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IX ICELAND. 25 Xo. 29 (notc). Tlie Latin translation of tlie ‘Passiusálmai-’ by Hjör- leifur Þóröarson was publislied in 1785 (not 1784). No. 33 (notc). For bctwGcn 1704 and 1710, in tlio last lino of tlie column, read bctwcen 1704 and 1710; and in the tentli line of the next column (p. 13) for 2d cdition (1707) read 2d cdition (1007). The oarly editions of tho 4 Grad- ualc' should run:—1. Hólar 1591, 2. 1G07; 3. 1623; 4. 1619; 5. 1679; 6. Skálholt, 1691; 7. 1696—tliere having been 2 Skálholt issues; and thus oithor that indicatod as 7. Húlar 1706 ?, or tlie surmised !). 171 ?, must be consid- ered non-oxistent.—Tlie collection, as lias been sta- ted in a previous page, now possesses a copy of tlio ear- liost edition of tho Gradualc (Hólar 1594). Xo. 40 (notc). In tlic seventh line from thc top of page 14, col- umn 1, for 1730 rcad 1030. Xo. 63. Tlie collcction at length includes the lacking vol. i. of the 1772 Hymnbook, bearing the following titlo: Þeir 1 ai^ætu og andrijku | Psalma | Flock- ar, | wt af | Fæding, Pijnu og Uþprisa | vors Drottinns og Herra | JÉsu Christi, | Med Lær- doomsrijkri Textans | Utskijrinf?u, | axsamt | Hugvekiu Psalmumi | og wt af I Da"legri IdkunGudrækn-|innar. — j Seliastlnnbundnir 30. Fiskum. | — | Prentadir ai Hoolum i Hialta dal af Joni Olafssyni 1772. 8.° ff. [4], pp. 1-510; sig., (4 leaves without signa- ture), A—Þ, Aa—Hh; ornaments and initials; paginal catcliwords; music iu text (pp. 419-421) ; p. 419 erroue- ously numbcred 491. ContentsExtra title-folio, on reverse a stanza of 8 lines (Saungva sidugt Meingi); title-folio, reverse hlank; preface by Bp. Gisli Magnús- son, datod 1772, ff. [3]a-[4]b; tcxt, Psalmar wt af Fæ- dingar | Historiu (by Gunnlaugur Snorrason), pp. 1-78; Psalmur. (by Sira Magnús Einarsson), 78-89; Psalmar wt af Pijningar | Historiuni (of Ilallgrimur Pótursson), 81-208; Psalmar wt af Upprisu Ilist-| iu [síc] (by Bp. Steinn Jónsson), 209-334; Þeir Fimtiju Hugvekiu | Psal- mar (by Sigur?)ur Jónsson), 335-423; Dagleg Idkun Gud- rækninar (liymns 1-46, followed by Ydrun Saung-Vijsa), 423-504; Kegistur, 504-510.—The prefixed extra, or general title for tho two volumes, is Þeirrar | Islendsku | Psalma-1 Bookar I Fyrri Partur. | med Formaila Editoris 1 og Registre | — | Þrycktur a Iloolum i Hiallta- Dal [ Anno 177*2. The ‘Passiusálmar’ of Ilallgrimur Pótursson are horo printed for tlie 18tli time. Xo. 71. In line 4, for pvi read þvi. The sarae blunder is frequently repeated in titles of works ]>rinted at tlio Hrappsov press—as in nos. 72 (1. 4), 79 (1. 4), 82 (1. 4), 84 (1. 4) , 86 (1. 7), 87 (I. 1G), 88 (1. 4), 89 (1. 6), 90 (1. 6), 91 (1. 4), 92 (1. 4), aud 93 (1. 4). Xo. 72 (notc). In the last litio but onc, for Alpingisbœkur read AZ- þingisbœkur. Xo. 95. There has now been added to tlie collection vol. ii. 1 of tliis first cdition of Sturm’s ‘Hugvekjur,’ witlx tho j following title : i Passiu Hugvekjur | til | Qvold-lestra, | frá byrjun Lánga-fostu til Páska, 1 frítt útlagdar optir | Christápher Cliristjáni Stúrm | af | Markúsi Magnússyni, | Stipt-prófasti Skálholts-stiptis, Prófasti í j Kjalarness jungi og Súknar-presti til | Garda og Bessastada. | — | II. Bindi. | — j Selst almennt innbundid , 51 skild. | — | Leirárgordum vid Leirá, 179S. | Prentad, ad bodi ens Islendska Lands- j j Uppfrædingar Fólags, á kostnad | Bjorns Gottskálkssonar. | af Bókþryckjara G. .T. Schagfjord. 8.° f. [1], pp. 2-270. Contents:—Title-folio, re- verso blank; text, pp. [l]-270; Hellstu Prentvillur, 270. —For the second editiou of Sturm see no. 103 of the present issue; aiul for the Sd edition of vol. ii, no. 109. Xo. 112 (notc). Tho list of editions of the New Testamcnt sliould bo as follows:—1. Koeskilde 1540; 2. Hólar 1609; 3. Copen- hagen 1750; 4. Copenliagen 1807; 5. Copenhagen 1813; 6. Yiðey 1827 ; 7. Koykjavik 1851; and 8. Oxford 1863 ; the collection lacks tlie first twro, but has all the re- mainder. Index of Names. In tlie first line (pago 26. col. 1), for Psalm Flockar read Psalma Flockar; for Meditationcs Litancvticarum (page 28, col. 1) read Mcditationvm Litancvticarnm; strike out (pagc 29, col. 3, 16th line from bottom) Þorláksson, Sigriður. Ehratum. In the Erratum at the bottom of page 29, for the words liere printcd for thc first lime, substitute printed for thc first timc as an appcndix to thc carlicst cdition of that 1 author’sAPassíusúlmar,' 1060. INDEN OF NAMES AND TITLES. Thc rcfcrcnces arc, in gcneral, to tlic titlc-numbcrs, but when preceded bij p., to the pagc-numbci's. All works dcscribed in tlic list are entercd under tlic first word of thc titlc, not an arliclc nor a prcposition, and also undcr thc names of their authors and translators. A [ABC and Catechismus Lutheri], (1745) 139. Aagætu og andrijku Psalma Flockar (Þcir), (1772), p. 25a. Aagiætu I’salma Flockar (Þeir) , (1780) 12, 125, p. 25b. Abgarus, 23. Adflnuing vid Eineygda Fjolnir, (1839), 133. Adrichomius, Christian, 23. Æfi-Agrip Fedganna, (1823) 110. Æfintyrid Jóhonnu Raunir, (1829) 116. Æfisagallannesal* Finuss'onar, (1797) 93. Agrip]>ess er giordistfyrir Logþingis- Réttinum, (1796) 89, (1796) 90. Alþingisbækur, (1795) 89, (1796) 90, (1797) 94, (1798)95, (1799) 98, (1800) 102. Andlega Bæna Reykelsi (Þad), (1776) 72. Andlcga Ilarpa (Su), (1694) 27. Andlega Sigurverk (Þad), (1694) 26. Andlega. Tvij-Partada Bæna Reykcl- se (Þad), (1731) 47. Andlegar Hugvekjur, (1802) 103, (1823) 109, (1798), p. 25b. AndlegeFerda-Madur(Sa), (1694) 26. I Andlege Fialla Madur (Sa), (1694) 26.

Bibliographical notices I-VI


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