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31 (111" 22') og Toppens Yinkelhojde over Horizonten (8° 40'). Horizonten bestemtes ved Hjelp af Wredes Niveller-Spejl, raed bvilket jeg merkede mig et tydeligt Punkt paa Fjeldet ret under Toppen, i Stenvardens Niveau. Kommen ombord maalte jeg Vinkelen mellem Stenvarden og Toppen af 73 metres. Moreover, I measured with the sextant the angle subtending between the ‘‘Ypringen” and the summit of Mount Misery (1110 22'), as also the angle of elevation of the latter above the horizon (8° 40'). The horizon was determined by means of Wredes levelling-mirror, with which Tig. 8. Mount Misery. Mount Misery (48° 9') samt Toppens Hojdevinkel over Horizonten (7° 56', corrigeret for Kimmingdaling). Her- efter beregnes Afstandeu Steuvarde—Top til 3914 Meter, Afstanden Skib—Top til 3131 Meter, og Hojdeforskjelleu mellem de to forste Punkter til 472 Meter, mellem de to sidste til 541 Meter. Laegges hertil de respective Stand- punkters Hojde over Havet, 73 Meter og 3 Meter, faaes som Pesultat 545 og 544 Meter. Den sidste Bestemmelse liar jeg antaget som den sikreste, og saetter saaledes Mount Misqrys Hojde til 544 Meter eller 1785 engelske Pod. Dette er et storre Tal end den paa Sokarterne, formentlig efter et Skjon, angivne Hojde af 1200 Pod. I marked a point on the mountain, in the vertical plane of the summit, and level with the mound. On returning to the vessel, I measured the angle subtending between the mound and the summit of Mount Misery (48° 9'), as also the angle of elevation of the latter above the horizon (7° 56', corrected for the dip). The distance between the mound and the summit was then computed, and found to be 3914 metres, that between the ship and the summit 3131 metres, and the difference in altitude between the two first-mentioned points 472 metres, between the two last-mentioned 541 metres. Now, if to these figures be added the height above the sea of the respective stand- points, viz. 73 metres and 3 metres, the result will be 545 and 544 metres. The latter determination I regard as the more trustworthy of the two, and have therefore put the altitude of Mount Misery at 544 metres, or 1785 English feet above the sea-level. This exceeds the height given in the charts — 1200 feet, the result probably of estimation.
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The Norwegian North-Atlantic expedition 1876-1878 =


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