(21) Page 21
(last edition). Thc original cdition, prcparcd by Magnús
Stephcnsen and Bp. Geir Jóusson Yidalin, hnd niost
of the succeeding issues, are in the collection.
108. [Utvaldar Smásögur Almonningi til
frodleiks og skemtunar.l I. Bind lta [‘2adl
Hofti. [Videyar Iílaustri 1822-23.]
8.° i., pp. 2-128; ii., 129-272. A miscollaneous
collection by INIagniis Stepliensen, of which only two
numbers, containing 13 pieces, wero issued. Thc morc
important articles are I. Sókrates (pp. 1-10), VI. Ame-
riku Fundur (95-llG), Katrin I. i Gardariki (117-12G)
and XIII. Petur Czar I. hinn Mikli (1G2-272).—No title-
pago was cver printed; tliat cited is from T. II. Erslew’s
Forfattcr-Lexicon, (iii., 214), being i>robably that of
tho paper-cover.
109. Passiu Hugvelcjur til Qvnld-lestra,
frá byrjun Lángafostu til Páska. Frítt útlag-
dar eptir Ch. Christjáni Stúrm , af Markúsi
Magnússyni, Stiptprófasti, Prófasti í Kjalar-
ness tingi og Soknarpresti, til Garda og Bos-
sastada. — II. Bindi. — Editio III. — Videyar
Ivlaustri, 1823. Prentad á kostnad Islands
konúnglegu Uppfrædingar Stiptunar, af Fak-
tóri og Bókjiryekjara G. J. Schagfjord.
8.° f. [1], pp. 4-272. Iteverse of title-folio blank;
text, pp. [3J-262. Soe uo. 103.—Tiiis odition of vol. ii.
of Sturm's ‘Meditations* in Icelandic is not mcntioncd
in tlic list of oditions given in Bibl. Not. I., no. 9á.
Corrected, tlio list of editions shouid run tlius:—vol. i.,
1797, 1802, 1821, 1833, 1835, 1848; vol. ii., 1798, 1802,
1833, 1838; vol. 3., 1834, 1838.
110. Æfi-Agrip Fedganna, Jóns Póturs-
sonar, Benodikts Jónssonar, Boga Bonodikts-
sonar ogBenedikts Bogasouar. — I IJjáverkum
samantekid af Studioso Boga Benediktssyni,
p. t. Yfir-Faktóri vid sál. Biddara O. Thorla-
cius’s Erfingja Hondlun á Styckishólmi, Isa-
firdi og Býldudal, Zo.— Deyr fé, deya frœn-
dur, deyr’ sealfur itsama, Eu ordstyr, deyr
aldregi, hveim er sér gódann gétr. Háva-mal.
—Videyar Ivlaustri, 1823. Prontad af Faktóri
og Bókjiryckjara G. Schagfjord, á kostnad
8.° f. [1], pp. 4-120. Contents:—Titlc-folio, rc-
verso blank ; prcface, pp. [3]-8 ; Frá Brokeyar Jóni, 9-12 ;
Frá lienedikt Jónssyni, 12-32; Frá Boga Benediktssyni,
32-G7 ; Frá Bencdikt Bogasyni, G7-81 ; Ileidurs-Minnin-
gar, 82-9G; Kyn-þætlir, 97-120.—Tho. volume is an in-
tcresting one, an<l unique in its cliaracter. It contains
thc lives, frotn great-grandfatlier to great-grandson, of
representatives of four genorations of Icelandors, written
by a representativo of the fiftli, tliat is, by tho great-
great-grandson. All those, whose lives are tlnis cliron-
icled, wore men of unusual ability and activity. Ono
of tliem, Bogi Bcnediktsson (1723-1803), was the pro-
prietor of tho lírappsey printing-establishmcnt, and
a long foot-noto (pp. 55-59) is devoted to a very complote
and accurate list of the works issuod (1779-91) by tlmt
press. Tho autlior, Bogi Benodiktsson tho youuger,
was born Scptembcr 24, 1771, and died 1849.
111. Fimmtiu Passíu Sálmar, qvednir af
Hallgrimi Péturssyni, Sóknar-prosti tilSaur-
bæar á Hvalfjardarstrnnd frá 1651 til 1674. —
Editio XXI.---------Videyar Klaustri, 1825.
Prontadir á Forlag Islands konúnglegu Vi-
sinda Stiptunar, af Faktóri og Bókjiryckjara
S.0 f. [1], pp. 4-112. Tho reverse of tlic titlo-folio
Is blank; thc tcxt bcgins on p. [3].—Actually tlie 25th
cdition of tlio ‘Paasiusálmar’ of Ilallgrímur l’ctursson;
see no. 13.
112. Handbók Prcsta, innihaldandi Gud-
spjoll og Pistla, med tillieyrnndi Collektum og
Btenum, scm 1 lslands Kirkjum lesast árid
um kríng á Sunnu- og Holgi-dogum. Svo
fylgir einuig Vegloidsla um Barna-skirn,
Iljóna-vígslu, Vitjun Sjúkra og Greftrun
Framlidinna, m. fi. — Videyar Klaustri, 1826.
Prentud á lcostnad Islands konúnglegu Ví-
sinda Stiptunar, af Fakt. og Bókjiryckjara
12.° f. [1], pp. 4-358. Tho collects aníl epistles
occupv pp. [lj-199; Jesii Krists Pislar Saga, 200-240;
prayers, 211-280; Vegleidsla fyrir Presta, 281-358.—
See note on no. 19, Bibl. Not. I.- as to the editions of
this work, variously stylcd ‘Guðspiöll og Pistlar’, ‘Do-
minicale’ and ‘Handbók Presta’. The latefit editions aro
tliose of Reykjavík 1852,18G9 (B. M. Cat., col. 21) andl879.
113. Listi YfirLandsuppfrædíngarFélags-
ins Vísinda Stiptunar Forlags-bækur, sem
eru til kaups bædi vid Prentverkid í Videy
og hjá núveranda Stiptunarinnar Bóksala
Kaupmanni Gudmundi Póturssyni I Reykja-
vík, fyrir vidsett vord í poníngum. [Vidoyar
Klaustri 1826].
12.° form. pp. [2]. From intcrnal evidence tbia
book-list must liave been published not long after tlie
date indicated.
114. Forelnbigt Svar paa no^le i Bladono
Politie-Vennen og Dan en í'or Maji Maaned 1826
indrykkede fornærmelige Angreb. — Udgivet
af Dr. Jur. M. Stephensen Conferenceraad og
Justitiarius i den kongelige islandske Lands-
overret.-----Vidoe Kloster, 1826. Trykt af
Faktor og Bogt^kker G-. J. Scliagfjord.
Tillæg som kortfattet Svar paa Candid.
Vigfas Erichsens Pampblot: Island og dots
Justitiarius, &c. 1827. — Audiatur & altera
pars. — [Vidoe Kloster, 1827?]
8.° f. [1], pp. 4-[40], 41-484-. Contents:-Title-
folio, reverse blank, toxt, pp. [3]-20; Bilager (various
do'cuments), 21-34; Fortcgnelse over de vigtiste fra det
Kongol. islandske Landoplj'sningsSelskabsBogtrykkerio
Udgivne Skriftor, 34-38 ; letter of S. Thorarensen , 38-39;
title of second part, p. 41; tcxt, pp. 41-48-+-. The first
part of this pamplilet, tliat is to and including p. [40], is
complete ; tlio secoud part, pp. 41-48 lacks all after p. 18,
tliat is, pp. 49-56. The title of thc second part is at tlie
top of p. 41. Betwen tlie printing of the two parts inter-
vencd the publication of the pamplilot, ‘Island og dets
Justitiarius’ by Yigfús Ericlisen (see Erslew’s Forfattcr-
Lcxicon, i., 381). Subsequcnt articles on the subject of
Magnús Stepliensen appeared in the Copenliagen journal
Dagcn 1827, no. 72. Both partsoftlie ‘Forelobigt Svar’
are by Magnús Steplienscn, tliough written partly in the
tliird person.
115. Solemnia Scliolastica Ad Colobran-
Bogi Nostro Augustissimo Froderico Soxto
Natalem Habenda Dio III Fobruarii MDCCC-
XXVIII Hocce Libello Indiount Sciiolæ Bos-
sastadensis Magistri. — Begulas Quasdam
Simplicioros Ad Computandum Motum Lunae
Scripsit: Biörnus Gunnlaugi Filius Collega
Seholae Bessastadensis. — Xn Monastorio
Videyensi MDCCCXXVIII. Tvpis Expressit
Factor Et 'iYpographus G. J. Schagfjord.
Sumtibus Soholae Bessastadonsis.
4." f. [1], pp. 4-19. Contenls:—Title-folio, re-
verse blank: iext, in double colmnns, leclandic and I.at-
in. pp. [3]-19; Laiin invitation, p. [20].—Thc titlo pre-
ccding tlie Icelandic text is: Nockrar elnfaldar Heglur
til ad utreikna Tiinglsins Gáng.—Tiiis is tlio carliest of
tlio ailnual publications of tíio Icelandic Coilege in
cclcbration of Ilie birtli-days of tlic king of Dcnmark
(sec Bibl. Not. I. no. 113), aml is by tlie mathematical
professor, Björn Gunnlaugsson (sce llibi. Not. I. no. 118.)
—Thc collection now possesses a complete sories of the
publications—of various sorts—issuod tiy tbo coliegcs of
llcssastaöir and Reykjavík.
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