(59) Blaðsíða 55 (59) Blaðsíða 55
JÓHANNES S. KJARVAL During the 19th century, romantic poets opened lcelanders’ eyes to native values: their ancient cultural heritage, language and ethnic identity. It is not far off the mark to say that Kjarval completed that renascence by adding the land itself to the traditional vistas of perception and imagination, inviting his compatriots to see this subject in a very narrow and penetrating focus at times - while simultaneously laying the groundwork for modern lcelandic painting. If Kjarval is credited with such a role, he shares it with Þórarinn B. Þorláksson, Ásgrímur Jónsson and Jón Stefánsson. Kjarval is more or less the lcelandic counterpart of Edward Munch in Norway, Jack Yeats in Ireland and possibly Ferdinand Hodler in Switzerland. All these painters guided their countrymen into the 20th century in a sense; all had reached middle age when they won the native recognition that they needed; all were both national- istic and international in their art. And all are valued today for their masterful interpretation of distinct traits of their respective lands and cultures; in each case, most citizens join ranks as admirers of the artist - at any rate on festive occasions. Admittedly, this grouping of the foursome is risky as these painters are very different in many ways. Nonetheless, the comparison is justified as it may throw some light on the artistic roots of Kjarval, whose work is familiar to rather few outside his native country - a state of affairs deplored by many lcelanders. To take this line of explanation a step farther, all these men belong to a school that has been called northern Expressionism - Munch with his psychological probing, Yeats with his scenes from Irish life, Hodler with his solemn symbolic interpretation, and Kjarval with his homage to lcelandic landscapes and their benign supernatural denizens. By informed estimates, Kjarval left behind a corpus approaching 6 000 works: paintings, drawings, murals, prints, etc. Included in that count are numerous out- standing portraits, especially ink drawings, still lifes and pictures displaying sym- bolic characters. But this variety notwithstanding, Kjarval’s landscapes and fanta- sies inspired by scenery are unquestionably the centrepiece of his achievements. An approach that comes to mind in evaluating his art, therefore, is to group him with several romantic landscape expressionists - a company including such renowned painters as Emil Nolde, Chaim Soutine and Oskar Kokoschka. Kjarval’s landscapes can readily be studied from an international viewpoint, and no apologies need to be made for them in any such context. It is fairly clear, however, 55
(1) Kápa
(2) Kápa
(3) Saurblað
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(93) Saurblað
(94) Saurblað
(95) Kápa
(96) Kápa
(97) Kvarði
(98) Litaspjald

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