(44) Blaðsíða 36
the line that marked the distinction between
killing a man fairly and murder. Sometimes
a man was buried in a tumulus, his horse and
personal belongings interred with him, and his
feet shod with hclskoe, or shoes, to travel swiftly
through the abode of death to Valhal. As party
feeling ran high it was not an uncommon thing
for most of those present to embrace the cause
of one or the other of the duellists, which led to
sanguinary battles Although the chiefs appeared
ostensibly for peace, at the head of their tribe, yet
many of them never returned, having found
beneath the sword-stroke that peace which no
man seeketh, but which all men find. We read
that the wives usually took their husbands’
shrouds with them that they might ever be pre-
pared for eventualities.
The Althing met once a year. So important
was it considered that the people were in the
habit of computing time by the periods during
which it was held by the different judges, 37 of
whom flourished between the years 927 and 1263.
They looked forward to these meetings, and
attended from all parts of the country, for here
friend met friend, business was transacted, com-
modites exchanged, young men found wives, and
maidens lovers. It was the centre of national
life, the spot where the heart of Iceland beat ; and
though no ancient buildings remain we felt the
natural features were, after all, a far more un-
changing memorial of the time when that life was
Ascending the highest hummock, once the
president’s seat, we looked back for a moment
upon the faded footprints of those who had so
long preceded us, and tried to fancy the scene as it
appeared on the 21th June, 1000. There are
assembled old men, who have long since laid aside
their weapons for the fishing net and sheep crook ;
young men who are wont to scour the seas in
ships of war ; youths, who have not yet seen the
world, hanging on the words of their elders.
Down the meadows on either side wander men and
women together, for the ladies have come to hear
the debate and watch the games. The girls are
brought there by their parents, perhaps to meet
the youths, for marriages are commonly made up
here Now the moment of meeting has arrived,
and the people crowd round and line the rocks on
(1) Band
(2) Band
(3) Saurblað
(4) Saurblað
(5) Kápa
(6) Kápa
(7) Blaðsíða [1]
(8) Blaðsíða [2]
(9) Blaðsíða 1
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(63) Blaðsíða 55
(64) Blaðsíða 56
(65) Blaðsíða 57
(66) Blaðsíða 58
(67) Saurblað
(68) Saurblað
(69) Saurblað
(70) Saurblað
(71) Band
(72) Band
(73) Kjölur
(74) Framsnið
(75) Kvarði
(76) Litaspjald
(2) Band
(3) Saurblað
(4) Saurblað
(5) Kápa
(6) Kápa
(7) Blaðsíða [1]
(8) Blaðsíða [2]
(9) Blaðsíða 1
(10) Blaðsíða 2
(11) Blaðsíða 3
(12) Blaðsíða 4
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(65) Blaðsíða 57
(66) Blaðsíða 58
(67) Saurblað
(68) Saurblað
(69) Saurblað
(70) Saurblað
(71) Band
(72) Band
(73) Kjölur
(74) Framsnið
(75) Kvarði
(76) Litaspjald