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UNTO THE HONOURABLE THB DEAN AND FACULTY OF ADVOCATES, THE MEMORIAL OF THORL. GUDM. REPP, ASSISTANT-KEEPER OF THE ADVOCATES’ LIBRARY. Youit Memorialist, from particular circumstances, feeling himself called upon to bring his case under your consideration, begs leave to introduce it to your notice, by stating tbe circumstances of his engagement into your service as Assistant-Keeper of your Library. The office now held by your Memorialist was first mentioned to him by his friend Mr. Rask, Professor of Literary History in the University of Copenhagen, to whom it had first been offered on the same terms as those upon which your Memorialist finally accepted it. Mr. Rask having declined the offer thus made to him of leaving Denmark, and emigrating into Great Britain, showed to your Memorialist a correspondence he had with the Keeper of your Library, in which, after Mr.

Unto the honourable the Dean and Faculty

Unto the honourable Dean and Faculty of Advocates,

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