(2) Blaðsíða 2
In January 1886 was preparod and printed tho first issue of thoso ‘Bibliographioal No-
tioes,’ oontaining a list of the productions of Icolandic prossos, puhlishod between 1578 and
1841, which oxist in my own colloction, but wliioh aro not citod in tlio ‘Cataloguo of tho
Books printod in Icoland from A. D. 1578 to 1880 in tho Library of tho British Musoum’
(London 1885)—a work aceurately and interostingly compilod by that distinguished bibli-
ograplier, tlio lato Thomas William Liddcrdalo. In tlio two years whicli have since olapsed
my colloction has beon inoreased by a number of otherbooks not enumerated in thatportion
of Mr. Lidderdalo’s list whioh relates to the years preoeding 1844; tlio titlcs of those reoont
aoquisitions, together with some correotions of my previous list, are embraced in the presont
number of tho ‘Notices.’ My reasons for not including works of a date subsequent to 1844
wero given at length in the first issue.
The British Museum Cataloguo, witliout reokoning duplicates, cites 170 titles of books
printed in Ioeland beforo the ostablishment of a press at Beykjavík in 1844 (of which 38 aro
still absent from my shelvos). The two supplementary lists thus far compiled embraoo 277
rnore—139 in ‘Bibliographical Notices,’ I., and 139 in ‘Bibliographical Notices’ IV.,—ma-
king a total of 448 works. The books still lacking to both colleotions would probably sliow
tlio whole number of productions issued in Iceland, from the introduction of printing to tho
jmar 1844, oounting all tlie various editions, to be not far from 750. This is an insignificant
number, whon contrastod with tho issues of the presses of Iceland during the far briefer
periodwhich has passod sinoe the last-namod date; but it must bo remembered that tlio for-
iner wero virtually the product of a single printing-establishment—tlio site of which was
oocasionally ohanged—maintained v/ith no little difiiculty among a peoplo then much less
numerous and muoh less prosperous than now.
In this list, as in its prodocessor, the titles aro arranged chronologioally. In reproducing
thom the division of the lines is indicated in the case of all works printed before 1801; tlie
position of a title-page vignette is shown by tho figure □; page-numbers or folio-numbers,
when not exprossed in the work treated of, are usually onclosed in brackets ([ ]); æ represents
both ce and œ; p, standingfor J>, is written p; and the arohaio oliaraoters, a\ (á), p (/orff),
|i (þc), and x (et), as well as m (mm) , n (nn), á (an) and ú (un) aro so given whenever they
occur. Tlio prinoipal referenees in tho notos aro to ‘Bibliographical Notices,’ I. (Bibl.
Not. /.); to tho British Museum Cataloguo (B. M. Cat.); to the ‘Bibliothoca Danica’ of
Bruun; to tho ‘Historia Ecclesiastica’ of Finnur Jónsson; to tho ‘Sciagrapliia Historiæ
Literariæ Islandioæ’ of Hálfdan Binarsson, and to tho ‘Kithöfundatal’ of Jón Borgfirjingur.
An Appendix at tho end corrects, as is hopod, tho chiof errors of tho first list.
Florencc (Lungo il Mugnonc 3.1), Junc 1883.
W. F.
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