(13) Blaðsíða 13
47. Þad ANDlega. i Tvij-Partada | Bæna
Beyjkelse | Þess gooda Guds Kieíie-Mafis, |
Saaí. Sr. Þordar Barrdjar Sonar, Pordum ad
Byskups Tungú. | I ANDlegt j Eirnefi Tvii-
Partad [ Psalma-salve | Sett og Snwed, A'p
Sail. | Benedicht Magnussyne Beck. j Fyrrum
Yalldsmafie i Hegraness Syslu. | — I Prentad
a Hoolum i Hialltadal, 1731.
12.° f. [1], pp. 1-124, ÍT. [3]; si£. A—F, tlic last
iu 6. Contents:—Title-folio, on rcverse extracts frora
tlie 108th psalm; text, pp. 1-124 ; llegistur, p. 124 -f. [l]b ;
Psalmur af Sip Orduuu | Christi a Krossenum., in the
form of seven daily hymns , Gjprdur af B. M. S. Bcck.,
1T. [2]a-[3]b.—Tlio earliest issue of a rliymed version of
I»órður Bárðarson’s ‘Bænabók’ (no. -46). The autlior.
Benedikt Magnússon Becli (or Bekk), died May 7, 1719,
aged 45. For otlier editions of tliis work see B. M. Cat.,
coll. 11 and 13; tlic series seems to run 1731, 1745, 1750,
1769 and 1777 (see no. 72).
48. Sio Predikaner | ivt ap jieim j Sio Or-
dum DBottefis Yors JESu | CHristi, or liafi
talade | Sijdarst a Krossenum. | Giordar Ap |
Mag: Jone ]?orkelssyne | Vidalin, Sup: Skail:
Stiftis. | (Sællrar Mifiingar) | Gal. 6. v. 14. j
Pad vorde mier ecke ad eg hroose | mier nema
ap Krosse Drottens vors | .Tesu Christi, | fy-
ror hvorn mier er | Heimuren Krosspestur,
og eg Heimenum. | Prentadar a Hoolu i
Hialltadal, ap | Marteine Arnoddssyne, 1731.
8.° ff. [140]; sig.)((8 folios),)( (4 folios), A—Q ; cliapter
initials. ContentsTitlc-folio , on reverse woodcut
(tlie nailing on tlic Cross) with citation from Esaiæ 55.
v. 5.; Dcdicatio. Vel Edla, Gudhx*ædde | Dygdumpryddre
Ilopdings Matronæ | llustru I»rude I»or|steins Doottur,
1T. 2a-8a, signed by tho author; Formaile, 9a-12a,
signed by Bp. Steinn Jónsson, datcd 1716; woodcut of
Crucifixion (I. N. It. I.), f. 12b; text, Predikun wt ap
Fyrsta Ordenu., íF. 13a-140b, endiug with Amen., and
ornament. — See no. 41.
49. Gradualo*[ Ein Almefieleg | Messu-
saungs Book, | Vm jian Saung og Ceremoniur,
som i Kyrkiufie | eiga ad sijngiast og halldast
hier i Lande, epter goodre og cliriste-|legro
Sidveniu, sem og Vors Allra-Naidugasta Arpa
Kongs | og Herra, Kyrkiu Bitual. | Editio
XII. | —• | Pryekt a Hoolum i Hialltadal,
Ap Marteine Arnoddssyno. j Anno Domini
Obl. 8.° iu Gs. ff. [9], pp. 1-317, ff. [12]; sig. A—P,
Aa-Ff. Iu this ‘Graduale’ thc profacos of prerious bishops
found in tlie next preceding edition (1730) are omittcd.
Contcnts:—Title-folio , on roverse tliree scriptural
passages, all in Icelandic ; Ehruverduger og Heydurlegur
Kieuemen Iloola Stiptes (the section “Messu Embættenu
vidvijkiande”, introduced by a page of remai*ks on thc
former prefaces, and signed at the cnd by Bp. Steinn
Jónsson under date of November 29, 1732), ff. [2]a-[9]b;
text (considerably re-arranged and enlarged), pp. 1-317 :
brief hymns to bo used at the great festivals of the year
befoi’e thc gospel, Þesse Eptci*pylgiande Vers oiga ad
sijngjast ap Predikun|arstoolnum, p. 317-f. [4]a;Kegis-
tur, jf. [4]b-[7]a; Appendix of eleinentary instruction
in music, [7]b-[l0]b, Iuramentura, [ll]a-12a, closing
with Soli Deo Gloria., and an ornament; reverse of final
folio blank. The sccond line of the title-pagc is en-
graved.—For a list of the cditions of tho ‘Graduale’ see
Bibl. Not. I., no. 33. The collection now possesses a copy
of the first issue (B. M. Cat., col. 2); aud a corrected list
of the editions before 1700 makcs thera run thus: — 1.
Hólar 1594; 2.1607 (sce no. 8); 3. 1623; 4. 1649; 5. 1679;
6. Skálliolt 1691; 7. 1697 (scc no. 30). The earliest edi-
tiou of the eighteenth century would, therefore, bc thc
50. Psalterium. Trium-|phale. |EdvrYpp-
risv | Psaltare | Yt af | Dijrdarpullum Ypprisu
Sigre | Vors DEottens JEsu Cliristi | Med Lær-
dooms-}3ulJre Textans | Vtskijringu. | Griordur
Af | Saal. Mag. Steine Jons | Syne | Byskupe
Iíoola-Stiptes. | Editio III. [ — | Prickt a Hoo-
lum i Ilialltadal, | Af Marteine Arnodds-Syne, |
Anno 1740.
8.° ff. [8], pp. 1-175, f. [1]; sig. A—L. Contcnts:
—Title-pago in border; woodcut (ascension of Christ),
with citation fi*om Joli. II. v. 25. 26., below, f. lb; For-
mmle (GVI)hræddum og LlVptim | Lesare), ff. 2a-5b,
signed by autlior (1716); Vijsur.... Sr. Benedix Jonssonar,
6a-7a; Adrar.... Sr. Þorvaldar Stephans|sonar, 7b-8b,
and Vijsa Vigfwsa Sigurdssonar, f. 8b—all in praiso of
the book and its autlior; text, Þeir Fiorutiju Ileilogu
Vpp-|risv psalmar, pp. 1-175; Kegistur, p. [176]-f. lb,
the book closing at thc end of the index, on the rcverse
of the final folio, with a paragraph, Tíl Lesaraus, on
the distinction between “Texteii” and “Vtleggingun,”
followed by a small ornament. For another edition sec
no. 63.—Tlie ‘Upprisusaltari’ has enjoyed a popular-
ity only excelled by the ‘Passíusálmar’ of Hallgrímur
Pótursson and the ‘Ilugvekjusálmar’ of Sigurður Jóusson.
Thc forty liymns on tlie Kesurrection have been pub-
lislied:—1. Hólarl726; 2. 1729 (the only two iu their
author’s life-time); 3. 1740; 4. Copenliagen 1743; 5. TIó-
lar 1751«(in tlioHymnal of Bp. Gísli Brynjólfsson); 6.1771;
7. 1772 (in the ‘Flokkabók’); 8. 1780 (‘Flokkabók’); 9. Co-
penliagen 1834 (in the ‘Sálmasafn’); 10. Viðey 1834
(‘Flokkabók’ of 1831-35); 11. Kcykjavik 1843 (‘Flokka-
bók’). — On a similar tliemc are the ‘Fjnrutýgir Psalma
Flockur’ of Kristján Jóhansson (see no. 92).
51. Forordning, | uifi | Tilhlijdolegt! Hel-
gohalld Sabbathsens | og afira ílelgra Daga
ai Islande. | Utgiofen ai I Hirseh-Holms Slote,
þafi 29. Maji Anno 1741. j □ | — j Prentud aa
líoolum i Hialltadal, Anno 1744.
4.° ff. [8], of which tlie last blank; sig. A-B.
The title-page vignette is tho crownod monogram of
Christian VI. The text begins on the reverse of the title-
folio and ends on f. 7b, followcd, on the same page,by tho
attestation of Bp. Ludvig Ilarboc, and a fiiial ornainent.
—A royal ordinanco on the proper maintenance of the
52. Spaltorium [s£cl Passionale | Edur |
Pijslar-Psal-jtare | Ut Af | Piinv Og Davda |
DBottens vors JEsu Christi, | MedLærdooms-
fullre Textans | Utskiiringu, | Agiætlega Upp-
settur, | Af iÞeim Hoidurs-Verda og Andrijka j
Kionnemanne | Sail. S. Hallgrijmo Peturs |
Syne, | Fordum Sooknar-Herra ad Saur-Bæ j
a Hvalfiardar Strond. | Editio 12. | —| Selst Al-
ment Ifibundefi9. Fiskum. | — | í’rickt a Hoo-
lum i Hiallta-dal, Af j Halldore Erikssyne,
Anno 1745.
8.° ff. [4]. pp. 1-128, ff. [4]; sig.)(, A-I (the first aml
last in 4s). Contents:—Title-page; dedicatory epistlc,
ff. [l]a-[4]a, signed by theauthor; Formaale til Lesarans
(Gudhræddum Lesara, ) Heilsan.), f. [4]b, signed by tho
same; text, pp. [1]-128; Kogistur. ff. [l]a-[2]a; LXVI.
Davids Psalmur, | Ur Latinu epter Ðuchanano Utlá&dur |
og i Liood-Mæle uppsettur | Af | Saal. Hr. Steine Jons-
syne, ff. [2]a-[3]b., witli music; Idranar Psalmur Ur
I»ijsku (O Gud jeg skrijd firer Augsijn þicr), ff. [3]b-[4]b,
tho volume ending at the bottom of the final page with
an ornament. See no. 12.
53. Tilskipan | Vmm | IIuus-Agann ; A j
Islande. | Hirschholms-Slote ])aíi. 3. Junii
Anno 1746. | □ |—Þryckt ai Hooluin i Hiallta-
dal Anno 1746.
4.° ff. [6]; sig. A—B (the latter in 2). Tlie vigncttc on
tlie title-pago is the crowned monogram of Christian VI.
The text begins on the reverse of tho titlc-folio and ends
f. 6b, where it is followed by thc attcstation, or impri-
matur, of Bp. Halldór Brynjólfsson, and a largc final
ornament.—An ordinance relating to liousehold dis-
54. Extract j Af Kongl. Majést. Allra-Nai-
dugasta Briefe, | Ad Prostar og Adrer halldo
(1) Blaðsíða 1
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