(37) Page 35 (37) Page 35
The Women's Alliance wants 2 research to be done on the frequency of abuse of women and children here in Iceland and how it can be prevented, 2 allocations to be ensured for the continued administration of the Women's Shelter, 2 the establishment of emergency reception facilities for children who have been abused, 2 people who work with children and the young to be educated concern- ing the effects of abuse on children in order to ensure their ability to react correctly if the situation arises, 2 the position of children to be strengthened through the establishment of an offical child advocate. The advocate will protect the rights of chil- dren and represent them in all issues dealing with parents and the gov- ernment, 2 the laws dealing with the sale and distribution of pornography to be properly enforced. 35

The Women's Alliance policy statement 1987


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