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r 4 ] Various as the claims and titles were, by which our anceftors came to their flaves, I have no doubt but that the fame ftill prevail among the Africans, and will continue to prevail till the bleffings of our facred religion, the knowledge of common duties, and a fixed love for agriculture, arts, and manufactures, fpread themfelves among thofe millions, who at prefent are funk into igno- a ranee. Before the Chriftian religion was univer- O fally received in Europe, flave-markets were regularly eftablifbed at Rome *, at Briftol f, at Micklenburgk at Skonor §, and in the iflands ofBrenneyar [[, near Gottenborgh. The * Vita Zacharite Papa; Rom. in the year 747. f Wilhelm. Malmelbur. in the Life of St. Wulfftan. Wharton’s Anglia Sacra, Vol. II. p. 258. J Helmoldi Chronic Slavic, libr. i. p. 9. Adam of Bre- men calls it Magnopolis, a great town at that time near Wifmar. § Snorro Sturlefon’s Hillory of Norway in many places j and Thonn. Torfad, Hill. Rer. Norvegic, t. 2. p. 332. ' || Laxdsela Saga ; or, the hillory of the county of Lax- ardal, in Iceland, during the 10th century, MS. confer. I. Reenhielm Obfervations on the Life of king OluffTreggva- fon. Upfal, p. 127. This curious manufeript is now, among many other, in the polleffion of the Britilh Mufeum, owing to the public fpirit and unrivalled liberality of Sir Jofeph Banks, baronet, prefident of the Royal Society, 'See. hillory

An essay on the slave trade

An Essay on the Slave Trade.

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