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[ 20 ] Anfchar, archbifhop of Hambourgh, prevailed* on them to abolifh this difgraceful cuftom, and to iffue a law, <c that whoever fhould be accufed “ of kidnapping in time to come, fhould clear “ himfelf by the judgment of God (fo the ordeal “ was then called) and fhould be excluded from * the rights of producing witneffes, or taking his “ oath preferibed by the common law : a law ” which bordered very near upon that of the “ Jews (Exod. chap, xxi.); and he that ftealeth a “ man, and fell him, or if he be found in his “ hand,, he fhall furely be put to death.” What Charles the Great, and the fynodes in different parts of Germany, France, and Italy, h$d enabled, with refpedt to the Have trade, was followed by other princes. For Canute the Great, king of England, paffed a law, (( that no Chrif- “ tian fhould be fold for exportation -j-;” by fuch • Rerobertusin vita Sancli Anfcharii, cap. xxxii. Infuper ne ulla fraus in futurum pro eadem re obtenderetur con* ventionem talem fecerunt, ut non juramento nec tellibus fe ullus eorum, qui in prtedidla rapacitau; muKlati fuerant defenderet, fed judicio omnipotentis Dei, fe committeret, aut ipfe, qui pro tali fcelere impetebatur, aut certe captivus, qui alium inipetebat. t “ Prxeipimus ne Chriftiani paflim in exilium mittantur " vel in gendlitatem, ne forte pereant animx.” This fame law had been enailed before, viz. in the Synode of Enham, in the year 1009, Ne Chriftiani ct innocentes ex- tra

An essay on the slave trade

An Essay on the Slave Trade.

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