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T 12 ] Before we proceed to the abolition of the Have trade by law, I fhall beg leave to obfer ve, that flaves were among thofe things which our heathen an- ceftors offered to their numerous gods, and ftained their altars with human bloodif we can believe Ditmarus of Merfeburg, who charges the Danes with having in their great facri- fices ufed no fewer than ninety-nine flaves *. uj St. Bonifacius tells us, that the newly converted Germans fold their flaves to their infidel neigh- bours for the above-mentioned purpofe, which at length was flopped by Gregory the fecond, who made the offender guilty of a capital of- fence f. Charloman ordered in the fynod of Lep- •> “ cap. xiv. Cccpit quoque ex genteDanorum et Sfavorum “ nonnullos emere pueros, aliquos etiam ex captivitate re- “ dimere, quos adfervitiumDei educarct. capite xxxi. Mul- “ tos redemit captivos, quos et libertate donavit, nonnullos “ tamen eorum, qui ad hoc apti effe poterunt, &c. conf. Jor- “ daniOrigines Slavics, Part iv.p. 298.” “ SandlusWen- „ “ cellaus pueros gentilium in fervitute genitos emens fide “ Chrifti prxditos dabat libertati. De Pueris Anglis Romas “ eandem ob caufam publice emptis vid. St. Gregorii et •f St. Auguftini Vitas in Mabillonii A£ta San&orutn, t. i. p. “ 391 • 4°5> 4z6- 5°4-” * Ditmarus Merfeburgenfis in Leibnitii Scriptores Rer. Brunfvigicar, t. i. p. 327. Conf. Step. Job. Stephanii notas ad Saxon. Grammatici Hiltor. Danic, p. 92. Sort* 1644-45, fol. and J. Grupens Origines Livonise. f Bar.onii Annal. Ecclefiaftici, in the year 731. tin, 7

An essay on the slave trade

An Essay on the Slave Trade.

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