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[ *6 ] The Danifh law of King Eric Menved, who died in the Year 1319, fhews, that (lavery then was very common, notwithftanding the kings themfelves had joined their efforts with the clergy, and aimed conftantly at the deflrudtion of it. According to the Scanifh- law, fervitude was the certain fate of a criminal offender * ; of a captive +; of die offspring of a female Have, The captives belonged to the king, and offenders were flaves to the public With refpeft to birth, the rule well known by the Romans, par- tus Jequitur ventrem, was fo carefully obferved, that if a flave happened to be father of a child, whofe mother was born free, the child had the ftrongeft claim to liberty §: nay, that a free- born man who had married a woman not know- ing her to be a flave, had right to fue for di- vorce, and marry another as he pleafed [j. Dur- ing the flavery in Denmark, it refembled much the Roman flavery; and it is uncertain how op when the Danifh flaves were emancipated. The Hate of Slavery in Sweden fell and rofe ip the fame degree as it did among her neighbours. In Upland, the fervitude was abrogated by King * The Scanifh Law, libro vi. c. 9. libr. vii. c. 15. | L. C. I L. c. § L. c. This was reverfe according to the Englifh law. See Bratton, libr. vi. tratt. i. c. 21—22. j| The laws of Sxland paffcd by King Eric Menved, book v. ch. 3. Byrger

An essay on the slave trade

An Essay on the Slave Trade.

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