(13) Blaðsíða 13
i '3 1
tin, in the year 743, that a man, who fold his
flave to an infidel, Thould be infamous ; and ex-
communicated in the fame manner as a mur-
derer, if the flave thus fold was intended to fall
a vidtim to the gods. And in Norway it was
abfolutely forbid to fell a flave out of the king-
dom, unlefs he had committed an enormous
crime *. With a view to promote the abolition
of this favage cuftom, which proved to be fatal
to perfons of the moft exquifite beauty f and
the moft exalted character; it was wifely enact-
ed, that the ceremonies of emancipation among
the Chriftians fhould refemble the form of the
heathen facrifices, and engage in the fame way
the imagination both of the Chriftians and the
heathens. Thus happily did the flaves obtain
chance of liberty; thus were they often brought
* The Norwegian law, called Gulathing’s Law of King
Hacon Haconfon, Part 13.
f Adam of Bremen. De Situ Danis, Frxterea relatum
eft nobis in eodem ponto die Eftland infulam ubi Dracones
adorant cum volucribus, quibus etiam vivos litant homines,
quos a mercatoribus emunt diligenter omnino probatos, tie
maculam in corpare habeant, pro qua refutari dicuntur, a
Draconibus. In Sweden the fame practice was not lefs
common, where, on urgent occafion, kings and princes were
facrificed, particularly in the times of fcarcity and famines.
Nay the Swedes boafted once of having immolated five kings
iu one day.
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(33) Kvarði
(34) Litaspjald
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(33) Kvarði
(34) Litaspjald