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32 Den lste August 1878 laa Expeditionen under Yord- ostsiden af Beeren Eiland for at have Ly for deu paa Havet blaesende Sydvest Storm. Da. Yejret om Afteuen syntes at bedage sig, forsogtes at lande paa 0en. Dette lyktes ogsaa. Vi kom i Land ved Mundingen af Engelsk- Elven, der ved sit Udlob i en liden Bugt danner en Eos. Yi steg op paa Beeren-Eilands flade Plateau, der fandtes at ligge omtrent 34 Meter over Havet, og vandrede en Mils Yej nordover. Kysten er overalt ganske brat, flere Steder lielder Fjeldvseggen udover. Den er dannet af hori- zontale Lag, der som bekjendt tilbore Stenkulperioden. Era Seen af ser Kystlinien temmelig ret ud, men fra Land viste den sig at bestaa af fremspringende Yes afvexlende med iiulgaaende Bugter. Braendingeu arbejder uafladelig paa at udgrave de lavere Lag. De overliggende Lag miste sit Underlag, brydes af og styrte i Stranden. bvor de spndermales af Bplgeslaget. Paa Land saa vi, indenfor Plateauets Rand, gabende Spraekker, der havde dannet sig ved de undergravede Lags begyndende Synkning. I Ejaeren saa vi, hvorledes Bplgerne tumlede vildt med det nedrasede Lands Rester. Yed enkelte Yes staar igjen Stabber eller Spjler, adskilte fra Landet, ogsaa som Vidnesbyrd om Havets Magt. Disse Stabber, med sine horizontale Lag, frembyde sogte Haekkepladse for tallps'e Spfugle, der her kunne vaere i Fred for Fiender. Saaledes skrider Beeren- Eilands 0delaeggelse frem. Den grunde Banke, der straek- ker sig fra 0st-Spidsbergen til Beeren-Eiland, er sandsynlig- vis for en stor Del Resterne af dette Land. Yu kommer liertil det faste Materiale, som Drivisen forer med sig og afsaetter ved sin Smeltning. Yort Billede viser denne Kyst med de udoverkam- gende Lag, de fremstikkende Yes, de af Bolgerne udhulede Bugter, i livilke Braendingen arbejder, og to af de frit- staaende Stabber. Inde paa Sletten passerede vi, i en Afstand af et Par Kilometer fra Kysten, en Rsekke smaa grunde Fersk- vandsper, bvis l and bavde en Temperatur af 9° C., og som syntes at vsere et yndet Opholdssted for talrige Sp- fugle. Overfladen af Fjeldet bestod af lutter Ipse Stene. dels som lps Ur, dels som mindre Stene med Jord imellem, der frembpd en Smule Vegetation. Hist og her fandtes sammenksengende Mostepper. 4. Spitsbergen. Den 5te August 1878 bk vi for fprste Gang 0je paa Spidsbergen. Ved Middag saaes Syd-Spidsbergen forud, et skydsekket Land med Sne og Isbrseer. Udenfor Sydkap ligge nogle ganske lave 0er. Yi sejlede spndenom disse og On the 1st of August. 1878, the “Vpringen” rode at anchor off the north-east coast of Beeren Eiland. during a heavy gale from the south-west. In the evening, the weather having somewhat abated, an attempt was made to land on the island. It proved successful. IVe landed at the mouth of English River, which forms a cataract where it disembogues into a small bay. We ascended to the pla- teau of Beeren Eiland. that attains an elevation of about 110 feet above the sea, and strolled for a few miles in a northerly direction. The coast is everywhere precipitous, in several places with beetling cliffs. It is built up of horizon- tal strata belonging to the true carboniferous era. As seen from the sea, the coast appears to extend in a compara- tively unbroken line; hut on landing, it was found to form numerous headlands and bays. The ceasless action of the surf gradually wears away the lower strata. The upper layers being thus deprived of their support, give way, and topple down into the sea, where they are broken up by the lashing of the waves. Year the edge of the plateau were seen yawning rents in the surface, showing that the sub- jacent layers were about to give way. On the beach, we could observe the action of the waves in tossing about the fallen masses. Stumps or columns of rock still remain off some of the headlands, — another proof of the marvellous power of the waves. These columnar rocks afford favourite breeding-haunts for sea-fowl, where they have nothing to fear from their enemies. Thus proceeds the gradual demolition of Beeren Eiland. The bank extending from East Spitzbergen to Beeren Eiland. is probably in greater part the remains of this land, along with the solid matter deposited on the melting of drift-ice. Our view of this coast shows the beetling stratified cliffs, the hold projecting headlands, the bays and creeks hollowed out by the sea, in which the surf is for ever engaged in its work of destruction, and two of the isolated columnar rocks. . On the plateau, about a mile from the coast, we passed a chain of small freshwater lakes, apparently the favourite resort of innumerable wild-fowl; the temperature of the water was 9° 0. The surface of the island con- sisted exclusively of loose materials, in part dry gravel, in part small stones embedded in earth exhibiting traces of vegetation. Here and there was seen a carpet of moss. 4. Spitzbergen. On the 5th of August, 1878, we got our first view of Spitzbergen. About noon the “Ypringen” bore down on South Spitzbergen, a cloud-capt land, with snow-fields and glaciers. Off South Cape are seen a number of small.
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The Norwegian North-Atlantic expedition 1876-1878 =


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