(33) Blaðsíða 29 (33) Blaðsíða 29
CAPTAIN ALLEN YOUNG’S REPORTS. 29 N., 75° E. from Cape Bille,* we got bottom in 1135 fathoms ; and again, 1052 fathoms, with good specimens of mud, at a distance of 03 miles. We then carried in soundings to 170 fathoms, 10 miles from the land, Cape Bille bearing N., 40° W. We had previously passed through some light streams of drift-ice; and on this day, September 12th, I filled up fresh water from a floe-piece, and then approached the land, the ice being close and heavy under the land; and in the evening, being surrounded with loose pieces, I kept away to southward along the shore, until daylight, when I stood in to about three miles off the high island called by the natives Omenarsuk. Some closely-packed ice lay here along the coast, the easterly wind keeping it upon the land; and seeing no opening to enable us to get in at that time, with no prospect of an off-shore wind to disperse it, I continued following the trend of the land and looking for an open harbour. Views of the land, angles and observations for fixing positions, &c., were obtained as we coasted along. A dark water-sky off Lindenow fiord led me to hope that I should there be able to obtain anchorage; but in the afternoon of September 13tli the wind freshened from S.S.W., and the weather began to threaten a repetition of the violent gales we had already experienced, and to bring back fresh ice from about Cape Farewell; and as the floe pieces were very close around the ship, and I saw no prospect of reaching a harbour on that evening, I had no alternative but to stand off for the * Since the surveying voyage of Col. Shaffner to the east coast of Greenland in 1859, it has not been proposed to land the. cable on that coast north of Prince Christian Sound, but to carry it into that fiord or channel. The object of the “ F°x ” in making the coast so far north was for the purpose of making all the observations possible that might be interesting in physical science. Heavy gales prevented the “ Fox ” from making Prince Christian Sound, and she proceeded to the west coast, where the surveys proved to be favourable for the landing of the Iceland and the Labrador cables in the same fiord.
(1) Band
(2) Band
(3) Saurblað
(4) Saurblað
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(65) Mynd
(66) Mynd
(67) Saurblað
(68) Saurblað
(69) Band
(70) Band
(71) Kjölur
(72) Framsnið
(73) Kvarði
(74) Litaspjald

The North Atlantic telegraph via the Færöe Isles, Iceland, and Greenland


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Tengja á þessa bók: The North Atlantic telegraph via the Færöe Isles, Iceland, and Greenland

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