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22 Bay, saa ser man ud mellem Yogel-klip og Landet.” Et Stykke fra Hoepstock’s Bay “finder man et Nes, tvers af livilket der ligger nogle Klipper, som kaldes de Eudsen”1 (“Zeespiegel”). “Walrusch Gat'’ kaldes Klolten udenfor det Nes, som sky der ud paa Nordsiden af English Bay, og udenfor livil- ket det “Brielske Taarn” staar. Se Fig. 3. Strax vestenfor Mary Muss Bugt staar paa “Zee- spiegeFs og Zorgdragers Kart en af Havet opragende Klippe. • Nogen saadan saa vi ikke, men vel et Skjaer, over livilket Seen lii'od. Klippen er styrtet i Havet. Paa Ivartet i “Zeespiegel” stikker Fugleherget frem som et langt Nes. mod Nord. I Beskrivelsen liedder det: “"Era 0stpynten af Mary Muss Bay skyder en Bergfod fra Landet ud i Soeifi meget stejl og Loj ved sin Vest-Strand. Nu er der intet saadant udskydende Nes. Men der ligger en Boe udenfor Eugleberget. Af Sidekratere paa Jan Mayen have vi observeret flefe end der er aflagt i de aeldre Karter. .Teg Jienviser til Rejsebeskrivelsen ovenfor og Kartet samt Billederne. De paa Kartet som Kratere betegnede Ejeldtoppe, der ikke ere omtalte i Rejsebeskrivelsen, ere aflagte efter Teg- ningerne og ere antagne, paa Grund af deres Form, der er eller naermer sig den koniske, for at svare til dette Navn. Adskilt ved dybe Have fra alle naermeste Lande ligger Jan Mayen ensom ude i Gronlandshavet. Mellem Norge og Jan Mayen er Havet 1760 Favne dybt, mod Spidsbergen over .2000 Favne, mod Gronland over 1300 Favne og mod Island over 1000 Favne dybt. Gens Retning er fra NE. t E.—SW. t AY., den peger mod Danmarkstraedet og ligger parallel Heklas Vulkanlinie. Den er efter alt livad derom er blevet observeret, bygget udelukkende af vulkanske Berg- arter, og disse synes alle at tilbore den moderne Yulka- nisme. Den er saaledes yngre end Faeroerne og Island, bvor aeldre vulkanske Bergarter ere Oneraadende eller danne Grundvolden. Dens Lamgde er lidt over 7'/o geo- grafisk Mil. Den dannes af to storre Dele, den nordlige og den sydlige, der ere forenede ved en lavere og smalere Landstraekning. Den nordlige Dels storste Bredde er lidt over 2 geografiske Mile, den sydliges D/s geografisk Mil, og paa det smaleste Sted er Bredden D/2 Kvartmil 15 fathoms in South Bay, you look out between Yogel-kbp and the land.” A short distance from Hoepstock’s Bay “there is a noss, or promontory, off which are seen a few rocks, called de Eudsen”1 (“Zeespiegel”). “Walrusch Gat” is the name given to the chasm lying without the promontory that juts forth on the north shore of English Bay, and beyond which rises “Brielle Tower” (see Fig. 3). A little west of Mary Muss Bay, both on the map in the “Zeespiegel” and on that by Zorgdrager, there is a rock projecting abruptly out of the sea. We could discover no such rock; but we saw a shoal over which the sea was breaking. The rock in question must at some later period have toppled down into the sea. On the map'in the “Zeespiegel,” the Fugleberg pro- jects towards the north as a long noss, or headland, de- scribed in the account as follows: — “From the east point of Mary Muss Bay, the base of a mountain, very lofty and precipitous on its west side, ’juts out from the land into the sea.” Now there is no such projecting promontory. A sunken rock, however, lies off the Fugleberg. Of parasitic craters on Jan Mayen, we observed a greater number than are given in the earlier maps of the island. For further information on this head, the reader is referred to the above account of our exploratory work, as also to the Map and the illustrations. The mountain summits marked on the map as' craters, though not men- tioned in the account of the island, have been laid ^lown from sketches, and are. by reason of their form, which is more or less conical, presumably entitled to the name. Cut off on all sides by extensive ocean tracts from the nearest land, the Island of Jan Mayen occupies an isolated position in the Greenland Sea. Between Norway and Jan Mayen the depth reaches 1760 fathoms, towards Spitzbergen upwards of 2000 fathoms, towards Greenland upwards of 1300 fathoms, and towards Iceland upwards of 1000 fathoms. The direction of the island is from NE. by E. to SW. by AY.; it points towards Denmark Strait, and lies parallel to the volcanic line of Mount Hecla. As previously stated, Jan Mayen is built up of volcanic rocks, all of which would appear to belong to the modern group.. Hence the island is probably a later formation than are the Faeroes and Iceland, where the old volcanic rocks prevail either exclusively or in greater part. Its length slightly ex- ceeds 71/J geographical miles. It consists of two large parts or divisions, a northern and a southern, connected together by a lower and narrower tract. The greatest 1 Hudson = fr. roclie = Klippe. 1 Hudson: Fr. roclie: rock.
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The Norwegian North-Atlantic expedition 1876-1878 =


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