(7) Blaðsíða 7
Hialltadal, Epter Bon ? | Forlæge pess Fro-
ma, Veluijsa E-Jruverduga Heidurs Manns,
Thorleips Magnus sonar | ad Iilijdaronde. J
Anno 1647.
8.° ff. [180]; sigs. [1], A—Y (tlie last in 4). Con-
tcnts:—Title-page; Formaalen yfer | Psaltarann., f. lb-
7b; Summaria yfer all|an Psaltaran. | D. Martli. Jjuth.,
ff. 7b-8b; text (I Psalmur), ff. 9a-180a (Ender Psallta-
rans.), with a final ornament. The contents are thus
tho same as in tlie socond edition. Þorleifur Magnússon
(á Illibarenda), sýslumabur, at whose instance tlie edi-
tion was publislied, was a man of great esteem in his
pay; lie died iu 1G52.
7. Ein | Nytsamleg | Bænabook [ Sem le-
sast maa, a sier|huorium Deige Vikunar Ku-|
olld og Morgna, | Asamt od|rum adskilianle-
gum | Tijmum. | Samanskripud j Þysku |
Mmle, Af M. Johane | Lassenio. | En a
Islendsku wtlogd | Ap S. Thorsteine Gufiars
Syne, Kyrkiupreste aa | Hoolum. 1681. At
end, Þryekt a Hoolum j Hi|allta Dal, Af Jone
Snor|ra syne, Aíio 1682.
12.° ff. [6], 1-95, [1]; sigs. A—I (tiie last in 6);
running titles and paginal catclnvords; ornaments and
woodcut. Contcnts:—Title-page ; woodcut, crowned
stockfisli on sliield , above it: INSIGNIA, and below :
ISIjANDIÆ, tlie wliolo enclosed in a made-up border,
f. [l]b; Til Lesarans, signed : Gysle Thorl. S., and dated
Hoolum. 1682., f. [2]ab; dedicatory letter to tlie third
wifo of Bp. Gisli Þorláksson (Ehrugopugre Gudhrred|dre
t? Dygdu prijdre Ilufdings [ Matrona. j ltAGNEide JOns |
Dottur.), ff. [3]a-[6]a, signed by the trauslator (Th. G.
S.) and dated: Skripad aa Hoolum. | Þau I. Januarij*. |
Afio 1682.; threo citations from the Scriptures (Matli. 26.,
Jac. 5., Joel. 2.) with ornaments, f. [6]b; text (Ein
Hiartanleg And-|varpan, ff. la-95i>; table of coutents
(Ifiehalld þessarar j Brenabooker.) ff. 95b-[l]b . followed
by the colophon and an ornament.—This is tlie larger
book of prayers by Johann Lassenius (see Bibl. Not. I.,
no. 34), being the first edition of tho version, wliich was
afterwards reprinted twice at Copenliagen (1743, Berling,
and 1746, Glasing,—botli in the collection), and still
later at Hólar 1772.—The translator, Þorsteinn Gun-
narsson (b. 1616), ceased to be dean at Ilólar 1686 , but
became in 1688 dean of Skálholt, wliere lie died in 1690.
Ile preaclied the funeral-sermon of Bp. Gisli Þorláksson
(IIól. 1685), rendered portions of tlie postils of Lucas
Lossius , wliicli werc published under the title of ‘ Me-
dulla epistolica’ at Skálholt in 1690 (see B. M. Cat., 6),
and, according to Finnur Jónsson (III., 677-8), trans-
lated from the German various tracts issued at Skálliolt
in 1691 (but see Bibl. Not. IV., no. 26).
8. Þær FiiTitiju | Heilogu } Meditationes |
Edur | Hugvekiur, | Pess Haitt-upplijsta j
Doct. Iohannis Gerhardi, j Miuklega og na-
kvæmlega snunar i | Psalm-Yijsur, | Ap peim
Froma og Gudhrædda | Kienemanne, | Sr. Si-
gurde Jonssyne j Ad Prest-lioolum. | Psalm.
19. v. 5. | Lait })ier pocknast Ordrædur mijns |
Muiis, og Mavled rnijns Iíiarta, pirer ) Aug-
lite þijnu, DRotten miii Hialpare og j miíi
Endurlausnare. | Editio V. | — fÞrickt a IIoo-
lum i Hialltadal, j Anno M. DÓC III.
8.° f. [1], pp. 1-151, ff. [2] ; sigs. A—K; initials and
ornaments ; music in text. Contents:—Title-folio, on
reverse woodcut of the Ascension, with passage from
Eplies. 5. v. 14; text (I. Hugvekiu Palmur.), pp. 1-154,
terminating with an ornament; Kegistur ifer þessa
Hugvekiu | Psalma., ff. la-2a; Errata, f. 2b, the final
page ending witli a small ornament.—The edition is
profusely provided witli marginal rcferences to the
Scriptures, possibly the work of Bp. Björn Þorleifsson.
A special bibliograpliical interest attaches to the issue,
since its date indicates tliat the Ilólar press—after the
period of its removal to Skálholt— was reestablished in
1703 and not in 1704, which is the year designated by
various writers (see the interesting foot-noto in Jón
Borgfirbingur’s ‘ Soguágrip um prentsmiöjur, ’ p. 27, and
also Bibl. Not. IV., no. 31, where tlie 12th line of tho
note needs correctiou).—It is noteasy to compile a perfect
list of tlie different issues of thcse hymns by Sigurður
Jónsson, pastor ot Presthólar (d. 1661), which are
based on Bp. Þorlákur Skúlason’s prose version of tlio
pious ‘ Meditations ’ or ‘Heilagar Hugvekjur’ of Johann
Gerhard, and are commonly cited as tlie ‘Hugvekju-
sálmar ’ (see Bibl. Not. I., no. 32). The following enu-
meration apparently omits the date of one of tlie impres-
sions:—1. Hólar 1652; 2. Hólar 1655 (“ prentad ad
nyu ”); 3. Hólar 1665; 4. Skálholt 1690; 5 Hólar 1703 ;
6. Hólar [?]; 7. Hólar 1728 (“Editio VII”); 8. Hólar
1740 (“ Editio VIII.”); 9. Kaupinannaliöfn 1742 (in ‘ Eiu
Ny Psalma Book Isslendsk,’ edited by Bp. Jón Árna-
son, pp. 269-352); 10. Kaupmanuahöfn 1746 (iu ‘Eiu
Ny Psalma Book Isslendsk,’ issued by the brotliers
Sigurður aud Pétur Þorsteinsson, pp. 269-352); 11. Hó-
lar 1751 (in ‘Ein Ny Psalma Bok Islendsk,’ pp. 389-
474); 12. Ilólar 1754; 13. Hólar 1772 (in tlie • Psalma
Flockar, ’ or first volume of the liymual of tliat date,
pp. 835-423); 14. Ilólar 1772 (witli otlier livmns by Si-
gurbur Jónsson, pp. 1-89); 15. Hólar 1780 (in the
‘Psalma Flockar,’ pp. 337-424); 16. Hólar 1780;
17. Kaupmaunaliöfn 1884 (iu tlie ‘Salmasafn’, pt. ii.,
pp. 61-144); 18. Viðey 1835 (in the Flokkabók of 1831-5);
19. Viðey 1843 (in tlie Flokkabók, pp. 301-384). The
14th édition, so far as the ‘ Hugvekiusálmar ’ and the
‘Dagleg Idkun Gudrreknifiar’ are concerned, is a re'ís-
sue of tlie sheets (with new pagination and signatures)
forming the 13th (Psalma Flockar) edition , but to the
153 pages occupied by tliese are added pp. 154-228,
and a ltegistur of first lines on four unnumbered pages
more, including the ‘Morguu Psalmar og Kvolld Psal-
mar,’ ‘ Misseraskipta Psalmar,’ and other liymns by
the sarae author—tlie wliole preceded by a valuable
preface from the pen of Hálfdan Eiuarsson. Iu the
same way tlic 16tli edition is a separate re'íssue, with
new pagiuation, of the I5th (Psalma Flockar) edition.—
It was, perliaps, in this fifth edition (or tlie preceding
one of 1690), tliat a 51st hymn by Jóu Einarsson, witli
music, was first_ added to tlio original 50, cutitled:
LI Psalmur. Vm Andlega Vpprisu Guds Barna. Nij-
lega med pogrfi Ton i Liood settur, Af Ileidurlegfi og
mipg-Vellærdfi Jone Einarsslne designato Rectore llola
Scli. (see Bibl. Not. I.. no. 69). ln tlie later edltions
this supplementary hyran lias been omitted. —Sigurður
Jópsson likewise versified, in 46 hymns, the prayerbook
of Johann Gerhard which was reudered into Icelandic,
also by IIp. Þorlákur Skúlason, uuder the title of
‘Dagleg Idkun Gudrreknefiar’ aud publislied at Iíólar
1652 (see B. M. Cat., 4). These ‘Dagleg Idkun Gud-
rækninnar’ hymns have been frequentlv issued witlx
tlie ‘Hugvekjusálmar ’ (as iu 1742, 1746, 1772 and 1835).
Another versification by the same poet is that of a book
of prayers for the week by Josua Stegmann, Lutlioran
bishop of Schaumburg; tlieso ‘ Vikubrenir ’ were ren-
dered into Icelandic prose in 1644 by Ólafur Hallsson,
rector of Grímstuuga (d. 1681) , but liave never been
published in that sliape; they form, in the poeticai
version, 14 hymns, for the morning and evening of each
day of the week, and were issued, as stated above, iii
1772. Another small collectiou of hymns, ascribed to
SigurÖur Jónsson, styled ‘ Misseraskiptasálmar , ’ seems
to have been first published in 1690 (Finnur Jónsson ,
p. 677), not separatcly in octavo, as Bp. Finnur states,
but in duodecimo with the ‘ Hugvekjusálmar’ of tliat
year (see below). He likewise wrote, accordiug to
Hálfdau Einarsson (p. 60), a series of hymnson the Bib-
lical story of Josepli, which are most likely still ined-
ited. Various otlier lij'mns by liim are to be found in
tlie editions of the Icelandic liymnal uone more beau-
tiful than the favorite funeral liyran ,
O Jesú, Jesú, Jesú minn,
Ó Jesú, lifs míns liertoginn.
—The most important of the earlier editious of the
‘Hugvekjusálinar ’ was perliaps that of Skálholt 1690.
Its title is as follows :—
I3ær Firamtyu ! Heilogu Me-!ditationes
edur Hugvek-Jiur, | éess havtt Upplijsta |
Doctors Joliaunis Gor-;hardi , Mhvklega %
navkvæmlega | snunar j Psalmvijsur, med |
jmsum^Tonum. Afþeim Froma ogGud hræd-
da Kienemane, Savluga | S. Sigurde Jonssyne
ad | Prestholum. J — | Prentadar j pndia
sinn | I Shavlhollte, Anno 1690.
12.° On tlie reverse of the title-page is a scriptural
citation from Efes. 5. v. 14; the ‘ Ilugvekjusálmar ’
(1) Blaðsíða 1
(2) Blaðsíða 2
(3) Blaðsíða 3
(4) Blaðsíða 4
(5) Blaðsíða 5
(6) Blaðsíða 6
(7) Blaðsíða 7
(8) Blaðsíða 8
(9) Blaðsíða 9
(10) Blaðsíða 10
(11) Blaðsíða 11
(12) Blaðsíða 12
(13) Blaðsíða 13
(14) Blaðsíða 14
(15) Blaðsíða 15
(16) Blaðsíða 16
(17) Blaðsíða 17
(18) Blaðsíða 18
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(26) Blaðsíða 26
(27) Blaðsíða 27
(28) Blaðsíða 28
(29) Blaðsíða 29
(30) Blaðsíða 30
(2) Blaðsíða 2
(3) Blaðsíða 3
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(5) Blaðsíða 5
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(14) Blaðsíða 14
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(25) Blaðsíða 25
(26) Blaðsíða 26
(27) Blaðsíða 27
(28) Blaðsíða 28
(29) Blaðsíða 29
(30) Blaðsíða 30