(21) Blaðsíða 13 (21) Blaðsíða 13
13 chasm sixty feet wide, and forms a natural bridge. Another mass, twenty-four feet long by eighteen broad, is so exactly balanced across another that a touch will move it; and, though the waves have been dashing against it for ages, poised on a pivot, there it remains. The ocean has pierced another island, so that a boat can sail through it under a natural arch, with nearly 2,000 feet of solid rock overhead, whilst singular rocks of every con- ceivable shape rear their fantastic summits on every side. At Klaksvig we spent a happy day, visiting the school, where, as the Faroese language is un- written, the children are taught Danish by schoolmasters, who often regard these islands as places of cruel exile. They handed us the church key, and informed us the building was very ancient, but it appeared the old church had disappeared, and the neat, clean, wooden building we entered was but 27 years old. A picture, “painted to order and especially for us,” as our guide said with pride, was above the altar, which had upon it an antique silver cup and flagon. We were informed that 20 per cent, of the men are drowned, and, visiting the little church yard, we thought it shewed the most perfect equality, for each grave was only marked with a small upright stone bearing a number. Perched on these stones we saw several ravens. Birds of prey used to abound, and we were told of a curious Naebletold, or bird tax, which still exists. This law demands an annual payment on St. Olafs day from every man, between 15 and 50 years of age, of one dead eagle, raven or like bird of prey, one raven’s brood, or the bills of two crows, or great black- backed gulls. In 1782 the skua was added to the list. Since, however, the introduction of guns the law is not strictly enforced, though you may still receive three farthings for each raven’s beak delivered at the Court of Justice We were also shown some fine mineral specimens, and were told that a diligent search in these islands brings to light opals of white, green, dark brown and yellow colour, and magnificent specimens of chalcedony, whilst mesolite, in downy tufts and other forms, occur on Nalsoe. Our steamer next passed through a sound whose rapid waters were said to carry all before them, but having on a previous occasion passed the Maelstrom, we no longer feared these
(1) Band
(2) Band
(3) Saurblað
(4) Saurblað
(5) Kápa
(6) Kápa
(7) Blaðsíða [1]
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(21) Blaðsíða 13
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(63) Blaðsíða 55
(64) Blaðsíða 56
(65) Blaðsíða 57
(66) Blaðsíða 58
(67) Saurblað
(68) Saurblað
(69) Saurblað
(70) Saurblað
(71) Band
(72) Band
(73) Kjölur
(74) Framsnið
(75) Kvarði
(76) Litaspjald

A ride through Iceland including a visit to the Faroe, Westmann and other islands of the North Atlantic


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Tengja á þessa bók: A ride through Iceland including a visit to the Faroe, Westmann and other islands of the North Atlantic

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