller Karter. “Zeespiegel” liar paa dette Sted to lange Bugter, Store og Idle Rmkved-Bugt (“Groote Hout bay” og “Cleyne Hout bay”), adskilte ved en til Havet gaaende Bergmasse. Denne er aabenbart deu samrne som vi kaldte “Stptten”, og som sees saavel paa vort Billede af Lagunen som paa det tilsvarende Billede Side 282 hos Yogt. I Bugten har “Zeespiegel” en flad Fjaere af Sand, dsekke't med Rsekved, og i Havet udenfor er der temmelig grundt, 6, 7 og 8 Favne indtil l1/* Kvartmil fra Stranden. Zorgdrager og Scoresby har det samme. Scoresby fortseder, at, da ban var paa Toppen af “Esk”, “var, mod Sydvest, liele 0ens Udstrsekning synlig”, men nsevner ikke et Ord om Lagunen, og bar den heller ikke paa sit Kart. Fra Toppen af sit Krater beretter Vogt, at ban saa Lagunen i bele dens Udstrrekning, og fra “Esk” skulde den vsere lige saa godt synlig. Man tor herefter med Vogt trygt slutte, at Lagunen er dannet medem begge Forskeres Besog; mellem 1817 og 1861. Jeg tror snarere, at den er dannet ved at den lave Sandvold, som adskiller den fra Havet, efterhaanden er opkastet af Bfaendingen, end, som Yogt antager, at Lagunens Flade tidligere var daekket af “Bank- isen”. TEgoens Forbindelse med Land staar aabenbart i liojeste Forbindelse med Lagunvoldens Fremkomst over Havspejlet; tbi AUgoens Landtunge udgjpr den directe Fort- saettelse af Lagunvolden. En Hsevning af Landet her er ikke utfenkelig, men paa den anden Side af 0en, ved den vestre Lagunes Void, er der, naar “Zeespiegel’s Beskrivelse fra Midten af det 16de Aarhundrede sammenholdes med mine, ovenfor naevnte Iagttagelser, ikke noget Tegn til nogen merkelig Hmvning. Paa vor Kundskabs naervserende Standpunkt kunne Gjmtninger lige saa lidet hjelpe os her som ved Sporgsmaal om Jan Mayens Isbrmers Forandringer. De af Havet opragende lvlipper “Lodsbaaden” og “Fyrtaarnet” ligge efter vore Maalinger og Tegninger som paa vort Kart angivet.. De findes begge omtalte i “Zee- spiegel” og afsatte paa Kartet deri som “Klip als een Seyl”. Deres Beliggenbed er rigtigere paa det gamle bollandske Kart end bos Scoresby, der kegger “Lodsbaaden” for langt mod Syd og “Fyrtaarnet” for langt fra Land. Guinea-Bugtens nordligste Pynt stikker, ifolge vore Skitser, mere frem end paa Scoresby’s Kart. Heri stemme vi bedre overens med “Zeespiegel”. Yogel-klip ligger ifolge “Zeespiegel” lige udenfor Vest- pynten af Syd-Bay, ikke som hos Scoresby i Sydvest for denne. “Naar man ligger paa 15 Favne Vand i Syd- hand, the long lagoon on the east side is not mentioned in the earlier accounts of Jan Mayen, nor does it appear on any of the annexed maps. In the “Zeespiegel,” this part of the coast exhibits two long bights, — Great Wood Bay and Little Wood Bay (“Groote Hout bay” and “Cleyne Hout bay”), disconnected by a rocky mass stretching be- tween them down to the sea. It is evidently this cliff to which we have given the name of “Sojlen” (the pillar), and which appears both in our view of the lagoon and in that given on page 282 of Vogt’s work. In the “Zeespiegel,” the bay has a flat sandy beach covered with driftwood, and the water is shallow — 6, 7, and 8 fathoms — to the distance of a mile and a half from the shore. The same details are given in the maps by Zorgdrager and Scoresby. Scoresby states, that from the summit of Mount Esk, “towards the south-west the utmost extent of the is- land was visible;” but he does not say- a word about the lagoon, -nor is that prominent feature of the coast to be found in his map. From the top of the crater bearing his name, Vogt could overlook the lagoon in its full extent, and the same should be the case from the summit of Mount Esk. Hence, it would be reasonable to infer with Vogt, that the lagoon has been formed between the visits of the two explorers, or some time during the interval extending from 1817 to 1861. Meanwhile, the origin of the lagoon must, I think, be ascribed to the low sand-barrier stretch- ing between it and the sea having been gradually thrown up by the action of the surf, rather than, as Vogt sur- mises, to the possible fact of its surface having in former times been covered with “bank-ice.” The conversion of Egg. Island to a peninsula is beyond doubt closely con- nected with the appearance of the lagoon barrier above the sea-level, since the Egg Island isthmus constitutes the direct continuation of the said barrier. True, there may have been a rise along this part of the coast; biit on the other side of the island, if the account given in the “Zeespiegel” from the middle of the 16th century be compared with the results of my own observations, there can hardly have been a perceptible rise at the barrier of the western lagoon. At the present stage of research, hypothetical deductions are as futile here as in questions bearing on a presumptive change in the number and position of Jan Mayen’s glaciers. The two rocks rising abruptly from the sea called respectively the “pilot-boat” and the “light-house,” have, according to our observations and drawings, the position given them in the annexed Map. They are both mentioned in the “Zeespiegel,” and laid down on the map accom- panying that work as “Klip als een Seyl.” The old Dutch geographer has placed these rocks more correctly than Scoresby, on whose map the “pilot-boat” lies too far south and the “light-house” too far from the shore. The most northerly point of Guinea Bay projects, according to our. drawings, farther out than it does on Scoresby’s map. In this detail we agree better with the “Zeespiegel.” Vogel-klip lies according to the “Zeespiegel” just without the west point of South Bay, not as on Scoresby’s map to the south-west of that bight. “When anchored in
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The Norwegian North-Atlantic expedition 1876-1878 =


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