(15) Blaðsíða 15 (15) Blaðsíða 15
IX ICELANl). 15 the ‘Skjöldur,’ the ‘Hettusuih,’ thc ‘Hundagey,’ etc. It rvas reserved for tlie nineteenth century to produce anotlicr sucli prolific rímur-poet in tlie person of Si- gurður Breiðfjörð. 55. Lerg-Þingis | Bookin, | Innehaldan- de ]>a.d , sem giordiz og fram-jfoor fyrer Leg-Í’ingis-Kettinum |Annol777. | — | □ | — j Prentud ad Ilrappsey, | í þvi nva konúngL privilegerada bokþrykkerie 1777. | af Gud- munde Olafssyne. 4.° [1], pp. 4-67 ; sigs. A—I (the last in 2). Contenta:—Title-folio,. reverse blank; text (Num. I- XXX), pp. [3]-50; various documents, pp. 50-56; Cautioner. pp. 56-57; Bref og Kauplysiugar, pp. 57- 64 ; Spccification , pp. 64-65 ; Document, p. 65 ; noticcs iu refcrcnce to tlie cstate of Jón Arnason, sýslumaður, pp. 66-67, tlic reverse of tho final folio being blank. Tho socond noticc regarding Jón Arnason’s cstate statcs that at tlio next Althing liis library (Latinskar og Isicndskar bækur, bæde prentadar og skrifadar, mest historiskar og philologiskar) will bo otfored for sale.— The titlc-pago bcars tlio inonogram of Christian VII.— For 1 Alpingisbatkur,1 or ‘ Lögliingisbækur,1 of carlicr and lator datcs soe Bibl. Not. I., nos. 27, 28, 42, 4í>, 53,58, 60, 61, 72. 75, 70, 82, 84, 88, 92, 93, and IV., nos. 89, 90, 94, 95,98, 102; alid aiso iu tiie present issue nos. 11, 1S, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 30, 37, 38, 43, 47, 48, 53, and in tlie Addcnda nos. 133-145. Thc collection noiv comprises tlio yeárs 1713-1716, 1718- 1720, 1723, 1726, 1731, 1732, 1734, 1736, 1737, 1743- 1756, 1758, 1765-1769, 1771, 1773-1800—in all 63 issues. 56. [Hærst Velforþient j Æruminning | í'eirrar | Af Gvudhrædslu og goodum Ver- kum Nafnfrægu I Har-Edla og Velbornu Frur| Sail. Gudrunar Einars j Doottur | (Blessadrar Miiiingar.) j Ifiehalldande | Fyrst HenarMark- verdu j Lijfs-Historiu j þar nærst Adskilalileg j Lijk-Vors og Liood-Mæle, j Som nookrer H.'nlærder og Velgaifader Men | Elskendur þeirrar Savl. Fruar, | Ordt og Samsett hafa, vid, og eptor henar Utfor; Ogad Sijdurstu, Eina ; Designation | Yfir þær Stooru 0rlætis Giafer, er lienar Saal. Egta Herra, avjsamt heni siavlfri wtbijttetil Gudlegrar Brwkunar, J og Publici Nytsemda i Landinu. | Psalm. 112. v. 6. | t’eim Biettlæta mun alldrei gleimt verda | — | Prentud av Hoolum i Iliallta- Dal, j Af Petre Joons Syne, Anuo 1778,] 4.° f. [1], pp. [3]-56. Contenta: —Title-folio, 011 revorse 3 scriptural jiassages in a border; Dedicatio (to the wife ofBp. Gísli Magnússon), signcd G. Runolfs Son and datod 1 November, 1775, pp. 3-6; Lijk-Textan, pp. [7]-[8], with 2 large ornamonts ou p. [7]; text (Lijfs- Historiann), pp. 9-12; eulogistic poems, sorae of tliem witli marginal scriptural references, by rector Einar Jónsson, Olafur Brynjólfsson, Magnús Porliallason, Kgill Eldjárnsson, Erikur Brynjólfsson, Gísli Audresson and IJorgeir iMarkússon, pp. 13-52; Designation , pp. 53-56; note by editor, p. 56. — A memorial of tlie wife (d. 1782) of Bp. Jón Árnason of Skálliolt, cdited by Gubmundur Runólfsson, sýslumabur.—The copy has the first signa- turc (including the title-page) in well-copied MS. 57. Undorviisun | ura }iá | Islendsku | Savdíiár-Hirding;. | Qvod Felix | Faustumq: siet. | — | Prentad í Hrappsey | af Gudmun- de Olafs syno 1778. 8.° ff. [8], pp. 2-168, ff. [12]—tho last being blank; sigs.*, A—M. Contents :—Title-folio, on reverse ci- tation from tlio Latin of Linmeus; dedicatory letter (to Lauritz Andreas Tliodal, governor-genera) of Iceland), in Dauisli, ff. [2]a-[4]b, signed M. Ketilsson ; Formailo, ff. [ó]a-[8]b; text, pp. [1]-16S; Reglur um Fiairhirding, ff. [1 ]a-[3]a; Inntak Bæklingsins , f. [3]b; Registur, ff. [4]a-[8]b; Lagfæring og Vidbæter, ff. [9]a-[ll]a, the ob- verse of f. [11], aud the wliole of f. [12] being blauk. Tlie Latin motto on tlie title-page is in a border.—A treatise on cattle husbaudry by Maguús Ketilsson ; see no. 53. 58. Tigur-Krans | Samann-fliettadur af | Lifnade og Launum })eirra Trwudu, | Af})eir- ra Lifnade, | So sem goodre Minningu þeirra Utfarar af Heimenum ; | teirra Launum, | So sem Velkomanda }>eírra Heimfarar i Himo- ninn; | Enn nu Upprakenn | I Einfalldre | Lijk-Predikun, | Yfir Ord Postulans St. Patls | II. Tim. IV. v. 7.8. ! Vid Sorglega Jardarfor, pess i Lijfenu | Hai-Ædla, Hai-Æruverduga, og Hai-Lærda Herra | Hr. Gisla Magnuss so- nar, | Fyrurn Biskups, og Guds Tilsioonar- Manns yfir \ Hoola Biskups Dæme. | Pai Hanns blessadur andvana Lijkame, var med stoore Æru og Virding, i Soomasamlogu Samkvæme, lagdur tll sijns sijdarsta Hvijll- darstadar, i | Doomkyrkiunne* ad Hoolum i Hialltadal, })an 23. Martii 1779. |— | Prentud ai Iloolum i Hialltadal, af Petro Jonssyne, 1779. 4.° f. [l],pp. 3-56, ff. [2]. Contents :—Titlo-page; dedicatory epistle (to Ingibiörg Sigurbardóttir, widow of Bp. Gisli Magnússon), written probably byJónJóns- son, dean in Skagafjarðarsýsla, pp. [2]-5; prayer, pp. 6-8; Textus (and Inngamgur), pp. 9-13; Lijfs-IIistorian., pp. 13-31 ; sermon, pp. 31-56; Innsend Erfe-Liood, tho first ono Frai P. P. S. [or. P. Þ. S.], the second by 1». J. S.=I>órarinn Jónsson, tlien rector of Mirká, wlio was born 1775 and died in 1816, ff. [l]a-[2]b, cnding with the Errata.—This memorial of Bp. Gísli Maguússon has on tlie title-page an autograpliic preseutation-note by Ilálfdan Einarsson , tlie literary historian, who was pcr- liaps the editor of the volume. 59. Biimur | af | Sigurde Snarfara | kved- nar | af | Síra | Snorra Biornssyne | Presto fyrst á Stad í Adalvík | og | sídan á Húsafel- le. ! — j Priktar á Hrappsey af G. Olafssyne | 1779. 8.° f. [1], pp. [4]-192. Contents :—Titlc-folio, reversc blank; text, pp. 3-192.—The author of thesc rí- mur, of whicli tliis seems to be the sole edition, was Snorri Björnsson [or Bjarnarson] rector of Ilúsafell (i Borgarfiröi), wlio died in 1796 aged 93. By Jón Borg- firöingur (p. 60) the autlior’s name is given as Snorri Bjarnarson,, but Sveinu Nielsson, in liis ‘ Presta Tal og Prófasta á Islandi’ (p. 88) prints it as on the title-page of the work liere cited, Snorri Björnsson. ltímur on the samc theme, and under the same title, were publislied by Haus Natanssou at Akureyri in 1883. Seo no. 131.— The collection possesses a secoud but defective copý. 60. Eitt Æfenntyre. At end, Pryckt 1 Hrappsey 1781 [ af Magnúse Moberg. 8." ff. [8]. Contents :—Title, f. [l]a; text, ft'. [l]a-[7]b; book-list, f. [8]ab.—The author of tliis ‘ Ríma af Porsteini Suöurfara,’ as it is otlierwiso stylcd, was Árni Böövarsson^(sce no. 5-4).—Tlie list of books prin- ted aud for salo at Hrappsey, occupying tho last two pages, is of intcrest. Il is headed: ‘Her vid Þrickeried i llrappsey er | ad fav til kavps Boka- og Kvera- Materiur, nw í Ar | 1781 som filger; ’ to each item tlie price is ap- pended. The list differs sliglitly from that of the pro- ductions of the Hrappsey press given in tlie ‘Æfi-Agrip Fedganna1 of Bogi Benediktsson (ViÖ. 1823). It men- tions, for instaucc, probably by error (unless the rcfe- rence be to tlio Copenliagen cditiou of 1771), the ‘ltimur af Porsteine Uxafæte’ (see no. 54). 61. Sanleike | Gudhræd-|slunar, 11 einfal- dre ogstuttre, eil po ainægianlegre | Utskijr- ingu, | Yfer pann Litla j Barna-Lærdoom, | edur | Catecliisraum, | Doct. Martini Luthe- ri. | Iiiehaldande allt þad, sem sai parf ad | vita og giora, er vill verda SailuhoolpeR. j Samafiskrifadur epter Konunglegre all-|ranai-

Bibliographical notices I-VI


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