(19) Page 17 (19) Page 17
Veggmyndir úr mósaik í Kennaraskóla íslands 1964 það til. Þetta var hin mesta þrælavinna, en vel þess virði, því Valtýr uppskar einróma lof gagnrýnenda þegar hann sýndi afraksturinn, 1957 og 1960. Bar mönnum saman um að mósaikmyndirnar væru með bestu verkum hans og persónulegastaframlag hans til into small pieces. This was sheer drudgery but well worth the effort for he received unanimous praise from the critics when he exhibited his creations in 1957 and 1960; they all agreed that his mosaics were among his best works and his most personal contribution to 17

Valtýr Pétursson.


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