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Svavar Guðnason var einn fárra sem báru brigður á þá skoðun. Ef til vill skipti það litlu máli á öndverðum sjötta áratugnum hvert leitað var þrautakóngs í heimslistinni. Abstraktlistin var alls staðar í sókn; óhlutbundin eða háð sjónrænum veruleika; óformræn eða reglubundin. Gilti þá einu hvort litið var til Parísar eða Rómar, Lundúna eða New York. Hvarvetna þvarr andstaðan gegn nýjum straumum eftir því sem nær dró sjöunda art was being shaped there. Svavar Guðnason was one of the very few to dispute this opinion. In the early fifties it made little difference, perhaps, as to where in the world one sought artistic inspiration. Abstract Art was gaining ground everywhere whether free of or dependent on a visual reality, informal or geometric. This was as true of Paris or Rome, as of London or New York. Opposition to this new wave art gradually disappeared throughout the fifties and by 10 Prima Vera, 1949 9

Valtýr Pétursson.


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