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12 BOOKS PRINTEV 32. Forordning Ufn ! O-Naudsynlega morg | Kwgylldo. | Christians-Borg I3an 24. Februari Anno 1747. | P | — Prentud ai Hoo- lum i Hialltadal Anno 1749. 4,° fF. [2]. Contcnts :—Title-folio,roverse blank ; text (Fridericli Hinn | Fimte), f. 2 ab. Vignette of Fred- erick V. on tbo title-page. — For an earlier odition , without title-page , see no. 25 (* Forordning Um Of- inikcd og 0]>arft Inventarium ’).—Scc no. 23. 33. Textar og Bæn | Sem Utleggiast og Brwkast eiga a Jjeirre Almenu | Fagnadar- og Packlætis-iHaitijd, | Er Hans Konunglega Majestat | Vor Allra Naidugaste Arfa Kongur og Herra , [ Ivong Friderich sa Fimte j Allra- Naidugast hefur Gude til Dyrdar Fyrerski- pad, allstadar | skule, i baidum Hans Itiikium, og ollum Ilertuga- og Greifadæm-|um Heilog lialldast. | Pan 28. Octobris 1749. og epterfilg- iando Daga. ! Til | Uppvakningar og Endur- myningar Guds Naidar vid jþesse Rijke, sem | næstliden l’riw-hundrud Ar, hefur vidhallded og Blossad a þoim Kon-!ungiega Volldesstoo- ie, þan Konungloga Oldenborgar Ættlegg, allti I frai Uppbirian Velldesstioornar Christ- ians Þess Fyrsta. j Utlagt a Islendsku, ad þvi leite sem þossu Lande vidvijkur, | og Prikt a Hoolum i Hialtadal 1749. 4.° ff. [6]. Contents:—Title-page ; Collectan , f. lb; Textarner, f. lb-2a; Bænoli, ff. 2a-5b; Psal- marner, ff. 5b-6a, roverse blank.—A sclection of texts and prayers for tlie tercentenary celebration of tlie ac- cession of tho Oldonburg dynasty to tho throne of Denmark. 34. Tilskipan, | Um Uitt og Afiad i | Hioo- nabands | Sokum, og moote Laus-llæte, med Fleira, | A [ Islande. | Iíirsch-Holms- Slote þafi 3. Junii 1746. | □ | — | Prontud aa Hoolum i Hialltadal Anno 1749. 4.® ff. [2]. The text begins on f. lb, and cnds at tlic bottom of tlio last page. On tlie title page, a vignette monogram of Christian VI.—For an oarlier cdition see Bibl. Not.I., no. 45.—For otlier 1 Tilskapanir, ’ and other editions of thoso cited in tliis number, see Bibl. Not. -I., nos. 43, 44,45, 48, 103, 109, and IV., nos 53 and 117 ; seo likewisó, in tlio prestnt issue, nos. 35, 36, 39, 80, 102, and 103. 35. Tilskipan | Vmm | Huus-Agann j A | Islande. | Hirschholms-Slote þaii 3. Junii An- no 1746, | □ | — | í’rickt ;n Iloolum i Hiallta- dal Anno 1749. 4.° ff. [6]; sigs. A—B , the latter in 2. Contcnts:— Title-page; text, ff. lb-Gb. The title-page vignette is the crowned monogram of Cliristian VI.—Tlje 174G edi- tion is cited in Bibl. Not. IV., no. 53.—Two copies.— See no. 34. _ 36. Tilskipan, | Hvar med | Eitt og afiad nm Skrif-jta-Stooleii og Altares | Gaungu A Islande. j Er Kegulerad. | Hirsch-Holms- Slote þan 27. Maii Anno 1746. | □ | — | Pren- tud av Iloolum i Hialltadal Anno 1749. 4.° ff. [2]. Contcnts:—Title-page; text, ff. lb-2b. AVith thc crowned monogram of Christian VI.—An oar- lier edition is cited in Bibl. Not. I., no. 48; see also, in tliis issue, no. 34. 37. Lag- Þijnges | Booken, | Anno 1750 | Pryckt ax Iíoolum □ i Hialltadal [ Anno 1750. 4.° ff. [14]; sigs. A—D 2. Contcnts:—Title ; text (Num. I-XXIV), ff. [l]a-[10]a; Registur Alþijnges Book- arenar, f. [I0]a; book-list (11 titles), f. [10]b; 2 clocu- ments (‘Extract, ’ ‘ Spesification’), ff. [10]b-[14]a, end- ing with au ornamcnt; notice, signed J. C. Pingel, f. [14]b, followed by the certificato of S. Sigurðsson and a iarge ornament.—The title-page bears tlie crown and monogram of Frederik V.—Seo no. 55 and Addenda (no. 122). 38. Log-fijnges | Booken, | Anno 1751. | Inehalldande þad er giordest og framfoor fyrer Logþijnges-Kettenum. | Þryekt a\Hoo- lum □ i Hialltadal | Anno 1751. 4.° ff. [12]-!-; sigs. A—C.-h. Contents:—Title; text (Num. I-XXIV), ff. [l]a-[12]b-h. In the title the crowned monograraj. and shield of Frederick V.—The copy lacks all after siguature C.—See no. 55, and the Addenda (no. 122). 39. Tilskipan j Umm | Presta-Eckna | Til- Lag | A Islande I Utgiefeíl. | Frodens-Borg D. 5. Junij 1750. [ □ [ — ! Prentud ai Iloolum i Ilialltadal, Anno 1751. 4.° ff. [4]. Contcnts:—Títle-folio, rcversc blank; text, ff. 2a-4a, reverse blank.—On the title-page tho monogram of Frederick V.—See no. 34. 40. □ | □ Arum eptir Guþs Burþ □ | M. DCC. LII. | Tauluþu Fley | 'Tvau viþ Sea- landsEy, | Fridreks Oskin Fræga, [ Fridreks Geofin Pæga, | IJa hin nyio Nofn, | a Niflvngs Hofn, [ haufþo fengit, I oo af HluNom geng- it. | Latine sic: | Loqvebantur naves | duæ ad insulam Sjalandiæ, | Friderici Votum ce- lebre, | Friderici Donum gratum, | postqvam nova nomina, | in portu Kegis, | acceperant, | et per plialangas deductæ erant. | — Typis Holauis, per Halltorum Ericium, | Auctore Gunnaro Pauli Fil. Scli. Hol. Kect. ' f.° ff. [2]. Contents:—Title-page ; text, f. lb-2b.— A poom in Icelandicand Latin (double columns) on King Froderick V. of Denmark by Gunnar Pálsson, rector of tlio Skálholt Cathedral school.—The vignettes are au ornaraent and two woodcuts of ancient ships. 41. Nockrar Saung-Vijsur [ Um | Kross og Motllætingar Guds Barna | iþessum Hei- me, Utdregnar af þeirro Book þess Haatt-j upplysta, Mans | Doct. Valentini Vudriani, j Sein han kallar | Skoola Krossons | Og Kie- ne-Toikn Christendoomsins. | 011um Kross- þiaidum Malieskium tilHeilsu-[samlegrar Un[ dervijsunar i sijnum Hormungum, [ Af i Joni Einarssyne, J Schol. Hol. Design. Kect | 3. Editio, riett epter þeirre Anare, sem var | med Gaumgiæfne vicf Authoris eiged Manu- skrift | saman horefi, og epter þvi Lagfærd. [ — | Selst Alment Inbunded 6. Eiskum. | — | lJrickt ai Iioolum i Hialltadal, Af | Halldoro Erikssyne. Afio 1753. 12.° ff. [7], pp. 1-130. Contcnts: -Title-folio, on rovcrso citation from Actsin aborder; dcdicatory letter, sigued Jón Einarsson, aud dated 1698, ff. [2]a-[3]b; Formaile, ff. [4]a-[7]b, signed Ludvig Ilaboe [«íc]; text (I Psalmur),pp. 1-114; Ein Fagur Psalmur | ai Freisting- ar Tijmauum, j Sem sagt er ad Ordtur sie af Ilr. Odde | Einarsyne, pp. 115-127; _Ein Ydrunar Psalmur (Gud Fader goodur, Gud þolenmoodur), pp. 128-130. Tbc liymn ascribed to Oddur Einarsson begins: Ilimneske Fader lieyr þu mig.—For a note on tliese ‘ Krossskóla- sálmar, ’ wliich are a versification of tlie ‘ Scliola Crpcis’ of Vudrian (or 'NVudrian), soe Bibl. Not. IV., no. 71: tlie first edition, not enumerated thero, seeras to liave appeared at Ilólar 1744, and was speedily followed by tlio second (1746). On the ‘ Krossskólasálmar ’ were based the prosc meditations by Stcfán Halldórsson (d. 1802), published at Hólar 1775 (Bibl. Not. I., no. 69). 42. Log-IJijnges [ Booken, | Anno 1753. | Ifielialldande þad er Giordest og Frarnfoor

Bibliographical notices I-VI


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