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C 8 1 /old for a horfe, a lhield, and a fpcar *. But Saint Rembert, arcbifhop of Hambourgh, made a far better bargain, receiving from the heathen Danes a great number of their flaves for the horfe he rode upon f. Nor were the flaves of higher va- lue among the Goths ; for Jornandes tells us, that they exchanged their flaves for a piece of bread and meat J. Among the Francs the price of a flcilful flave was io (killings of gold, but in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, the regular price never exceeded one mark filver, i. e. one pound twelve (hillings fterling § ; and in Wales a flave was equal to a head of cattle |j. As to the perfonal rights, a flave was every where * Schannati Codex Traditionum Fuldenfium Charta, ccxix. Lipfiae, 1724. f Adami Bremenfis, Hift. Ecclef. lib. i. p. 35. Vita ■SantU Remberti in Langebech’s Script. Rer. Danic. t. ii. p. 140—41. { Jornandes de Rebus Geticis, cap, xxvi. p. 647. Edit. Grotii. Amftelod. 1655. § Laxdxla Saga, 1. c. ]| Leges Wallicte. Edit. Wotton. lib. ill. p. 206. Hero eadem eft poteftas in fervum fuum ac in jumentum, & libr. iv. p. 324. Compenfatio pro ctede lervi prxfinitur nulla, excepto quod pretium ejus domino folvitur prout animalia occifa compenfari dcbent. This is determined in the fecond chapter to be one mark (libra), if the deceafed had been native, but one mark, one hundred and twenty pence3 if foreigner of birth. See p, 205. fold

An essay on the slave trade

An Essay on the Slave Trade.

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