(16) Blaðsíða 16 (16) Blaðsíða 16
t « ] of this kind of flavery was reduced to the cer- tain term of feven years *, or as the Icelandic law more equitably ordered it, till the pur- chafe money, and expences made on the (lave, were reimburfed f. The learned lawyer Eu- febe de Lauriere, obferving that the ancient Germans were accuftomed to fell their children, has ftated, that they exercifed the Roman Jus Vitae et Necis J 5 though I agree with him herein §, yet I cannot forbear obferving, that a very extraordinary reafon might fometimes give birth to a trade which makes every heart ache. The ancients, wherever they lived, were perpe- tually harralfed, as well with domeftic as foreign wars, and confequently experienced all thofe evils which arife from neglefted agriculture, dreadful fcarcity and famine. Therefore, if the parents * Baluzii Capitularia Regum Francor. libr. vi. c. 4. 4 The Icelandic Law, called G rag as, which prevailed from the year 928 till the year 1267. J Gloflaire di} droit Francois, t. ii. p. 171. et t. i. p. 378, in the words “ Mife hors de pain, & homme et femme mariez font tenus pour emanciper. § In order to be convinced of the ancient Germans hav- ing exercifed over their children that which is called “ Jus Vitse & Necis,” it is only necefiary to have recourfe to J. G. Heineccii Elementa Juris Germanici Antiqui, libr. ii. tit. 29. Halx 1746. Corpus Juris Germanici Antiqui, cjira J. G. Heincccii, et Petri Georgifch, Halse 1738 in 4. ?. 418. • did

An essay on the slave trade

An Essay on the Slave Trade.

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