(16) Blaðsíða 16
dugustu Skipan, til almene|legrar Brwku-
nar. | — | Selst innbundenn 10. Fiskutn. I — |
Prentadur av Hoolum í Hialltadal, | Af Gud-
munde Jons Syne, 1781.
8.° f. [1], pp. 1-198. Contcnts:—Titlc-folio , on
revcrso noto (Þeir sem kcnna odrura) on tlio usc of thc
book, with ornameuts; text (Sai litle Lutheri | Catlie-
chismus.), pp. 1-15 ; Stutt Agrip | Þess christelega Lær-
« dooms, pp. 15-25; Utskijring | Catechismi, pp. 20-189;
Morgun [og Kvold] Bien, pp. 190-192; Bæner, pp. 193-
198; Prent-Villur, p. 198.—The version by Högni Si-
gurðsson of Bp. Erik Pontoppidan’s edition of the Luther
Catecliism; see Bibl. Not. IV., no. G6.
62. Uiu ! Innolegu Bnsm.ala | ai Sum-
rum. | □ | — j Hrappsey 1790, | Urýckt [sic] af
Magnúse Móberg.
8.° iT. [2], pp. G-48. Contents :—Title-folio,
reverso blank; dedicatory letter (to Olafr Stepliausson),
f. [2]ab, signed M. Ketilsson ; text, pp. [5]-48. This
treatiso on the culture of cattle is ono of niany simil-
arly practical essays by Maguús Ketilsson; see no. 53.
63. Samþycktir [ liins 1 Islendska 1 Lands-
Uppfrædíngar Fólags. | □ | — | Leirárgord-
um vid Loirá 1796. | prentadar af Bókþryck-
iara | G. J. Schagíiord.
8.° f. [1], pp. ‘1-16. Contents:—Title-folio, rc-
vcrso blauk ; Sumþycktir, pp. [3]-12; Auglýsing, p. 12;
Npfn Medlima, pp. [13]-4G.—Concerning this society
(Landsuppfrtcöingarfólag) seo Bibl. Not. I., uo. 95 (noto).
64. Lærdóms-Bók | i | Evangeliskum kri-
stilegum | Trúarbrogdum, j handa ! Unglíng-
um. |—í Selst almennt innbundin lOfiskum.
— i Leirárgerdum vid Leirá, 1796. Prentud
eptir samkomulagi vid ]iad íslendska [ Lands-
uppfrædingar Felag, á lcost-'nad Biorns Gott-
skalkssonar, | af Bókpryckjara G. J. Schag-
12.“ in Gs. ff. [2], pp. VI-XXIV, 2-1G8. Con-
tcnts : — Title-folio, on reverse an Auglýsing in regard to
the introduction and use of tlio book; Advorun til
Kénnendanna, f. [2]ab; Sá litli | Liitliers | Catechismus.,
pp. [V]-XXIV ; text (Fyrsti Kapituli.), pp. [1]-159; Stutt
Agrip | af | llofud-lærdomum, pp. 1G0-168; prentvillur,
p. 1G8.—Tho ‘Lærebog i don evangelisk-christelige Itel-
igion’ (Copenhagen 1791) by N. E. Balle, bishop of
Zealand, was, by a royal rescript of 1792, introduced
iuto all tho Danisli states as the text-book for the re-
ligious instruction of youtli. This translation into Ice-
landic was madc by Einar Guðmundsson (17G2-1817),
who died as a clergyman iuNorway, aud as the prefaco
to this (first?) edition states, was rovised by Bp. Hannes
Finnsson. Among tlie other editions is one of Copeu-
liagen 1816; tlie latest issue is Keykjavik 1882; sec nos.
73, 106 aud HO.
65. [Spurningar | til | þeirrar allranádu-
gast uppábodnu | Lærdóms-Bókar | í | Evan-
eliskum kristilegum | Trúarhrogdum, I han-
a j Unglíngum. | — | Seliast almennt inn-
festar 7 skildíngum. | —• | Loirárgordum vid
Leirá, 1797. | Prontadar ad tilhlutun pess
íslendska ] Lands-uppfrædíngar Felags, á
kost-jnad Bjorns Gottskálkssonar, | af Bók-
jiryckjara G-. J. Schagfjord.]
12.° fif. [2?], pp. 2-54. Contents:—Title-folio;
Til Lesarans, f. [2V]ab?; text, pp. [l]-54. This copy
of quostions on tiie catecliism (differing from those of
Bp. Sigurður Stefánsson whicli form the next following
title) lacks the title-folio and probably a succeeding leáf
containing the preface. Tlio titlo here given, is how-
ever, believed to bo quite ac.curatc.—Theso queries for
use in conuection with Balle’s ‘Lærdómshók’ (sec no.
64) werc compiled by Bjarní Arngrimsson (seo Bp. Pó-
tur Pótursson’s ‘Ilistoria Ecclesiastica, ’ p. 395), rector
of Melar and Leirá (1768-1821).
66. Spursmail J til peirrar niju | Lær- f
dooms Bookar | i | Evangeliskum kristele-
gum { Trwarbrogdum. | — | Seliast Innbun-
deii 9. Skilldinga. | — | Þryckt ai Hoolum i
Hialltadal Af | Marcuse Þorlaiks Syne, 11797.
12.° f. [1], pp. 1-72. Contcnts:—Titlo-page; Til
Lesarans., signcd by Bp. Sigurður Stefánsson, f. [l]b;
text (Fyrstc Capituli), pp. 1-61; Lijtill Vidurauke fyrer |
siwkt og deyande Foolk, pp. 61-70; Bæn um Morgun-
nen., pp. 70-71; additional questions (Þessi Spursmail),
p. 72.—These questions on tho Balle ‘Lærdómsbók’
having boen compiled and published by Bp. Sigurður
Stefánsson , are sometimes styled ‘ Sigurðarspurningar ’
or ‘ Biskupsspurniugar; ’ they differ sliglitly from those
of Bjarni Arngrímsson (see no. 65).—The printer of
this book, Markús Þorlákssou, is erroneously nanied
Markús Þúrðarsson by Jón Borgfirðingur in liis ‘Söguá-
grip um Prentsmiðjur og Prentara á íslandi’ (see. p. 36),
a mistake perpetuated by the British Museum ‘ Cata-
logue of tlic Books piúnted in Iceland’ in its “Chrono-
logical List of Printers in Icoland. ”
67. Þad Andlega | Bæna Eey-jkelse, |
Pess gooda Guds Malis j Sr. Uordar Baardar-j
sonar, j Fordum i Biskups Twngum | Og pad
sama i andlegt j Psalma Saljve sett og snwed |
Af | Benediclit Magnus | Syne Bech, f Fyr-
rum Vallds Manei Hegraness Sijslu. | — | Sel-
iast Inbundnar 20. Skilldinga Oinbund-Jnar
16. Skilldinga. j — I Prentad ai Hoolum i
Hialltadal, j Af Marcuse Uorlakssyne 1797.
12.° f. [1], pp. 1-190. Contcnts:—Title-page;
Til Lesarans , signed by Bp. Sigurður Stefánsson, f. [l]b;
text (Inngaingurenn.), pp. 1-183; Viku-Saungur Olea-
rii, pp. 183-188; Psalmur Ordtur af Sr. Þ. J. S. [—Þó-
rarinn Jónsson] sa Myrk-ai, pp. 188-190.—SeeBibl. Not.
IV., 47, where tliis edition of Þórður Bárðarson’s i Bæ-
nabók, ’ with B. M. Beck’s inetrical rendering of tlie
prayers, is omitted from the list there given.
68. Æfisaga | Margrétar Finnsdóttur J
Eckiufrúr | Jóns Teitssonar | Biskups yíjr
Hóla-Stipti. | — | Leirárgordum vid Leirá,
1797 | Prentud af Bókþryckjara G. J. Scliag-
8.° f. [1], pp. 4-lG. Contents:—Title-folio, re-
verse blank ; text, pp. [3]-lG. The final page of this bio-
grapliical memorial contains the inscription ou the tomb
of Bp. Jón Teitsson and liis wifo in tho cathedral at
Ilólar,—Tlie subject of the memoir was tho daugliter
of tlie distinguislied Bp. Finnur Jónsson, author of the
‘ Historia Ecclesiastica Islandiæ, ’ so often cited in these
Notes; she was born in 1734 and died in 1796.—Tlio
writer of tlie biography is nowliere cited.
69. Acta | Yfirréttarins | á Islandi | fyrir
árin 1792-1796. | □ J - | Loirárgordum vid
Leirá, 1797. | Prentud a kostnad Notarii B.
Stephensens, | af Bókþrýckjara G. J. Scliag-
8.° f. [1], pp. 2-66. Cóntents:—'Title-page; Aug-
lýsíng (in regard to the publication of tlie Acta), f. [l]b;
text, pp. [1]-G6.—The first of five small volumes, con-
taiuing the proceedings of the principal court of Iceland
from 1796 back to 1763, printed between 1797 and 1802
(see Bruun, I. 694). The collection still lacks tliose
printed in 1799 (for 1777-82) and 1802 (for 1763-67).—
See nos. *?0 and 7*7.
70. Acta j Yfirréttarins | á Islandi fyrir
árin 1783-1791. | □ | — | Leirárgordum vid
Leirá, 1798. | Prentnd á kostnad Notarii
B. Stepliensens, | af Bókþryckjara G. J.
8.° f. [1], pp. 4-42. Contcnts:—Title-folio, ro-
verso blank; text, pp. [3]-42. The title-page vignette
represents thc arms of Denr'ark surrounded by those of
the Danish provinces, being +he same as that on tlio
titlc-page of the preceding titlc.
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