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[ IO ] Arabs, who were then fettled in Spain *. The Slave Trade was otherwife the bufinefs of the Jews, particularly in France, which gave Ago- bard, the archbifhop of Lyon, 'occafiori to re- proach the Chriftians in feveral ofhis fermons f for permitting the Jews to traffick in flaves. On the other hand the Saracens raifed an incre- dible number of flave9 for the Venetians, who fold them publicly at Rome But this mar- ket being flopped, the Venetians bought Chrif- tian flaves on board the privateers infefling the Mediterranean, and brought them to their own market §. At length the Doge interfered, and at once put an end to this fhameful traffic* The Chriftian religion being at length re- ceived by the different nations of Europe, totally changed the ancient trade. On one fide the * Carfamatium vocant Graeci. Amputatis virilibus et virga eunuchum, quos Verdunenfes ob immenfum lucrum faccre folent Sc in Hifpanianas ducere. Vid. Du Chefne Gloflar. ad Script, media; et infima:. Lat. t. ii. p. 363. Paris, 1733. • y; f Baluzius, t. i. p 6z. whete St. Agobard’s Letters are complaining of the Jewilh Infolcnce. J Anaftaf. in vita St. Zacharia;, P. R. ad ann. ^47, Contigit plures Venetorum, hanc Romanam adveniffe in urbem negotiatores et mercimonii nundinas propagantes multitudinem Chriftianorum mancipiorum virilis filicet et feminini fexus emere vifi funt, quos et in Africam ad pa- ganam gentem nitebantur deducere. $ IJandul. in Chronic, year 878. 8 precepts

An essay on the slave trade

An Essay on the Slave Trade.

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