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t 25 1 faid law is particularly curious: Cf If a Have <c takes land and fettles, then fhall he give an <c entertainment, called the Feaft of Liberty, the “ expences of which fliall be nine bulhels of *c malt and a ram. A free-born man fhall cut " off the head of the ram, and the mafter fhall ** unlock the collar * lurrounding the flave’s <c neck. If the mafter refufes to grant the Have “ leave of giving the feaft of liberty, then fhall " the Have requeft it before two witneffes, and tc in their prefence invite his mafter, with five tc friends of his. The Have then fhall prepare <c the entertainment, and let the uppermoft feat <c be ready to receive his mafter and miftrefs. “ Thus the Have fhall recover his liberty, which “ recovery he fhall prove by thofe who were “ prefent at the feaft, againft all attempts, which “ his mafter may purfue for the future.” Such was the ftate of flavery in Norway, when it was totally abolifhed in the year 1270, by king Mag- nus, called the Reformer of the Law. * On this occasion the author remembers to have feen in the Mufeum of the Antiquarian Society at Edinburgh a metal collar, conftru£ted with a ring for receiving a padlock, with the following infcription :— “ Alexander Stewart found guilty of death, for theft at " Perth, the 5th of December 1701, and gifted by the Jufticiary as a perpetual fervant to Sir John Erlkine of “ Alva.” This collar was lately found in the grave of the deceafed, in the burial ground at Alva. The

An essay on the slave trade

An Essay on the Slave Trade.

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