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24 <?o Iceland in tl?e Fftol?ican. Soon we sighted Rona of the North, the solitary island where two shepherds were found dead some time since, after some English fishermen had lifted several of their sheep without paying. No trace was ever got of the perpetrators of this lonely crime. Between Rona and Sula Skeir our course lay. The spray was spouting a hundred feet upon this cruel reef. Pity any poor barky that touches such rocks on a dark winter’s night. A few chips at sea, and a few widows and orphans ashore, would be all that were left, and the story would remain a secret among some screaming sea-gulls. Kenny and I got out a rifle and tried some shots, but it was poor practice, with the yacht pitching so much. We got our oilskins on, and went on the bridge to watch the grand white-topped rollers. Mike was at the wheel, so I tried him with some of Shakespeare’s sea-talk. I said, “Yare, mariner, yare!” He said he had none, and then explained he thought it was Portugee for tobaccy; so I fear “A. B.” are not the proper letters for Avon’s Bard. We laughed with Mike, and soon clambered down the ladder for lunch. Alas! it was but a beggarly array of empty benches. Salisbury had been the next victim; then the Baby and Josephus began to feel a little queer. Rumours from the political arena of the pantry hinted that the versatile Lord Randy himself had begun to feel a little indisposed, and even Maister Christie confessed that the oily smell from a whale to windward had made him hope that fat pork would not turn up at the officers’ mess. We all slept and dozed, with snatches of reading, until dinner-time. Some of us were very ill, and doubtless prayed for “Sleep, gentle sleep,” like King Henry. Very little dinner did for us. At best, it was a precarious meal—a moveable feast; but K. and the Historian, for sick
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The "Mohicans" in Iceland


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