(22) Blaðsíða 22
115. Æfi- og Utfarar-Minníng Danni-
brogsmanns Jóns Sighvatssonar.—A Prent
útgófin af Bornum hans. — Yideyar Klaust-
8.° f. [1], pp. 4-99. Contcnts:—Title-folio , re-
verse blauk; text (autobiographical sketch) pp. [3]-14 ;
continuation of lifo pp. 14-20; noto on funeral, p. 21;
address (Ilússkvedja), signed B. li. S. [=Einar llryn-
jólfsson Sivertsen, rector of Gufudalur, died 1862], pp.
22-34; second address, signed S., pp. 34-13; tliird ad-
dress (in Dauish) signed by Carl Ernest Jacobsen , cand.
phil., pp. 43-44; fourtli address, signed G. J. B. [=Geir
Jónsson IJaclimann, then rector of Staður i Grindavik
and afterwards of Miklaliolt, deceased 1885], pp. 45-52;
fiftli address by Pótur Jónsson, rector of the parisli, pp.
56-75; final words, signed A [=probably the daughter
of Jón Sighvatsson], pp. 75-83; funeral inscription and
memorial verses by S[veinbjörn] Egilson, O. S. S.
[=Ögmundur Sigurðsson, rector of Tjörn, died 1845],
B. B. S. [=Bjarni Bjarnason i Njaríivik], G. B. S.
[=Guí)mundur Braudsson, alþíngismaöur, died 1861],
Guðmuudur Póturson, mercantile agent in Hagnarfijör-
bur, B. M. S. [=Bjarni Magnússon í Njarbvik], O. E.,
.T. II., and another. The genoalogy of the deceasod is
givon in the foot-notcs to pp. 2-4, 8-12, 14-21 and 35-43,
and was compiled by SigurÖur lírynjólfsson Sivertsen ,
rector of Utskálar.—The subject of tlie memoir, Jón
Siglivatsson (1759-1841), was a man widely known and
respected, wlio lived at llöskuldarkot (Ytri-Njarövik) in
southwesteru Iceland.
116. Minning Ragnheidar Gudmundsdót-
t-ur.—Utgéfin á kostnaii ektamanns onnar
framlidnu Jóns hreppstjóra Jónssonar.—Vid-
eyar lvlaustri. — 1842.
8.° f. [1], pp. 4-20. Contents:—'Title-folio, re-
vcrso blank; address (húsrædi) by dean Arni Holgason, pp.
[3]-7; sermon by dean Ilelgi G. Tliordei-sen, pp. 8-19 ;
grafskrift by Jóu Jónsson, p. 20.—The subject of tlie
memorial was born October 15, 1766 and died August24,
1840; slic married, first, Páll Jónsson (of Gufunes), and,
sccondly, Jón Jónson (of Elliöavatn).
117. Kristinndóms Bók lianda Börnum,
útgófin og útlogd af S. B. Sivertsen Presti
til Utskáia og Hvalsness-safnada.—Selst
óinnbundin á prentpappir G0 /3. S. M.—Vid-
eyar Klaustri.—1842.
8.° f. [1], pp. 4-11, 2-208. ContentsTitle-folio,
reversc blank; preface, signed by tlie translator, pp.
[3]-8; table of contents (Inntakid), pp. 9-11; text (Sain-
tal 1-55), pp. [1]-191; Nokkrar barna Bænir og Sálm-
vers, pp. 192-208.—Compiled origiually by tho Gorman
religíous writer, Georg Prledrich Seiler (1733-1807),
profcssor of theology at Erlangen. The translator, Sig-
urdur Brynólfsson Sivertsen , was born Reykjavík, No-
vembcr 2, 1808, and died Útskálar (i Garði), May 24,
1887. Ile wroto many tlieological and otlier works; see
Bibl. Not. IV., no. 136.
118. Bodsbréf. [Viðeyar Klaustri] 1843.
8.° íf. [2].—Proposal for publishing a volume of
sormons on tlie passion by Olafur Iudriðason, rector of
KolfrcyustaÖur, signed by Bp. Steingrímur Jónson.
Tho serinons (‘Sjö Fnstupródikanir’) wero issued tlio
following year (see Bibl. Not. I., no. 137).
119. Auglýsing um Vestur-amtsinsBúnad-
ar-sjód fyrir Arin 1841, 1842 og 1843, útgófin
af stjórnnndum ens sama Ivonferentsrádi og
Amtmanni B. Thorsteinson Kiddara af Dana-
brog og Danabr. manni og Sýslumanni A.
Thorsteinson í Snæfells Sýslu.—Videyar
Klaustri. Prentud á Sjódsins kostnad 1844.
8.° f. [1], pp. 4-16. Contcnts:—Title-folio, re-
verso blank; preliminary note, pp.[3]-5; accounts (1-3),
pp. 6-16.—Reports concerning tho agricultural fund of
tlio Western Amt (or division) of Iceland, signed by tlie
directors of the fund, Bjarni Thorsteinsson (1781-1876)
and Arni Thorsteinsson (1801-1818).
120. Agrip af Hallbjarnareyar Hospitals
Reikníngum, fyrir árin I. 1822 til 1885 og II.
1836 til 1843.—Utgófid á Stiptunarinnar kost-
nad, af liennar Stjórnendum, Biskupi Stein-
grími Jónssyni Kommand. af Danabr. og D.
M. og Konferentsrádi, Amtmanni B. Thor-
steinsson Ridd. af Danabr. og D. M.— Vid-
eyar Klaustri, 1844.
4.° pp. 2-10. Tho tables of accounts bogin on tlie
reverse of the title-Tolio. They relato to a hospital at
llallbjarnareyri in Snæfellsnessýsla; of the two mana-
gers of the fund, Bp. Steingrímur Jónsson (or Joliusen)
died tlio following year (Juno 14, 1845).
121. Æfintýrid af Selikó og Berissu til-
fallid árid 1727. Snúid úr Fronsku máli á
Islendsku af Dr. Hallgrími Scheving. En á
Ljódmæli snúid af Hallgrími Jónssyni 1840.
Nokkud áukid af Landaskipunarfrædinni, og
þeim Fetisku trúarbrogdum Sudurálfunnar,
til frekari upplisíngar fyrir fáfródari.—Vid-
eyar Klaustri. 1844.
12.° f. [1], pp. 4-58, f. [1]. Contents:—Title-fo-
lio, reverse blank; toxt (rimur 1-5), pp. [3]-58; price of
book, f. [l]b, obverse blauk.—This íittlo African romance
was originally written by the French novelist, J. P. Cla-
ris de Florian, from wliom it was trauslated (in prose)
by thc noted scholar, Hallgrimur Sclieving (1781-1861),
and published anonymously in Maguús Stepliensen’s
‘Gaman og Alvara’ (II. 1818, pp. 233-247) under tlio title
of‘Seliko (Afrikanisk Frásaga). ’—Ilallgrímur Jónsson,
tlie autlior of tliis poctical version of ‘ Seliko og Beris-
sa’—done into rimur—was^i farmcr at Nautabú (i Ska-
gafiröi) wliero lie died in 1861.—Very few of tlie popular
Icelandic rimur, or rhymed romancos, were printed in-
dependontly until tho establishmont of the Ilrappsey
pross, which in 1775 issued tlie ‘ Ulfarsrimur, ’ aud fol-
lowed it bv several otliers. But before that date somo
liad becu inserted in Bp. Guöbrandur Þorláksson’s col-
lection of sacred verse,the Ny Yiisna Bol: (Hólar 1612)—
in part i. the ‘Rijmur ap Bokenne Ruth,’ tlie ‘Rijmur
ap Bokenue Juditli,’ the ‘Rijmur af Bokeúe Estíior,’
tho ‘Rijmur ap Tobias kuednar ap Sijra Jone Biarnar
Syne, ’ and in part ii. tlic ‘Josus Syracli Bok, snuenu j
Rijmur. S. Jon Biarnar son; ’ tlio volume containing
these religious rimur was subsequently reedited by Bp.
Halldór Brynjólfssou as Su Gamla Vijsna-Book (Hólar
1758). Moreovor in Eric Juliits Björner’s Nordiske Kdm-
padatcr (Stockholm 1737) appeared tlie ‘Grimlur’ or
‘Rimur Gríms og lljálmars. ’ Besides these works the
collection has many volumes of a later period in which
ono or morc of the rímur may bo found in tlie midst of
other matter. Sttch are Grönlands Jlistoriske Mindes-
mœrker (Kjöbenliavn 1838-45), iuwhicli Finnur Magnús-
son has edited the ‘ Skáld-IIolga rímur; ’ Theodor
Möbius’s edition of tho ‘ Edda Sœmundar 7iins Fróða
(Leipzig 1860), containing the ‘Þrymlur’ or ‘ Rímur af
Þryin ’ and the ‘Rímur frá Völsungi hinum óborna;’
Nokkur Ljóðmœli cptir Brynjúlf Oddsson (Reykjavik
1869), with tlic autlior’s ‘Dáta-rima’ and ‘Otursríma;’
Eugen Kölbiug’8 Bcitrdge zur vergleicJiendcn GeschicJite
dcs romaniscJicn Poesic und Prosa dcs Mittelaltcrs (Bres-
lau 1876), witli the ‘ Virgilius-rimur, ’ and fragments of
many others; Vcrsions nordiqucs du fabliau franqais
“ Lc mantcl Mautilliéedite'd by Gustaf Cederschiöldánd
F. A. 'WulfF (Lund 1877), witli tho ‘Skikkju rimur; ’ E.
Koschwitz’s. Scc/is Bcarbeitungcn des alffranzösischen
GedicJits von JCarl des Grosscn licisc nacJi Jcrusalem
(Hcilbronn 1879), in wliich E. Ivölbing edits tlio ‘Geip-.
lur ; ’ Tlieodor Wisén’s Carmina norrœna (Luud 1880), in
which tlie text ends with thc ‘ Skíöarima; ’ tlie santo
scliolar’s Riddararimur (Lund and Copenliagcn 1881), in-
cluding tho ‘ Horbllrtsrimur,, tho ‘ Konráösrimur ’ and the
‘Filipó rimtlr fagra; ’ Guðbrandur Vigfússon’s Corpus
Poeticvm Borcalc (Oxford 1883), which once more odits
the ‘ Skiðarima, ’ publishes tlio vcry old (14th contury)
‘Olafs-rima’by Einar Gilsson, and treats the wholo
subject of tlic rímur; and Eugen Kölbing’s AltcngliscJic
BibliotJicJc II. (Ileilbronn 1884), with tho ‘Amíkusrímur
og Amílius; ’ and Jón Þorkelsson tho younger’s treatise
Om Digtningcn pd Island i det 15. og 1G. ÁrJiundrade
(Köbenhavn 1888), in which tliero are a multitude of
extracts from tlio innumerable inedited rimttr, while tlio
wliole of the important sectiou II. is devotcd to “Ríraur
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