(14) Blaðsíða 14 (14) Blaðsíða 14
14 BOOKS PRINTED sig frai j Dryckiuskap, etc. | Daterad Hirsch- Iloolms-Slote pan 3. Junii 1746. 4.° f. [l]. Printed at Ilolar, probably in 1746. Titlc at liead of thc firat pagc.—An ordinancc against in- tcraperanoc. 55. Extract | Af Kongl. Majest. Forbodo aa j Tohaks og Brennevijns | Okre. 4.° f. [1]. Printed at Holar, probably in 174G. No proper title-page; titlo at Iiead of tirst page.—A royal decree against tbe use of tobacco and brandy. 56. Instruction Ilvor Efter. | Wii Chri- stian den Sietto | af Guds Nnade, Kongo til Danmark og Norge, otc. AlIer-Naad-|igste Vil- lo, at Vores nu værendo og tilkommendo Su- porintondentor i | Skalholt og Holum Stiftor paa Vort Land Island, sig Allorundor-|danigst skal Kette og Forholde. 4.° ff. [2]. Printed at Holar, probably in 1746. Thc varions laws and ordinances printed this year at Hólar (see the preceding nos.) aro a consequence of the return to Denmark of tlie “Genoral-Visitator,” Bp. Ludvig Harboe, who remained in Iceland from 1741 to 174f> as a royal commissioner, investigating tlic religious and social state of tlie island. Tho presont one is wholly in Danisli. —This ordinance regulates tlie duties and relations of the bishops of Iiólar and Skálliolt. 57. Hass-Postilla, j Edur | Einfalldar | PredikanerYfer ollHaitijda og SunudagaGrud- spioll | Ared um Kt-ijng. | G-iordar Af | Yel- Edla og Yel-Eruvordugum Saal. Biskupenum | Yfer Skailhollts Stifte, | Mag. Jone Thorkels- syne | Yidalin. | Fyrre Parturen. | Frai Fyrsta Su!íudef?e i Adventu, Til Trinitatis | Suiiu- dags. | Editio VII. i — | Prontud av Iloolum i Hialitadal, | Af Halldore Erikssyne, Anno 1750. 4.° pp. 1-429, [430], 431-711. The numoration of thc pagcs begins with tho roverso of the title-folio (p. 1), which brings tlie odd numbers tlirougliout tlio volume on tho vcrso of eacli folio. Pago [480] is a second title-page liko tlie first, except lines 12-13, wliich read Aíiar Partureíi. Frav Trinitatis Sunudeigo, til Advontu. Botli title-pagcs are in a border. The contents are vir- tually as in tho cdition of 1724-26 (see no. 43); the ded- ication (to the Church of Iceland) is on pp. 1-2; the prefacc, Til Losarans, p. 2; the preface of Bp. Steinn Jónsson, 2-3; tlie prcfatory praycrs, 3-6; text of part i., pp. 7-429; title-page to part ii., p. [430]; text of partii., pp. 431-711, ending witli Errata, p. 711.—The seventh edition of the popular ‘Vídalíns postilla’ (some- tiraes stylod ‘Jónsbók’). See nos. 43 and 74. 68. Ileilagar | Ilugvok-livr, | hienande til pess, j Ad orva og upptendra jiafi Inra Man-| on, tií sanarlograr Gudrækne | og Goods Sid- ferdis, | Samafiskrifadar Fyrst i Latinu, Af Peim | Virduglega og Iíai-Lærda Doetore | Iíeilagrar Skriftar, | Johano Gorliardi, | En ;n Islendsku wtlagdar, Af Peim | Virduglega Herra, \ H. Thorlmke Skwla Syne, I Byskupo Hoola Stiftis. | Editio VIII |— | Seliast Alment Iíihundnar 24. Fiskum. |— | Pryektar a Hoo- lum i IIiallta-Dal, Af j Halldore Erikssyno, Anno 1753. 8.° ff. [193]; sig. Title-folío, A—I*. Conlcnts:—Ti- tic-folio, reverse, extract from I. I’otcr; text, ff. [2]a- [193]b. For otber editions seo lí. M. Cat. coll., 3, 5, 13 (1634, 1074, 1774); and liibl. Not. I., no. 40 (1745) witli a list of tho eight issues. 59. Ut Af I DROTTons Vors JESU CHri- sti | Pijningar Ilistoriu j Sio | Predikan-jer, | Af hvorium Sox eru giordar, | Af j Biskupe- num yfer Skailliollts Stipte. | Sail. Mag. Jono Tliorkelssyne j Vidalin. j En Sw Siounda ! Af j Savl. Mag. Stoine Jonssyne, | Biskupa Iíoola Stiptis. | Editio IV. | — | Seiiast Almont Ifi- hundnar 15. Fiskum. | — | Pryoktar ai Hoolum i Hialltadal, Af | Halldore Eriks Syne Anno 1753. 8.° ff. [4], pp. 1-184. Contcnts:—Title-pago; For- maile, ff. la-2b, by Bp. Stcinn Jónsson (dated 1722); Til Epterrettingar, signed II. B. S. [= Halldór Bryn- jólfson], relative to Jón Magnússon’s 7 liymns, f. 2b; Bæn fyrer Predikun, f. 3ab; Bæn epter Predikun, f. 4ab; text, Fyrsta Midvikudags Predikun, pp. 1-164; Siu Andlegcr Psalmar (by Jón Magnússon), witli special title-page, [165]-179 ; Bænar Viisa wt af | Nafnenu ,Tesu. | Ordt af Sail. S. Magnuse Olafs Syne (Sæll Jesu Sæte), 179-180 ; Þackargiord,-180-182 ; Nockur aigiæt og wtvalon Vers (bv I. Þorborgur Þorsteinsson; II. Jón Þorkelsson Vidalin ; III. Steinn Jónsson ; IV. Halldór Brynjólfsson), pp. 182-181. The special titlo, filling p. [165], rcads as follows:—Si0 | Andleger Psalmar | Nefnder Pijslar Miíi-I ing | Ut af Pijnu og DaudaDUotteiis vors | JESU Christi, | Andvaralausum til Uppvakningar , | Eii Sorgfullum Hifírtum til Iluggunar, | Ordter af þeim | Gudhrædda og Gaifumgiædda | Sr. Jonc Magnussyne | Forduin Sooknar Preste ad | Laufaise. | Psalmarner mciga aller sijngiast med | sama Lag, So sem : [ Miiistu O Madur ai miii Deyd, Edur mcd | aiiad gott Ilimna Lag.—A volurac known as the ‘Mibvikudagaprödikanir ;’ see Bibl. Not. I., no. 30 for an cnumcration of the (seven) editions, in which list 1751 ought probably to be 1753 (see Bruun, I. 542); seo also no. 81 of tliis issue. 60. Andlegir j Psalmar j Og | Kvæde jjSem sai Gudhræddi Kienemaíi, | og Ypparlega Piood-Skailld'| Lands Vors, | Sml. Sr. Hall- grimur | Petursson kvedid liefur, | Og nu i Eitt eru samanteknir, til Gud-|rækilograr Brwkunar og Froodleiks, | peira er noma vilia. | —| Seiiast Ifibundnir 8. Fiskum j — | Prycktir ai Hoolum i Hialltadal | Af Halldore Eriks- syne. | Anno M. DCC. LIX. 12.° ff. [0] pp. 1-178, f. [1]; sig. )(, A—II (the flrst and last in 6s.) Contcnts :—Titlo-page ; Formmli (Agrip af Æfi-Sdgu) signed II. E. S. It. Sch. II [= Ilálf- dan Einarsson lloctor Scliolæ llolensis], íf. [l]b-[6]a; Latin ode to tlie author, f. [6]ab; text, pp. 1-178; index p. 178-f. [l]ab.—An edition of tlie ‘Hallgrimskver’ not mcntioncd among thc cloven editions cited in Bibl. Not. I (sce there no. 91). The Latin ode in lionor of llallgrimiir begins: D. T. O. M. S. Amabo, Apage Viator! Vivum qvid inter niortuos reqviris ? The prcscnt copy lacks tho upper portion of tho titlc- page, and the rest of tho first (nnpaged) signaturo. 61. Meditationes | Passionales. j Edur | Pijslar j Hugvek-|iur, | Ifiihalldandi Einfallda | Utskijring | Yfir j Historiu Pijnunar og Dau- daiis Drott-|ins Vors Jesu Christi, j eftir j Fiííl- tygu Pijslar Psalmum Sml: Sr: | Hallgrijms Poturs Sonar. | Samafiteknar af Sml: Sr: Jooni Joons Sini [sic] | (Sooknar-Prosti til Stadar- Hools og Hvols Safnada). | — | Seliast Ifibund- nar 34. Fiskum. | — | Pricktar m Hoolum i Ilialltadal | Af Eyriko Gudmundssyni Holf. 17CG. 8.° ff. [2], pp. 1*538; f. [1]. Contents:—Títle-pagc, on roverso scriptural citation (I. Tim. I, v. 15); Til Lc- sarans, signcd by líp. Gisli Magnússón, f. [2]ali; toxt, pp. 1-538; hymn, Iliugan Cbristi Pijnu og Damla-| Strijds, wtlogd wr Þijdsku (Ilvcrn sie eg Fialki hbrdu ai), f. [l]ab, ending witb a note on misprints at bottom of flnal folio. This seems to be tlic sole cdition of tliese prose Moditations based on tlio Fassion llymns of ilallgrímur I’éturssou; tlie work is postiiumous, tbc autbor having died iu 174G. Seo liibl. Not. I., no. 5G.

Bibliographical notices I-VI


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