(5) Blaðsíða 5
lauser Menn sier smijda, til | Eilyprar Glö-
tunar. | Huar ap ad lioslega ma sia og
merk-|ia j huörsu haskasamlegt þad er, ad !
lipa og liggia j Syndönum, og | feggia Synd
a Synd opan: | Aullum og sierhuörium til
Vidvörunnar I s Aminingar, Ad giöra Idran x
yperbot, | og draga hana ecke vndan. | Vtlagt
wr Donsku | 1609. | □
8.° fT. [1G]; sig. A—B; raarginal references. Con-
tcnts:—Title-page; text, flf. [l]b-[12]a; Heilræde ad Ma-
dur skule ecke | syndga, huor M. Joliaues Mathesi-|us
pordurn soknar Ilerra i Jocliims dal | j Þyska lande
kiendc Börnura synú., ff. [I2]b-[13]b; Eii oúur gods
raans Heilræ-|de ,* [13]b-[16]a, ending FINIS.; reverse
of final folio blank. — The tract was printed at Holar,
possibly as an appendix to sorae other publication, wliich
would account for tlie abscnco of an imprint. The date
may bc tliat of translation, of printing, or of botli; if of
translatiou only, then tlie book may liave beeii issued
with another by tlie samc translator in 1G11 (see Bibl.
Not. I., nos. 3 and 4.) The rendering is that of Bp. Guð-
brandur Þorláksson from the Danish original of Bp.
Niels Lauridsen Arctander, published at Copenhagen in
1G07 under tlie following titlo (see Bruun, Bibl. Dan.,
col. 305):—‘Dct hollige Fader Vor i Boner af Scriffton
forklarct. Syndekiæden , vdi tolff Lcd forfattet.’ The
piece (ff. 12b-13b), from the German of tho lteformor
Joliannes Matthesius (1504-15G5), also forms a part of
Arctander’s Danish work, but the hymns to be found
tliere are omitted in tho vcrsion.
10. Manvalo j Þatl or. [ Handbokar[korn,
Huornpn Madur eise j adliga Christelega, og
Dey jia Oudlega. j Skripad j Þysku Matlo | Af
D. Martino Mollero | Med h'ns oigen Formada.
En nu vtlagt Jieim til Ga|gns og Gooda, som
slijku viljia giegna. | Þryokt ad nyiu a Hoo-
lum | Ano. 1645.
8.° ff. [144], of whicli tlie last is blank; sig. A-»S vij.
Contcnts4 quotations from tho Fathers, f. [l]b;
preface, Formaale, ff. [2]a-[ll]a; 4 quotations from the
Fathers, [ll]b; text, lleilsusamleg | og raiog god og
gagnlegVnd|ervijsan, [12]a-[113]b, closing with : AMEN |
Ender., followed by tlie tinal blank-leaf. A small por-
tion of the text is in verse, and is so printed, ff. [llG]a
[121]a. See previous list (Bibl. Not. I., no. 3) for tlie
lirst edition. The contents of tlie two are identical except
tliat tho edition of 1611 has an additional section, (Vm
Glede Guds Barna j a Doms Deige.), occupying the four
fiual foiios; this of 1G15 terminatcs with the prayer:
Herra Jesu Cliriste, Sonr Lijpanjda Guds, Gjef ]>u oss
Eyru. See the following title (no. 11).
11. Manuale. | Þad er. | Handbokarjkorn,
Huornen Madur eigo | ad lipa Christolega, ?
Deya | G-udloga. ! Skrifad j I^ysku Ma\le | Af. |
D. Martino Mollero. | Med hns eigen Fórmav
la. | En nu vtlagt þeim til Ga|gns og Gooda |
sem slijku vil|ia giegna. } Þryckt en ad nyu a
Hoolum. | Anno. 1601.
8.° ff. [140]; sig. A—S (tlie last in 4); running titles
and catchwords. ContcntsTitle-folio, on roverse mot-
toes from Cliurch-fathers with Icclandic translations;
preface, ff. 2a-lla, signed Marth. Molle. [aic]; passages
in Icelandic from Fathers of the Churcli, f. llb; text,
ff. 12a-139a; Eirn godur Bænar Psalmur (Miu Herra
Jesu Madr % Gud),ff. 139b-110a. Tlie work apparently
- ends with AMEN ou f. 140a, (rcvcrse blank?). — This
seems to be tlie third impression of the ‘Manuale’ of
Martin Mölier the elder (see note, Bibl. Not. I. no. 3),
and no. ÍO of tlie present issue. The editions, in all,
would bo 1611, 1G45, ÍGGI, 1711 and 1733 — of wliich thc
collection has all but that of 1711.
12. Historia. | Pijnunnar og | Daudans
Drottins vors Je|su óhristi. Epter Textans
einpalld-jre Hliodan, j sio Psalmum yperpa-
ren, | Ap S. Gudmunde Erlends | Syne. | En
ap S. Ilallgrijme Pot-|urs Syne, Stuttlega og
einfalldlega |'vtpydd, med sijnum sierlegustu
Lærdoms greinum, I pimtiju Psalmvijsum,
Gudo | Eilijpum til Lops og Dyrdar. ! I Cor.
II. |Pier skulud kungiora Dauda DR-|OTTins,
þangad til han kiemur. \ Þryckt a Hoolum i
Hiallta | Dal. Anno 1666.
8.° ff. [120]; sig. A—P; initials and ornaments ; pag-
inal signatures and catchwords; no running title; page-
lines, 23, exclusive of the signature line. Contents:—
Title-folio, revcrse blank; Historia Pijn|uúar og Daudans
DROT|tins vors Jesu Christi. I Sau|ngvijsur snueú.,
being 7 hymns by Guömundur Erlendsson, pastor of Fell
(d. lG70),ff. [2]a-[20]b; tlie ‘Passion Ilymns’ of Ilallgrímur
Petursson, witli the following sub-title at the liead of
f. [21]a:
Epterpylgia peir Fimmtiju
Passiu Psalmar (S. Hallgrijms Pet
urssonar) Med Textans Vtskijr
ingu og Lærdomum.
followed by the text (I Psalmur.), whicli ends AMEN.,
f. [114]b, 9th line, succeeded by the famous funeral
hymn, Alt eins og blomstrið eina, liere.published for tlie
first tirae, with the hoading:—Ein stutt Vmþeinking
Daud|ans, Ton, Dagur j Austre ollu., which ends f. [11 Glb
with AMEN. and
Hier endast Passiu Psalmar
S. Hallgrijms Peturs
witli a printer’s ornament below; two Nvárssálmar, or
New Year hymns, by GuÖmundur Erlendsson, under a
sub-title beginning: So ad Jiesse Blod sem epter|fylgia
sieu ecke aud, ff. [116]a-[120]a, closing witli FINIS. at
tlio bottom of the page, reverso blank. — Tlie work,
tkerefore , includes tho original odition of tlie celebrated
‘Fifty Ilyrans on the Passion’ by Ilallgrímur Pétursson.
Tlie volume is very neatly printed, and is of considera-
ble rarity.
Editions of tiie ‘Fifty Passion Hymns.’
The most correct and complete bibliograpliical record
of tlio various editions of the ‘Passíusálmar’ of Hallgrimur
Pétursson is that which lias appeared, since tlie issuo of
‘Bibliograpliical Notices’ I, iu tho first volume of tlie
beautiful momorial edition of the poet’s ‘Sálmar og
KvæM’ (Reykjavík 1887), in wliich it occupics pp. 381-38G
under tlie titlo of “Yflrlit yfir prentanir sálmanna.” Tho
following enuraeration of the editions closely follows
that list; an obelisk (f), prefixed to tlio number, indi-
cates that the issue has not yetbeen added to the collcc-
tion: —
lst edition, Ilólar 16GG. — The one just deseribed
above, inwhiclithe ‘Passiusálmar’ have no distinct titlo-
page, and aro prcceded and followed by hymns writton
by Guðmundur Erlendsson.
2d cdition, Ilólar 1671. —In the Ilymmal publisliod
in tliat year (ff. 26b-87a); see no. 16. To this edition,
tlie last issued during tlie life-time of tlie author, wlio
died tliree years later, tliere is likewise no special title-
f 3d edition, Hólar 1G82.—This, like its two pred-
ecessors, was printed during the period of Bp. Gísli
Þorláksson’s supervision of the Hólar press.
4th edition, Skálholt 1G90.—Seo no. 34. The first
edition undor Bp. Þóröur Þorláksson, by wliom tlio toxt
was freed from many corruptions.
5th edition, Skálholt 1G9G.—See no. 39. Thc final
edition issucd at Skálholt, likewise under the diroction
of tlie book-loving Bp. Þórbur.
Gth edition, Ilólar 1704.—See no. 33. Propared
for the press by Bp. Björn Þorleifsson (d. 1710), witli
an introduction treating, among other tliings, of the art
of song, and a preface relating to tlie character of tho
edition. Scvcral changes were madc in tho text, and
many marginal references to tlie Scriptures inserted,
under the special direction of Jón Gunnlaugsson, dean
of tho catliedral of Ilólar. Tho edition was sharply
7th cdition, Hólar 1712.—Soe no. 39. Issuod two
years after Bp. Björn’s death. Both his introduction and
preface are omitted, as are also the scriptural references,
but some of tlio textual changes are still retained.
8th edition, Hólar 1722.—See Bibl. Not. I., no. 29.
Printed from the next preceding edition, with tlio addi-
tion of two kyinns at tlie end, one from the Gerinan.
(1) Blaðsíða 1
(2) Blaðsíða 2
(3) Blaðsíða 3
(4) Blaðsíða 4
(5) Blaðsíða 5
(6) Blaðsíða 6
(7) Blaðsíða 7
(8) Blaðsíða 8
(9) Blaðsíða 9
(10) Blaðsíða 10
(11) Blaðsíða 11
(12) Blaðsíða 12
(13) Blaðsíða 13
(14) Blaðsíða 14
(15) Blaðsíða 15
(16) Blaðsíða 16
(17) Blaðsíða 17
(18) Blaðsíða 18
(19) Blaðsíða 19
(20) Blaðsíða 20
(21) Blaðsíða 21
(22) Blaðsíða 22
(23) Blaðsíða 23
(24) Blaðsíða 24
(25) Blaðsíða 25
(26) Blaðsíða 26
(27) Blaðsíða 27
(28) Blaðsíða 28
(2) Blaðsíða 2
(3) Blaðsíða 3
(4) Blaðsíða 4
(5) Blaðsíða 5
(6) Blaðsíða 6
(7) Blaðsíða 7
(8) Blaðsíða 8
(9) Blaðsíða 9
(10) Blaðsíða 10
(11) Blaðsíða 11
(12) Blaðsíða 12
(13) Blaðsíða 13
(14) Blaðsíða 14
(15) Blaðsíða 15
(16) Blaðsíða 16
(17) Blaðsíða 17
(18) Blaðsíða 18
(19) Blaðsíða 19
(20) Blaðsíða 20
(21) Blaðsíða 21
(22) Blaðsíða 22
(23) Blaðsíða 23
(24) Blaðsíða 24
(25) Blaðsíða 25
(26) Blaðsíða 26
(27) Blaðsíða 27
(28) Blaðsíða 28