
(15) Blaðsíða 15
C l5 3
deftroy them *. The laws of nature, deeply en-
graved in the breafts of the human race could
not always be fupprefied, and an aftion abhorred
even by the brutes, awaked feelings which at
length brought mankind back to the dictates of
reafon. Many nations found it more advanta -
geous, inllead of depriving the poor infants of
their lives, to fell them into flavery: thus were
many lives preferved, and the parents had the
gratification of feeing their unhappy offspring
have a chance of afpiring to a better fortune.
The liberty of a mans felling into flavery his
own children, was of courfe reftrained to certain
rules. They begun by enafting that the child,
which was fold for a flave, fhould recover its
liberty, by paying the fixth part of the purchafe
money to the mafter. And it was further or-
dered, that no fuch flave fhould be exported out
of his native country. At length the duration
“ turn, fhall be fined in xii ounces of filver to the Bifhop,
“ and the aflembly (hall be obliged to buy a Have at their
“ own expence, for the above-mentioned purpofe.
* With refpeft to the Greeks, fee Henr. Aug. Zeibickii
Commentat. Academica ad Euripidis Jonem Witeb. 1732;
and concerning the Romans, Gerh. Noodtii Julium Paullum
Se Cornelii Bynkerfhoekii Opufcula de jure occidendi, ven-
dendi, et exponendi liberos ; and with refpefl to the northern
nations, fee Johan, Erici Differtatio de Expofitione Infantum
Jdavnias, 1756.
(1) Blaðsíða 1
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(33) Kvarði
(34) Litaspjald
(2) Blaðsíða 2
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(32) Blaðsíða 32
(33) Kvarði
(34) Litaspjald