(27) Blaðsíða 27 (27) Blaðsíða 27
IN ICELAND 27 12.° 8. [81, pp. 1-123; sigs. A—F. Contents Titlc-pay:e; Til T.esarans, signcd H • E. S. (Hálfdan Einarsson) containing a biographical sketch of the trans- lator, ff. lb-2a; Dedicatio Auctoris (to GuÖríður Gísla- dóttir, lip.Þóröur Þorláksson’s widow), signed Jón Einars- son and dated Skalhollte d. 1. Januarii Anno 1698, ff. 2b - 4a ; Formmle til Lesarans, signed Ludvig Harboe and da- ted Vallanese i Mwla Syslu m General kyrkna Visitatiu Leid 6 Julii 1744, ff. 4b-9a ; text (1. -30. psalmur) pp. 1- 1*2, at end of which is a printer’s ornament representing a vase with flowersj Lijtill Vidbætir (being 4 hymns) pp 113-128; the finalpageis blank. The pagination be- gins with the text on the reverse of the ninth folio, thus bringing the odd numbers on the reverse of each leaf throughout. For further information about these hyrnns and the authorship of them see Bibl. Not. IV. no. 71, of which number this is in part a revision, the collection now possessing a complete copy. For list of editions see no. 62. * 78. Riimur | af | Herv0ru|Angantirs- dottur. | □ | —| Prentader [sic] á Hrapps- ey 1777. 8.° f. [13, pp. 4-152; sigs. A—K (the last in 4); t.-p. vignette, a large vase of flowcrs; catchwords ; no current titles: no chapter initials; page 12. 2 x 7. 3; page- lines, 26. Contents :— T.-f., rev. bl.; text (I. Riima, with triple dash above), pp. 3 - 152, ending with a two - linedash. The rímur number twenty, the XXth Riima beginning at the bottom of p. 145.— Helgi Sigurösson in his “Bragfræði íslenzkra Rímna” (Reykjavík 1891, p. 2651 ascribes the “Hervarar ríinur eldri”, as he styles the production, to Ásmundur Sæmundsson, and gives the year of its composition as 1684. This is probably a slip of the pen, as a note attached to a MS- in the Arnamagnæan collection at Copenhagen (AM. 614b, 4to) which contains, in its earlier part, the Hervarar ríinur (see Kálund’s Ka- talog, II. p. 23) reads as follows: “Ved slutningen af Her- varar rímur (bl.25v) angives disse ‘skripadar eptir eiginn handskriptt | Asmundar heitinws Sæinundssonar | Anno : 1656”. In cataloguing another ^IS. of the “Rymur ap Hervöru” (AM 612b, 4to) Dr. Kálund (II p. 18) refers to Dr. Jón Þorkelsson’s “Digtningen p& Island” (p. 292) for a description or use of this MS., but p. 292 of the work cited seems to have no allusion to these rímur, although there is one to another section of the MS (612h),contain- ing the Mábels rímur sterku.—Very little is known of the author of the Hervarar rímur. Hálfdan Einarsson sums up nearly all ascertainable knowledge in his brief bio- graphical note tp.’JTl: “Asmundus Sæmundi, ex Nomarchia puto Vadlensi, Historiam Hervoræ carminibus XX, non inepte inclusit”—that is to say, Hálfdan considers that the author lived within the limits of the old Vaölaþing, the present Eyjafjaröar sýsla, in Northern Iceland In the “Skýrsla um handritasafn hins íslenzka Bókmentafélags (II. 1885 p. 140), an “ágætur Uveðlingur” by Ásmundur Sæmundsson, entitled “Barnaber” is mentioned ; it be- gins : Heilög þrenning himnum á.— Two complete cop- ies are in the collection, one with the last leaves some- what repaired. There is no other printed issue of these rímur. ** 79. Riirnur |af | Ingvari Viidfaurla| og | Sveini Svni Hans | kvetlnar | af | Sail' Arna Bodvarssj’ue | og | fltgiefnar eptir | Hanns eigin handar Rite. | □ | —| l’rentad- ar i Hrappsev, |íþví nýa Konungl. Bók>| þrvkkerie, af Gudmunde Olafssyne. | 1777. 8. f. [1], pp- 4-95; catchwords; small vignette (bunch of fruiton t.-p.) ; long double dash in place of running title at the top of each page ; page, 12. 3 x 7. 3, excluding page-number and catchword; page-lines 27. C.ontents :—T.-f., rev. bl. ; text, Ista Riima—lOda Riim. a, pp. 3-95, ending with an ornament (crown), rev. or final page blank. F.ach ríma is preceded, as usual, by a mansöngur; occasional words, lines and stanzas are in larger and heavier type. this bcing notably the case at the end (pp. 93-95), containing the epilogue. Of this one stanza is dedicatory: “Vitrum þorni veiga hendt,|Vel-Edla. eidsvarna | jolners horninn jeg fæ sendt, | Jooni Syni Arna”; while anothergives the date of the poem’s compo- sition :— “Artal grundad greinist nw, | giprda eg þessar Riimur | Sautjain Hundrud Si0tiu og IJriw, | svals um vinda griimur.”. For a brief account of the rímur which owe theirorigin to the fertile Árni Böðvarsson, who died in the jæar in which this volume appeared, see Pibl. Not. V no. 54. To that list might, however, be added “Rím- tir af Hjálmtýr og Ölvir “(12 cantos), written in 1769, and perhaps a few others. The present copy is a remark- ably fine one, fresh and broad margined. The collection possesses another, likewise complete, but in inferior con- dition. In addition to the rímur mentioned in Bib. Not. V. no. 121 as issued iu collections. or in volmnes containing oth- er works, may now be cited thc following:—In ‘ Fróölegt Ljóða-safn ýmislegs efnis safnaö og útgefiö af Grími Laxdal” (1.-2. hepti. Akureyri 1856) are to be found these ríinur:“Bárðar Ríina, kveöin af Hallvaröi Hallssyni, sem lánga tíð bjó aö Skjaldabjarnarvík á Hornströnd* um, og dó þar gamall” (l.pp. 43-62) in 160 stanzas; “Ríina aí íslendingaköppuin. Ort af Hannesisál. Bjarna- syni, presti að Ríp í Skagafirði” (2. pp. 2-27) in 156 stan- zas ; ‘‘Ríma af einum bónda. Ort af ólafi Eyjólfssyni” (2. pp. 27-33) in lOOstanzas; “Jannesar-rima. Ort af Guðmundi Bergþórssyni” (2. pp. 38-49) in 86 stanzas ; “Biðils-ríma. Ort af Gísla Sigurössyni á Klungurbrekk- »>’’ (2. pp. 49-63) in 125 stanzas. The well-known collection of Prof. Finnur Jónsson: “Fernir Forníslenskir Rímna- flokkar” published bj* the Icclandic Literarj* Society (Co- penhagen 18)6) includes these rímur, “Lokrur” i-iv (pp* 1-10), “Þrymlur” i-iii (pp. 11-16), “Griplur” i-vi (pp. 17- 42), and the “Völsungsrímur” i-vi (pp. 43-59), of wliich the first two had only appeared in Möbius’s edition of the elder Edda as far back as 1860. All of these rímur are from the 14th or 15th century. The saine distinguished and prolific scholar has also embodied in an article in the Arkiv for nordisk filologi(\\% 1883-5, pp. 136-148) inany valuable corrections to the “Skíðaríma”; and the versatile Dr. A. U. B&áth has given to the same ancient production a Swedish dress (Stockhohn 1896). The old Friöþjófsrímur were edited together with the saga by Dr. Ludvig Larsson: “Sagan och rimorna af Friðþjöfr hinn frækni”, Köbenhavn 1893. Trof. Finnur Jónsson has now begun an edition of various old Icelandic rímur under the litle of Rítnnasajn% published by the Samfund til udgi- velseaf gammel nordisk litteratur; the first part is out, and contains “Ólafs ríma Haraldssonar” by Einar Gils- son, “Skíðaríma,” “Grettisríinur” and “Skáldhelgarím- ur”. Dr.Jón Horkelsson, author of the often-cited vol- ume on the early inodern verse of Iceland, published, with a complete comment, the “ Fjósaríma”of Þórður Magnús- sonwhodwelt at Strjúgstaðir in Húnavatnssýsla perhaps in the 16th century ; it was printed from an 18th century MS. and appeared in the A rkiv fornordisk filologi (IV. 18SS, pp. 231 - 283). Thc first ríina and a fragment of the second of “Lorgeirs rímur stjakarhöfða” were published from the Ainainagnæan MS. 569 a (4to) by Mr. Pálmi Pálsson in the serial Huld (I. 1890. pp. 19-31). In his edition of Ambáles saga entitled “Hamlet in Iceland,” London 1898, Dr. Israel Gollancz has given selections from the different Ambáles rímur (pp. 195 - 241) by Hall grímur Halldórsson, I’áll Bjarnarson, Illugi Helgason- Porvaldur Siginundsson, and Pórður Einarsson. In the
(1) Blaðsíða 1
(2) Blaðsíða 2
(3) Blaðsíða 3
(4) Blaðsíða 4
(5) Blaðsíða 5
(6) Blaðsíða 6
(7) Blaðsíða 7
(8) Blaðsíða 8
(9) Blaðsíða 9
(10) Blaðsíða 10
(11) Blaðsíða 11
(12) Blaðsíða 12
(13) Blaðsíða 13
(14) Blaðsíða 14
(15) Blaðsíða 15
(16) Blaðsíða 16
(17) Blaðsíða 17
(18) Blaðsíða 18
(19) Blaðsíða 19
(20) Blaðsíða 20
(21) Blaðsíða 21
(22) Blaðsíða 22
(23) Blaðsíða 23
(24) Blaðsíða 24
(25) Blaðsíða 25
(26) Blaðsíða 26
(27) Blaðsíða 27
(28) Blaðsíða 28
(29) Blaðsíða 29
(30) Blaðsíða 30
(31) Blaðsíða 31
(32) Blaðsíða 32
(33) Blaðsíða 33
(34) Blaðsíða 34
(35) Blaðsíða 35
(36) Blaðsíða 36
(37) Blaðsíða 37
(38) Blaðsíða 38
(39) Blaðsíða 39
(40) Blaðsíða 40
(41) Blaðsíða 41
(42) Blaðsíða 42
(43) Blaðsíða 43
(44) Blaðsíða 44
(45) Blaðsíða 45
(46) Blaðsíða 46
(47) Blaðsíða 47
(48) Blaðsíða 48
(49) Saurblað
(50) Saurblað
(51) Saurblað
(52) Saurblað
(53) Band
(54) Band
(55) Kjölur
(56) Framsnið
(57) Kvarði
(58) Litaspjald

Bibliographical notices I-VI


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