(5) Blaðsíða 5
hiftory of this laft market ha;s been handed down
to us in the Icelandic language, from which I
Jhall tranflate the following account, as it throws
jio inconfiderable light upon the ftate of thofe
times with refpeft to commerce and manners.
“ Hofkold, of Hofkoldftad,” fays the author,
“ went to the iflands of Brenneyar, it being
“ efteemed the higheft pleafure to attend an af-
“ fembly crowded with the chiefs of every nation
“ of whom we have any knowledge: for here
“ the kings of Gothic race were obliged, accord-
“ ing to a ftanding law, to meet every third year,
“ for the purpofe of eftablifhing mutual peace
cc throughout their dominions. The market
“was exceedingly numerous, and at the fame
“ time as fplendid and attraftive, every paufe
“ of bufinefs being filled with banquetting, in-
“ terludes, plays, and a variety of other enter-
“ tainments equally enchanting. One day as
" Hofkold took a walk with fome of his attend-
C£ ants, he chanced to fee a neat tent at a diftance
“ from the reft; curiofity induced him to go that
“ way. Having come up to it, he met with a
“ man at the door, cloathed in purple, with a
“ Ruffian hat on his head. On enquiry, he
“ found that his name was Gilli, the Ruffian.—
“ Hofkold faid, he had often heard his name, and
“ that his fortune was fuperior to that of any
“ other merchant; in confequence of which he
A 3 expefled
(1) Blaðsíða 1
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(33) Kvarði
(34) Litaspjald
(2) Blaðsíða 2
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(5) Blaðsíða 5
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(32) Blaðsíða 32
(33) Kvarði
(34) Litaspjald