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 9 sides, roll it like a sheet of lead, and precipitate it into the valleys. As to fogs, we were informed that the people were so accustomed to them that when the weather is clear and serene they become indisposed, and acquire coughs and colds ! The costume of the men is somewhat curious. A long jacket and knee breeches of home-made coarse cloth, generally dark blue or reddish ; long stockings and shoes, each made from one piece of tanned yellow sheepskin, puckered up from the toes to the instep, and again at the heel, and fastened on by a flat woollen cord (women red, men white) which is passed through a small hole on each side of the instep, and wrapped crossways several times round the ankle, after the fashion of the old Norsemen ; a jauntily-set woollen cap surmounts all—it is of red and black stripes, and is changed for one of blue and black when the wearer is in mourning. Attached to almsst every house is a “ kiddlier,” or wind house, for drying purposes. Its four sides are composed of laths half-an-inch from one another, to allow the air free passage. Here, for many months, uncooked mutton and whale flesh hang, and it is even then considered fit for food. They told us that whale flesh is most nutritious either boiled or roasted, but we thought its black, leathery rind, enclosing coarse red fat, looked terribly unappetising, and found that it tasted far worse. The fields which' are usually only a few feet wide are covered with basalts so fast in the ground it is impossible to move them On this island there are some good stone fences composed of these blocks. One farmer was supposed to have obtained his by witchcraft, but he really procured them by natural and easy means. High up on the hills are many loose blocks which he rolled down into a stream flowing at the base, where they laid till spring, when the stream becoming a rushing river, swelled by the melting ice and snow, conveyed them by force to the place of their destination. I heard the whole amount of cultivated land is only 2 per cent, of the total area Each peasant, however, endeavours to keep at least one cow and a milkmaid on these islands, sometimes undertakes to milk for several of her neighbours, and as the milk of one of their small cows is very small, and as the pails are likewise very small, it is not uncommon to see a girl
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A ride through Iceland including a visit to the Faroe, Westmann and other islands of the North Atlantic


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