(22) Blaðsíða 22 (22) Blaðsíða 22
C M 1 and dimlniftied by St. Wulfstan, whofe example ■was imitated by the fecond fynode of London, which enafted, “Neauis illud nefarium negotium, ,e quod haftenus in Anglia folebant homines ficut “ bruta animalia venundari deinceps ulla tenus <c facere prtefumat.” I find, however, remains of this inhuman trade ftill difgrace much later ages; and how could it be abolifhed, as long as the kings themfelves fold their prifoners for money ? f. “ pervicacitatem illorum, non facile flefti. Sape circa “ eos duobus menfibus, fsepe tribus mancitabat omni do- « minica eo veniens et divin® prsdicationis fi?mina Ipar- "^ens.” Sandli Lupi Sermo ad Anglos, in Pr®fatione Epiftolari ad - v G. Hichefii thefaur. linguar. Septentional. p. 99. 106. “ Pauperes autem et egeni graviffime quidem feducuntur, « et circumventi funt crudeliter per inftdias et e terra venales •• miflifunt longe in exilium, et infantes e cunabulis minimo »» f u ti pretio plerumque per hanc gentem ac fasvilfime con- — «* tra leges funt mancipati, et jus libertatis eft abreptum, *( Sc jus mancipii coanguftatum—et pernuilti ex hac regione venundantur Chriftiani.” -j- Chronicon Saxonicum in the Cottonian Library, Ti- ber. B. v. In the year 1036, Harold, King of England, having imprifoned the attendants of Prince Alfred, fold them as flaves in a public market. Conf. Encomiaftes Em- m® Regina: in J, Langebeck’s Scriptor. Rer. Danicar. t. ii. p. 498. Thus

An essay on the slave trade

An Essay on the Slave Trade.

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