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30 3. Beeren Eiland. Den 4de Juli 1878 kom Expeditionen tidlig om Morgenen op under Beeren Eiland. Taagen, som laa over 0ens hojere Dele, spredte sig efterhaanden, og om For- middagen blev Yejret ganske klart. Yi ankrede udenfor den saakaldte “Russestue”, et forfaldet lidet Hus, der dog tidligere skal have vseret Bolig for et overvintrende Parti. Gjennem “Borgermester-Porten”1 roede vi ind i den lille Bugt, ved livis inderste Bred Russestuen ligger. Vi med- liavde fra Bergen en Post til den liollandske Expedition med Skonnerten “Willem Barendsz,” hvilken efter den af den liollandske Consul meddelte Anvisning nedgroves, ind- lagt i en dobbelt Kasse. i Naerheden af Huset. Stedet merkedes med et Flag, hvorpaa stod malet: “‘Yoringen’ til ‘Willem Barendsz'.” Vi bavde senere paa Sommeren den Tilfredsstillelse at erfare, at Holltenderne bavde fundet sin Post. Vort af stormende Yejr og Modvind forlaengede Op- bold i Ostbavet tillod os ikke at offre mere end en lialv Dag til et Besog paa Beeren Eiland. Jordbunden bestod omkring Russestuen af lutter forvitret Sten. en ren “Fon- vitringshud,” der i Frastand gav Laudet et aldeles “graa- skaldet” Udseende. Om Morgenen toges Skitser af Beeren- Eilands Sydvestpynt. Billeder af denne findes i Beretnin- gerne om de Svenske Spidsbergen-Expeditioner 1861 og 1864. Da vi vare i Land om Formiddagen, og efter at vsere kommen ombord igjen. tog jeg Skitser af 0ens liojeste Fjeld, Mount Misery. Fig. 8 er skaaret efter en Teg- ning, der er gjort efter disse Skitser. Man ser her Beeren- Eilands Sydostpynt til Hpjre. Udenfor viser sig Drivis, der kominer fra Nordost. Gjennem Mount Misery garn- et liorizontalt Lag af en ejendommelig fremtrsedende Berg- art med. som det synes, verticale Afsondringsflader. For- saavidt man kan dpmnie af Udseendet alene i Frastand, synes denne Bergart at vsere den af Nordenskiold bensevnte Hyperit. der forekommer paa aldeles lignende Maade paa Spidsbergen og livis Forekomstmaade sees af flere Billeder i Beretningerne om de Svenske Spidsbergens-Expeditioner. Hojden af Mount Misery’s overste Top bestemte jeg paa folgende Maade. Fra et Punkt i Land, hvor der var oprejst en liden Stenvarde. maalte jeg med Sextant Yin- kelbojden (0° 50' 0") af Vpringens Stormast (der efter et npjagtigt taget Maal udgjorde 21.39 Meter). Dette giver en Afstand mellem Stenvarden og Ankerpladsen af 1470 Meter. Ved Stenvarden var Lufttrykket 744.’"m0, medens det ombord, i Havets Niveau var 7b0.mm7. Luftens Tem- peratur var 5° C. Stenvardens Hojde over Havet beregnes herefter til 73 Meter. Endvidere maalte jeg med Sextanten Vinkelen mellem “Yoringen” og Toppen af Mount Misery 1 So “Svenska Expeditionen till Spetsbergen Ar 1864 ombord paa “Axel Thordsen,” under Ledning af A. E. Nordenskiold”, Side HI. 3. Beeren Eiland. On tbe 4tli of July, 1878. early in the morning, the Expedition reached the coast of Beeren Eiland. A thick fog, which lay over tbe loftiest parts of tbe island, gradu- ally dispersed, and in the course of tbe forenoon the weather became quite clear. We anchored off the so-called -‘Rus- sian Hut,” an old. neglected cabin, which is said, however, to have once served as a winter abode for a party of sailors. Passing through tbe “Borgermester-Porten"1 (burgomaster’s gate), we rowed into tbe small bay at the bead of which stands the Russian Hut. We had with us from Bergen a bag of letters for the Dutch Expedition with the schooner “Willem Barendsz,” which, in accordance with directions given by the Dutch Consul, was now buried near the cabin, after being laid in a double case. AVe marked the spot with a flag, on which had been painted tbe words: “‘Voringen’ til -AVillem Barendsz ." Later in tbe season we had the satisfaction of learning that the Dutch explorers had found their letters. The boisterous weather and the succession of contrary winds that had protracted our cruise in the Barents Sea, would not admit of our devoting more than half a day to an excursion on Beeren Eiland. The ground in the vicinity of tbe Russian Hut consists exclusively of disintegrated stones, — in the strictest sense a “weathered crust,” which at some distance gives to the land a grey, bald appearance. In the morning we sketched the south-western promontory of Beeren Eiland. Views of this headland are given in the accounts of the Swedish Spitzbergen Expeditions in 1861 and 1864. AVlien on shore in the forenoon, and after returning to the vessel, I sketched the highest summit of the island, Mount Misery. The view in Fig. 8 is from these sketches. To the right, we have the south-eastern headland of Beeren Eiland. Beyond, is seen drift-ice bear- ing down upon the island from the north-east. Traversing Mount Misery, we observe a layer of a peculiar conspicu- ous rock, having apparently a vertical columnar structure. To judge from its aspect at a distance, this rock would appear to be of the kind designated by Nordenskiold as hyperite, that occurs under precisely the same conditions on Spitz- bergen, and the structure of which is illustrated in several of the figures accompanying the accounts of the Swedish Spitzbergen Expeditions. The altitude of Mount Misery was determined as fol- lows. From a point on shore, at which a mound of stones had been erected, I measured with the sextant the angle of elevation (0° 50' 0") of the main mast of the “Ar0rin- gen,” which, according to accurate measurement, had a height of 21.39 metres. The said angle corresponds to a distance between the mound and the anchorage of 1470 metres. At the mound, the barometric pressure was 744.mm0, whereas on board (at the level of the sea) it was 7o0.mm7. The temperature of the air was 5° C. From these data, the height of the mound above the sea-level was computed at 1 See “Svenska Expeditionen till Spetsbergen Ar 1864 ombord paa ‘Axel Thordsen,’ under Ledning af A. E. Nordenskiold,” p. 16.
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The Norwegian North-Atlantic expedition 1876-1878 =


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