(12) Blaðsíða 10
The issues of child-raising
One of the main reasons for the lack of power
and influence women experience in our society is
that raising children and caring for them is a re-
sponsibility which rests almost entirely on
women, without its being valued in the least. Shar-
ing of responsibility between parents and an in-
creased and improved participation by society in
child-raising is a project which the Women's Al-
liance wants to take on. The majority of women
carry a multiple load due to their work inside and
outside the home. Mothers who work outside the
home are in constant uncertainty about the safety
of their children, and have no resources when their
children need them particularly, such as in cases of prolonged illness or adjust-
ment to day-care centres or schools.
There is a great discrepancy in society's view of childbearing and rearing. It is
considered natural that people have children but once they are born it may be said
that society is hostile towards them. Maternity leaves are too short, childs benefits
too iow, the school day is not continuous and in rural areas many children have
to live far from their parents to attend school. The needs of children are subser-
vient to the needs of the economy. The increased participation of women in the
economy has not been responded to with better services such as secure child care,
a continuous school day and school lunches.
Society has a duty to nurture all children well. They are the future of the nation
and it can therefore be costly to economize on their needs.
(1) Kápa
(2) Kápa
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(51) Kápa
(52) Kápa
(53) Kvarði
(54) Litaspjald
(2) Kápa
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(51) Kápa
(52) Kápa
(53) Kvarði
(54) Litaspjald