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1G BOOKS PltlNTEl) sent copy lacks tlie genoral title-pagc, whicli is suppliod frora tlie copy iu tlic Copenhagen Royal Library.—The contents of this volurac includc domcstic intolligence; notices of new books printed at Ilrappsey; a few arti- cjcs on legal and social subjects; a rcview of Eggert Olafsson’s ‘Lachanologia,’ tlien just issued at Copeulia- gon (pp. 17-22); an account of the introduction of rein- deer into Iceland in 1771 (pp. 55-60); an articlo on ‘Viuuraen og Lavsgamgara’ (pp. 129-144); and much other matter. Thc only contributor, bcsides tlic editor, Maguús Ketilsson, seems to have been Björn Ilalldórsson, who has an essay ‘Ora Inventarii-Qvilder udi Island’ (pp. 65-80), but wliich appears to be in part by tlio cdi- tor.—Tho title-pago of tlie first volumc of tlio‘Maancds- Tidender’ is: Islandsko | Maaneds-|Tidendcr. | □ | — | Forste Aargang. | — | llrappsoe, 1774. Of tliis volume tho British Musoura possesses the first threo numbers (Octobor-Deceinber 1778), but lacks the other nine monthly parts (Januarius-December 1774), as well as tlie whole of vols. II and III. The first tliree issues aro in the Latin lettor; but somo reason led to a change, with the beginuing of 1774, to tlio Gothic letter tlien usual in Icelandic books. Tho spccial heading to cacli part was likewise slightly altcrod; it read at first tlius: Islandske | Maaneds-|Tidonder | Fra Octobr. Maaneds Bogyndelse 1773, | til | Septerabris Udgang 1774. | — | Förste Aargang for Octobcr. [November.] [Decomber.] | —| Ilrappsöe, trykte udi det Kongl. allornaadigste | nye privilegorede Bogtrykkorie. Through the remaining numbers of vol. I. (lanuarius-Septomber 1774) this monthly title was tlio same as in vol. II.—Vol. III (ofwhich the collectiou lias a perfect copy) of tbls interesting pcriodical was printed at Copenhagen, tlio mouthly titles omitting auy mention of IIrappsey,being simply :Islandske | Maaneds-| Tidender for Aar 1775. [1776], and the general title-page reading as follows: Islandske | Maaneds-Tidender | — | Tredie Argang. | Fra | Septombcr 1775 til October 1776. | □ | Kiubcnhavn og Hrappsoe. Bosides tlie home news tho volutno includes an article on tlio Icelandic names of the montlis and on tlie divisions of the year (pp. 1-20); a ‘Kort Betænkning orn et nyt Sprog paa Island’ (pp. 81-87); Gunnar Pálsson’s Latin poem, ‘In clavem doctoralcm Domini Finni Johaunæi’ (also publislied separately, see no. 73); an essay on ‘Det Islaudske Saltverk’ (pp. 157-166); and notices of the works printed during tlie year at Ilrappsey and Hólar (pp. 188-193). Tlio periodical torminated witli tlie completion of the third volumo. lts publication is ono of tho inany proofs of tlie ability and vcrsatility of Magniis Kotilsson—a man |ar in advanco of his age. 70. Einn Lijtill | Idrunar | Spogill, | Edur | Tvefiar Sio Andlegar | Saungvijsur, | Um eins Syndara | Yfirboot og Umvendan, | I Fyrstu samannteknar | af Sira j Sigvardo Lycho, | Sooknar-Presto i Siai-Lande, | En nu ur Donsku aa Isslendsku [stc] | wtlagdar. | — I Selst 4. Fiskum. | — | Þrycktur ai Hooluni i Hialltadal, | Af Petre Joons Syno, 1775. 12.° ff. [4], pp. 1-88; ContcntsTitlc-folio, on reverse, in a bordor, a commendation of tho work by Bp. Finnur Jónsson, dated at Skálliolt 1774; prcface, Hiartkiæror Lands-Men, ff. [2]a-[4]b, dated 1774 and signed by tho translator; text, liymns 1-14, pp. 1-85; hymn, Bænar Ord freistadrar Sailar, (Sr. M.E.S.), 85-88.—Tho Danish original of the work, Dcn bodfœrdigc Siœl, udi 1 !i aandclitjc Sangc om en Sgndcres Bodfœr- digJicd og Omvcndclsc, by Sighvardt (Sigvard) Lyclie, pastor of Sundby in Zcajand, was publishod at Viborg 1746.—The translator, ölafur Gislason {d. 1801), was pastor ofStaftarhóll. The final unnuinbered hymn , Mæno cgein mana, isprobably by MagnúsEinarsson (1734-1794), called “Svanurinn á Tjörn,” pastor at' Tjörn (i Svar- faðardal). 71. Nockrar Saung-Vijsur | UíTi | Ivross og Mot|lætingar Guds Barna j i pessum Heime, | Utdreignar af jpeirri Book hess Haitt-1 upplysta Mans | Doct. Valentini Vudriani, | Sem han Ivallar | Skoola Krossens | OgKiene- Teikn Christindoomsins. | 011um Kross-þiav- dum Maneskium til IIeilsu-|samlegrar Undir- vijsunar i sijnum Hormungum, | Af | Joni Einarssyni, | Schol. Hol. Dosign. Rect.| (4. Upp- lag, samanborid vid Au-jthoris Eiginhandar ífcit , og aukid nock-|rum hans Psalmum) I — | Seliast Alment Inbundnar 6. Fiskum. |—| Pryckt ai Iloolum i Hialltadal, Af | Petri Jons Syni, 1776. 12.° ff. [8], pp. l-127-K Contents:—Title-page; Til Lesaraus, sigued Jou Einarsson aud dated 1698, ff. lb-4a; Formailo, signed Ludvig Harboe and dated 1744, 4b-9a; text, pp. 1-112; Lijtill Vidbæter, 113-127 Tliecopy ends witli p. 127 , laeking the (two?) final leavcs. Tlie pagination hegina witli tlie text on tlic reversc of the 9th folio, thus bringiug the odd numbers on thc re- verso of each leaf tliroughout.—Theso ‘Krossskólasálmar’ were based on tho ‘Schola Crucis’ (or ‘Krossskóli’) of tho Germau theologian, Valentin Vudrian. Tliey havo passed through various editions—Hólar 1746 (B. M. Cat.. col. 10), 1753,1776 and Leirárgarðar 1797. The autlior, JónEiuarsson, rector of the Cathedral Scliool at Skálholt, wlienco lie was appointed to a similar position at Ilólar, died in 1707. See Bibl. Not. I., no. 69. 72. Þad Andlega | Bæna Rey-jkelsi, | Pess gooda Guds Maíis j Sr. Poordar Bavrdar-| sonar, | Fordum i Biskups Twngum; | Og ]>ad sama i Andlegt | Psalma Sal|ve sett og snwid | Af | Benedicht Magnus | Syni Becb, | Fyrrum Vallds Mani i Ilegraness Sijslu. | — | Selst alment innbundid 8. Fiskum. j — | Prentad ai Hoolum i Iíialtadal, | Af Petri Jons Syni 1776. 12.° f. [1], pp. 1-190. Contcnts:—Titlefolio, on reverso Biblical quotation (Jac. 5. v. 13) in border; text, pp. 1-186; Viku-Saungur Olcarii, 186-190. Tlie nume- ration of p. 178 is lacking; tliat of pp. 180-190 is ]daced at tlie upper inside corner of tlie page. See no. -4'?. 73. In | Clavem Doctoralem | Dn. Finni j Johannæi | Schalholtensis Episcopi. | □ | — | Ex Typographeo, qvod Hrappseyæ est in Islandia. j Novo, Imprimente E. Hoíf MDCC LXXVI. 4.° ff. [4]. Contcnis:—Latin poem (Clavigoros ceciuisse deos hominesqve Poetas), 6 Febr. 1776; fol- lowed by an Icelandic stanza (Stiigi Doctor fæti ai foild), both signed Gunnarus Paulli (Gunnar Pálsson), ff. la-4a; Latin version of tlie Icelandic stanza, f. 4a; Latin poem (O ! dilecta milii genitrix tot tcrra superba), f. 4b, signod M. K. [=Magnús Ketilsson]. The title-page vignettc is a large typograpliical ornament. See noto to no. 69. 74. Mag. Joons Þorkels Sonar Widalins | (Fyrrum Biskuj)s i Skanl-hollts Stifti), Huss- Postilla, | Innihalldande | Gudrækolegar | Predikanir ] yfir nll Haatijda og Suiiu-daga | Gudspioll. | — | Fyrre Parturen, | Frar Fyrsta Suiiudege i Ádventu, til Trinitatis. | Edi- tio IX. | — | Bavder Partarner til samans Innbundnir soliast 105. Fiskum. | — | Prickt av Hoolum i Hiallta-Dal, | Af Petre Joons Syno, 1776. Mag. Joons Porkels Sonar Widaiins | (Fordum Biskups i Skail-hollts Stifte) [ Huss- Postilla, | Innihalldande | Gudrækilegar | Predikaner | yfor oll Ilaitijda og Sunudaga | Gudspioll. [ — [ Sijdaro Parturenn, | Frai Tri- nitatis Havtijd, tii Adventu. | Editio IX | — | Bavder Partarner til samans Innbundner sel- iast 105. Fiskum. | — | Prickt av Hoolurn i Iiiallta-Dal, | Af Potre Joons Syne, 1777. 2 vols. 4.° vol. i., f. [1], pp. 3-430; vol. ii., pp. 2 -282. In tlie first volume tho reverse of the title- folio is blank; tlie dedication and preface, both signed by the author and dated 1717 and 1718, with two prayers , occupy pp. 3-7, and the text, pp. 8-430; in the second volumc the text begins on tho reverso of tlie title-folio, thus filling pp. 2-282; see nos. 43 , and 57.—Tho order of tlie editions of tho so-called ‘Jónsbók’, or Bp. Jón Vídalín’s ‘Ilúspostilla,’ is asfollows:—Ilólar 1718-20 (2 vols 4.° lst edition); Hólar 1724-26 (2 vols 4.° 2d edition); Hólar 1786-38 (2 vols 4.° 3d edition); Ilólar c. 1739-40

Bibliographical notices I-VI


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