(17) Blaðsíða 17
71. [Vorir Tímar standa i | G-udsHendi. |
— | Sldasta | andleg Bæda | sál Kennimanns-
ins | Jóns Árngrímssonar | Sóknarprosts til
Borgarpínga á M.vrum j flutt | Þremur do-
gum firir hans dauda | i Borgar kirkju | á
Nýársdag, 1798. | — | Leirárgordum vid
Léirá, 1798. ! Prentud af Bókjiryckjara G.
J. Schagfiord.]
12.° f. [1], pp. 4-48. ContentsTitle-folio, on
reverso prefnce (Til Lesendanna) by Arngrimur Jónsson
& B[jarni] Arngrímsson, dated Melum 20. Januarius
1798; toxt (Bæn), pp. [3J-46-4-.—Tlie autlior, Jón Arn-
grimsson (1769-1798), rector of Borg (i Borgarfirbi),
prcached this sermon three days before his death.—Tlio
copy lacks the final leaf (B xij), and has the title-page
in exact MS.
72. Lærdóms-Bók j í | evangeliskum krist-
ilegum j Trúarbrogdum, | handa | Unglíng-
um. | —j Selst almennt innbundin 10 fiskum. j
— | Leirárgordum vid Leirá, 1799. j Prentud
á kostnad Islands almennu Uppfrædíngar
Stiptunar, | af Factóri og Bókpryckjara G.
12.° in 6s. ff. [2], pp. vi-xxiv, 2-168. Contents: —
T-p.; Auglýsíug, f. [l]b; Advaran til Kénnendanua,
f. [2]ab; Sá litli | Lúthers | Catechismus., pp. [v]-xxiv;
text (Fyrsti Kapituli), pp. [1]-159, in 8 chapters; Stutt
Agrip 1 af | Hpfud-Lærdómum, pp. 160-168; l’rentvillur,
p. 168.—For otlier editions of this elementary religious
liandbook, translated from the Danish of Bp. N. E.
Ballc, see nos. 64, 106 and ÍIO in this issue. Therc
was also an edition of Leirárg. 1801 (12° a—al2 & A—G
12) in which the ‘Advaran’ occupics only one folio.
73. [Stuttur | Sida-Lærdomur | fyrir | go-
dra Manna Barn, | af j<T. H. Campe. j Utlag-
dur á Islendsku af | Gudlaugi Sveinssyni, |
Prófasti í Nordur-parti Isafjardar-svslu, | og
Sóknapresti til Vatnsfjardar. | Asámt I Vid-
bætir j um j Barna-Aga, | af | Mag. Hasse. J
Utlogdum af j Sigurdi Snorrasyni, | Exami-
nato Juris. | Selst almennt innbundinn 28
skild. | Leirárgordum vid Leirá, 1799. | Pren-
tadur á kostnad Islands almennu | Uppfræ-
dingar Stiptunar, | af Factori og Bók-
pryckjara G. Schagfiord.]
12.° in 6s. íf. [3?], pp. 2-212. ContcntsTitle-
folio; preface (Til Lesarans), signed M. Stephensen,
1T. [2V]a-[3V]b; toxt (Inngángurinn), pp. [1]-212.—For
the second edition of this rendering of Joacliim (uot
Johann) Heiurich Campe’s ‘ Kleino Seelenleliro ’ see
Bibl. Not. IV., no 131.—In tho present copy the title-
folio (as well as anytliing else preceding the preface) is
wanting; the title cited is, however, believed to be exact.
74. Kónglegur | Urskurdur [ um j Islands
Kauphondlun, in. fl. | — | Utgefinn pann 29da
Septembr. 1797. | og 1 eptir konúnglegri skip-
un j prentadur ad Leirárgordum vid Leira,
1799. | af | Factóri og Bókpryokjara | G. J.
8.° f. [1], pp. 4-16. Contcnts:—Title-folio, rc-
verse blank; text (Vjer Christján Sjoundi, j af Guds
Nád lvóngur til Damnerk-|ur), pp. [3]-16. A proclama-
tion relative to tho Icelandic trade.
75. Verdung \ Sigurdar Stephainssonar, |
Biskups | Hoola Stiptis | av | Islande | — j
Fraiufærd ! vid | Haiis Greftran pafi 24. Junii. j
1798. | — | Prickt aa Hoolum i Hialltadal, [ Af
Jooni Joonssyni | 1799.
8.° f. [1], pp. 3-63, tlie final ono blank. Con-
tents:—Titlc-page; 4 Biblical citations (Psalm. 116,
v. 15, 2. Corinth. Can. 1. v. 12, Ebræos Cap. 11.
v. 40 and Cap. 13. v. 14.) in a border, f. [1 ]b; bio-
grapliical sketch, pp. 3-22; 9 poetic eulogies , pp. 23-
58; 2 Icelandic and 1 Latin epitapli, pp. 58-62.—
The tliird eulogistic poom is Samsett af þess Savl :
Herra loflegu Miningar | skyldugum P^lskara | Bjar-
na Joonssyne ; the, 4th is apparently by Egill Eld-
járnsson, rector of Utskálar; and tlie 8th by Sigurbur
Arnason , rector of Goðdalir.—This is the last work is-
sued at Iiólar, wliicli had beeu the principal seat of Ice-
landic printiug for almost 230 years. Appropriately
enough this final production is a memorial of tlie last
Bishop of Hólar, for not long after Bp. Sigurður Stefáns-
son’s death in 1798 the two sees of Ilólar and Skálholt
wero united, and lleykjavik became tlie seat of tlie now
bishoprick. The typograpliy of the volume is very neat
and in good taste—exceptionally so consideriug tlio re-
sources of tlie establishment and tlie cliaractor of its
work during the last quarter of a century of its exist-
ence. It is notable that the nintli and last of tlie eulogies
should be entitled: Sorgar Bergmail j i Saratale lagad J
Hoola Prent-Smidiu og Hoola | Stiptis | eptir mistau
Mahgiædsku Speigil | Biskup Sigurd borin Stephani.
The first eight stanzas are put into tho .mouth of the
printing-oftice; tlie otlicr seven are a response to tliese
typographical plaints supposed to be uttered by Deatli.
The earlier portiou of the poem indicates that the de-
ceased prelate had endeavoured to improve tho. Hólar
press, which now liad a rival in that of Leirárgarðar. It
reads as follows:
(Prent Smidiali)
Hingad suwid liiner wngu, llæru krijnder lijka kiæru,
Olldungar, sem ofar Vellde eigid Dvpl, jai komid, Jieigid !
sitied hliooder siaaed græt eg samstiniande mijnum Arnla,
skodid rietta VerkaVottiu, VandarDrottins mighirtanda.
Hiartad mitt er helldur suortid, llel bodande nock-
tum Brande, Daudans, sem ad wte aulah, Ynde svipto
mig og Giptu; Hauldur einn þar faldist Foldu; fiell
minn Vinur, æ! þvi stin eg, mijn var Prijde lpgd ad
Laide lijted til mier aisamt sijtid !
Tijder lærdu Allda axdur eiuatt mig ad fagna og
kveina, ltwdu Skarte skeinktu sijdau, Skrwda þau er
hæfde Brwdo, Eckiu Bikar ymist drack eg, aleli Ilarma
Miue Varma, Brwdar Veig ai Vildis Dogum, vesla aptur
nærde Krapta.
Ilugdac sijdast Ilarmur legde, Havt Fior-Rauis ai
mijua Krapta, Aungvits sijdsta cr cg Fainge,- aitte
Strijd vid Ilel ofmaxttkc. Gisla Fall mig giorde vesla ,
Gisla Biskups Ættar-IIrisla, sinne Frioofgan af mier
ulle, endurskapta liressa Krapta.
liinde flest þai falla munde, fieck eg I*rek uppstood,
ai liek og, Horpu minar Streing Illiood snarpa, stijlud
Ord i nottuin Skordum , Drottins so ad mikla Mavttar,
mætt^ priisast Daidsemd vijsa, mijn var Ydne Menta
vanen matte Nit, eu Skiall ei rita.
Astar strax mig Kosso kistu, Kiærleiks Viner (slep-
pum hinum), Bloomgvan mijn þvi gladdi Guma, Giæfu
Ilroos nam Stool vid Lioosa; Snialler kioru framar felle
fære mier, af Skaute kiieru, wt ad bijtast Lijdum laita,
Lijfsins Braud so eiddo Naudum.
Spurn er þvi íned Angre ærnu, oss livar fyrer voru
IIno8se, sneida naido Gilse Guda, Giædsku fullur, betra •*
GulleV Skildu ei meiga ockra Allder, Audnu Lioosi slijku
hroosaV munde Stiggdþo meir vijdfrægdist, Magt fraibær
og Guddooms ÆraV
Daude! hvi so beinder braida, Bana Ferd og þijnu
Sverdo , rickter som til Iteide vaktur, rænder Ardo wr
vorum Garde? Hlijdder þu þeim hvorium ltadder, Him-
ins valda Lotning gialldaV Gaitu ecke Guder lited,
Giptu Lands og Prijde Stiptis?
—Deatli then responds at cqual length and in verse of
equal quality. It is perhaps wortliy of notice tliat the
reference, “ Gisla Fall mig gjorde vesla, ” in tho
fourth stanza, istoBp. Gisli Magnússon, always, so long
as he wore the mitre of Hólar (1755 to 1779), a warra
friend and an intelligcnt director of tho episcopal
printing-press (prentsmibjan). —From tlie accession of
Bp. GuSbrandur Þorláksson, under whom the earliest
oxisting Ilólar publications wero issued, to the deatli of
Bp. Siguröur Stefánssou, a period of 227 years elapsed.
76. Utleggingar Tilraun ! af | Gellerts
Qvædi, | er kallast | Sá Kristni, | ásamt' Vid-
bætir | eptir sama, | gjord af I 1‘orvaldi Bod-
varssyni, | Skólahaldara vid Hausastada Bar-
naskóla. | — j -- | Solst almennt innbundin 8
skild. | — | Leirárgordum vid Leirá, 1800. |
Prentud á kostnad Islands konúnglegu Upp-j
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