(30) Blaðsíða 758 (30) Blaðsíða 758
75S kerguelen^s voyage to the north. fea, we made the Ferro Illes. I pafled two leagues fouth of a rock laying fouth of the iflands, and diftant from them by appearance about a league. I perceived breakers at half a league from this rock. At noon I took an elevation under the land, and found, after making a back obfervation to try my former by, after noticing the bearing, and caking my log-book, that thefe iflands are correctly laid down in Mr. Beilin’s map. We found 18° of variation from two correfponding elevations. After doubling the ifles of Ferro, I directed my courfe to the northward to make the Shetland Ifles ; but not falling in with them on the twenty-eighth, at four in the morning, and judging by the way I had made, that I muff have pafled them, (for I had continually fleered E. one quarter S. E.) I tacked to the S. E. one quarter E. to proceed to Berghen. I believe that the currents carried me towards the north in my paflfage from the ifles of Ferro to Shetland, I muftobferve as well that in the paflage I had two floods to one ■ebb tide. The twenty-ninth the wind frefh and flrong from the N. W., the fea very heavy, with a thick fog. In fuch weather I was not defirous of encountering the coafts of Norway. I kept under main and forefail, and employed myfelf in taking foundings, waiting for more favourable weather. The thirtieth, at five o’clock in the morning, the weather brightening and the wind becoming lighter, I fleered E. S. E. with a north wind to make land ; but obferving at noon that I was in latitude 590 12', I faw that I was too far to S. to enter by the way of Cruxfiord, which is the morteft and the meft ufual paflage ; I worked to windward, it blew N., and I fleered N. E. As I was by obfervation 18' more to the fouth than by my log, I fought for the caufe of this difference in the pofition of the iflands, and the coafls of the north, which, by the manner of their lying, govern the following courfe of currents. At flood the tide flows from the W. S. W. upon the ifles of Shetland, and, changing its direftion on ebbing, flows S. S. E. varying its courfe according to the line of the coaft, as far as to the ftraights of Dover, but the waves meeting here with another flood, flow back, and throw themfelves upon the coafts of Jutland, which fends them back to Cape Derneus, from which they take their courfe, direftion, and motion, ac- cording to the pofition of the coafls of Norway : this, according to my opinion, is the caufe of the current, which runs always to the fouth on the coafts of Shetland, and that which runs always north on thofe of Norway : this general movement not interfering with the ebb and flow incident to each particular fpot. It is here that I ftiould notice the obfervations I made for knowing with certainty, by founding, whether a Ihip be ap- proaching the coaft of Shetland, or Norway, which is of confequence, and interefting for thofe veffels which cruife or navigate thefe feas, almoft continually over Ihadowed with fogs. When in the middle of the channel between the ifles of Shetland and the coaft of Norway, or but little diftant from the middle, there are 65, 70, and 75 fathoms of water, clean and fine fand. On nearing Shetland the depth does not diminilh, it ra- ther increafes in different places ; but the bottom is different, the fand is larger, darker, and mixed more with gravel the clofer you get to’lhore. On the contrary, when approach- ing the coafls of Norway, the depth of water fenfibly increafes, the bottom changes, be- coming more muddy, and this mud becomes lefs dark as you go near the coaft of Norway. This channel is called the Great Tun by mariners, and the paflage between the Arcades and the Shetland Ifles in the north or fouth of the little ifland Fairehil, which is in me middle, is called the Little Tun. The firft of July, at three o’clock in the morning, having fleered E. N. E. with very little wind from the N. from the preceding noon, I made land; it was perfectly calm, 10 and
(1) Band
(2) Band
(3) Saurblað
(4) Saurblað
(5) Blaðsíða 735
(6) Blaðsíða 736
(7) Blaðsíða 737
(8) Blaðsíða 738
(9) Blaðsíða 739
(10) Blaðsíða 740
(11) Blaðsíða 741
(12) Blaðsíða 742
(13) Blaðsíða 743
(14) Blaðsíða 744
(15) Blaðsíða 745
(16) Blaðsíða 746
(17) Blaðsíða 747
(18) Blaðsíða 748
(19) Blaðsíða 749
(20) Blaðsíða 750
(21) Mynd
(22) Mynd
(23) Blaðsíða 751
(24) Blaðsíða 752
(25) Blaðsíða 753
(26) Blaðsíða 754
(27) Blaðsíða 755
(28) Blaðsíða 756
(29) Blaðsíða 757
(30) Blaðsíða 758
(31) Blaðsíða 759
(32) Blaðsíða 760
(33) Blaðsíða 761
(34) Blaðsíða 762
(35) Blaðsíða 763
(36) Blaðsíða 764
(37) Blaðsíða 765
(38) Blaðsíða 766
(39) Blaðsíða 767
(40) Blaðsíða 768
(41) Blaðsíða 769
(42) Blaðsíða 770
(43) Blaðsíða 771
(44) Blaðsíða 772
(45) Blaðsíða 773
(46) Blaðsíða 774
(47) Blaðsíða 775
(48) Blaðsíða 776
(49) Blaðsíða 777
(50) Blaðsíða 778
(51) Blaðsíða 779
(52) Blaðsíða 780
(53) Blaðsíða 781
(54) Blaðsíða 782
(55) Blaðsíða 783
(56) Blaðsíða 784
(57) Blaðsíða 785
(58) Blaðsíða 786
(59) Blaðsíða 787
(60) Blaðsíða 788
(61) Blaðsíða 789
(62) Blaðsíða 790
(63) Blaðsíða 791
(64) Blaðsíða 792
(65) Blaðsíða 793
(66) Blaðsíða 794
(67) Blaðsíða 795
(68) Blaðsíða 796
(69) Blaðsíða 797
(70) Blaðsíða 798
(71) Blaðsíða 799
(72) Blaðsíða 800
(73) Blaðsíða 801
(74) Blaðsíða 802
(75) Blaðsíða 803
(76) Blaðsíða 804
(77) Saurblað
(78) Saurblað
(79) Band
(80) Band
(81) Kjölur
(82) Framsnið
(83) Kvarði
(84) Litaspjald

Relation of a voyage in the North Sea, along the coasts of Iceland, Greenland, Ferro, Shetland the Orcades, and Norway, made in the years 1767 and 1768


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Tengja á þessa bók: Relation of a voyage in the North Sea, along the coasts of Iceland, Greenland, Ferro, Shetland the Orcades, and Norway, made in the years 1767 and 1768

Tengja á þessa síðu: (30) Blaðsíða 758

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