(9) Page 9
ornaraent and followed by the final blank-leaf. — On
f. 29b the signature of Jón Jónsson , vice-lögþingis-
skrifari.—See no. 55.
15. Alþijnges | Boken, | Hapande ine ad
ballda ])ad sem giordest og pramm-|poor inan
Vebanda a almenele'gu 0xar;ur IPijnge, An-
no 1718. | Þrickt a Hoolum i Hialltadal, ap
Marteine Arnodds-Syne. | —
i.° ff. [33] ; sigs. A—I (the last in 2). Contents .*—
Titte; toxt (Num. I-XXXIII), ff. la-33b,—A second copy
lacking all after sig. H.—Sce no. 55.
16. Graduale | Ein Almeneleg | Messu-
saungs Book, | Vm þan Saung og Cererao-
niur sem i Ivyrkiune | eiga ad sijngiast og
halldast hier i Lande, epter goodre og chri-
ste-|legre Sidveniu, sem og vors allra-Navd-
ugasta Arpa Kongs og Herra, | Christians
hess Fimta Kyrkiu Ritual. | Editio. X. j —
Pryckt a Hoolum i Hialltadal, Ap Marteine
Arnoddssyne. j Anno DominiM. DCC. XXIII.
Obl. 8.° in Cs. ff. [14], pp. 1-310, ff. [9]; sigs. )(
(in 7), A—I', Aa—Ee (tlie last in 3); title-pago in bor-
der. Contents'Title-folio , reverse blank; preface
(Aullum Goodura og Gudhræddum Moliö) of Bp. Pór&ur
Þorláksson, dated 1091, ft*. 2a-3b; preface (Vinsamle-
gum Lesara) of Bp. Steinn Jónsson, dated April 16, 1721,
f. 4ab; Formaile Ilerra Odds Einarssonar, dated_1594,
ft*. 5a-8a; Formaile Gudbrands Thorlakssonar (Vm þad
rictta Messu Embætte), ft’. 8b-14b; text (Þann Fyrsta
Sunudag i Adventu), pp. 1-310; Begistur, ft*._la-3a; 2
prayers, f. 3b; Appendix (Stutt Vndervijsun um Saung),
ff. 4a-7a; Amining and Iuramentura, ff. 7b-9a ; woodcut
(Crucifix and skull), with citations from scripture and
the inscription: Endad a Hoolum | Þan 8. Martij., f. 9b.
—To be noted iu this edition is the difference between
tlio date of Bp. Steinn Jónsson’s preface (1721) and that
of the title-page, tlie preface having been prepared for
the IXth edition, issued two years previously. The
complete list of tlie editions of the ‘Graduale ’ (see Bibl.
Not. I., no. 33 and IV., p. 25 a) runs as follows :—1. IIó-
lar 1591; 2. Hólar 1607; 3. Hólar 1G23 ; 4. Hólar 1649;
5. Hólar 1679; G. Skálliolt • 1691; 7. Skálholt 1697 ;
8. Ilólar 1711 (“Editio VIII.”); 9. Hólar 1721 (“Edi-
tio IX.”); 10. Ilólar 1723 (“Editio X.”); 11. Hólar 1730;
12. Ilólar 1732 ; 13. Hólar 1739 ; 14. Hólar 1717 ; 15. Hólar
1719; 16. Ilólar 1755; 17. Hólar 1765 (by error on the
title-page “Editio XVI.”); 18. Hólar 1773; and 19. Hólar
1779. Thc collection possesses tho wliole sorics except
tlie llld (1623) and the IXtli (1721).—Tho full title of the
cditiou of 1623 is as folíows (B. M. Cat., 4) :
Graduale | Ein Almene-Jleg Messusaungs
Bok | Saman teken og skripud, til meire og |
sampyckelegre Einingar,'| j peim Saung og |
Ceremonium, sem j Kyrkiunne skal syn-J
giast og halldast hier j Lande, ep-Jter Ordi-
nantiunne. ] G. Th. S. | Laited^alla Hlute
Sidsamlega, og Skic|kanlega pram para ydar
a mille | 1 Corinth. 14. Cap. | Ei3 sa er einhuar
ydara medal, sem prattunarsam|ur vill vera.
Hann vite þad, ad vier hopum ecke | slijkan
Sidvana, og ei helldur Guds I Sopnudur. Ibi-
demll. | Prentud ad nyiu a Holum j Hialljta
Dal, Anno Salutis. | M. DC. XXIII.
4.° ff. [128]; sigs. A—Hh. ContentsTitle-pagc ;
Vm Þad riettu Messu-jEmbætte, ff. lb-6a, eudiug with
a note (Til Lesarans) on tho singing of Latin introits
and Hallelujas; text (Dominica Aduentus | Introitvs La-
tinvs.), ff. 6b-Í28a, reverse of the final folio blank.
Tlie second liue of the title-page in botli editions liere
cited, as in so raany others, is a woodcut witli ornamen-
tal flourishes.—X'his was the last ‘Grallari’ published
by Bp. Guðbrandur, cousiderable portions of it being
still in Latin. —For a later editionofthe ‘Gradualo’ sce
no. 21.
17. Alþijnges | Boken, | Hapande ine_ad
liallda þad sem giordest og framm-jpoor inan
Vebanda a Almenelegu 0xara;ur j Pijnge, An-
no M. DCC. XXVI. j Prickt a Hoolum i Hiall-
tadal, Af Marteine Arnoddssjme. —
4.° ff. [24]; siffs. A—F. Contcnts :—Title , f. la;
text (Num. I-XXX), ff. la-22b; Kegistur, ff. [23]u-[24]b,
closiug with an ornament.—1Tlto copy wants all after
sig. F i.—See no. 55.
18. Vijsur þess Eruverduga og miog | vel
grnfada Kíenemans, | Sr. Bonedix Jonssonar |
Ad Biarna-Nese. ; Vel Edla, Hat-Eruverdugs
og Hat-jlærds Herra, | Mag: Stoins Jonsso-
nar, | Veglegt j Psalma-Verk, | Yfer Vpprisu
Historiu vors Drottens | JEsu Christi, er
medteked med j Þacklæte soleides af mier, |
Hans þienustu viliugum Vin og Þienara,
Benedict Jonssyne. — Þryckt a Iloolum i
Hialltadal, 1728.
8.0 ff. [2]. Contents:—Title-page ; text, f. la-2b;
Vijsa Vigfwsa Sigurdssonar i Hrijs-Ey., f. 2b, tlic page
ending with an ornament.—This poem, writtenin honor
of tlie publication of tlio ‘Upprisusálmar ’ of Bp. Steinn
Jónsson, begins thus:—
MEistara Mail af_Christo ,
(Meistara Lijfs) jm treystum,
Meistara Mefie ad Lystum ,
Meistari Steinn upppreiste.
In tlie prosent copy tlie coupletsby Vigfús Sigurbsson,
at the cnd of tlio longer poem , are corrected in nearly
contemporary manuscript as follows :—
Saungtöls Streinge allt nær eins,
Eg saa tvo for-gillta,
Hallgrijms Psalma og Ilerra Steins ,
I Horpu Guds samstillta.
The printed text reads as follows:—SauugvaStreinge
allt ad eins, Eg sai tvo for-gillta, Hallgrijms Frests
og Ilerra Stoins, I Hprpu Guds samstillta.—Benodikt
Jónsson was rector of Bjarnanes from 1691 to his doatli
in 1741. Botli of these laudatory poems were reprinted
in tlie 1740 edition of the ‘ Upprísusálmar ’ (see Bibl.
Not. IV., no. 50). In tho case of tliat by Benedikt Jóns-
son tlie title-page lierocited is tliere reproduced (f. 6a),
witli a chango in tho imprint (Þryckt ad Niju a Holum
i Hiallta-jDal, 1740.)
19. Alþijnges | Boken, | Inehalldande
þad sem giordest og frammpoor i Log-jret-
tune vid 0xar.*u þad Ar, M. DCC. XXXIV. j
Þrickt a Hoolum i Hiaíltadal, Aji Marteine
Arnodds-Syne, Anno 1734. | —
4.° ff. [32] -h ; siff. A—II. Contents:—Title, f. ln ;
text (Nuin. I-XXIX), ff. la-31a; Kogistur, il'. 31b-32a (or-
nament), the rcverse of the final folio boing blank.—Thé
copy lacks sij. E (ff. 17-20) aml all aftcr sig. Gij.—
See no. 55.
20. Alþijnges | Boken, | Inehalldande
þad sem giurdest og prammfoor i Lcrg-|rottu-
iíe vid 0xar;u aþvi Are, M. DCC. XXXVII. 1
Þrickt a Hoolum i Hialltadal, Ap Marteine
Arnoddssyne, Anno 1737. j —
4.° ff. [36]-!-; sigs. A—I. ContentsTitlé, f.
la; text (Nuin. I—XLI), ff. 3Ga 4-. The titlo is still
followed by tlio invocation to tlio Trinity.—The copy
lacks sig. £> and all after I iiij.—Seo no. 55.
21. Graduale j Ein Almeneleg j Messu-
saungs-Book, Vm þan Saung og Ceremo-
niur, sem i Kyrkiune | eiga ad sijngiast og
halldast hier i Lande, epter goodre og chri-
ste-|legré Sidveniu, sem og Vors AIlra-Nai-
dugasta Arpa Kongs | og Herra, KyrkiuRi-
tual. ; Editio XIII. | — | Þryckt a Hoolum
i Hialltadal , Af Marteine Arnoddssyne, |
Anno Domini M. DCC. XXXIX.
Obl. 8.° in 6s. ff. [9]. pp. 1-317 , ff. [12]; sig. A—P,
Aa-Fp; title-page in border. Con.tents:—Title-folio ,
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