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The Women's Alliance wants 9 to increase the influence of women on the economy, by greater partici- pation in influential committees and boards, 9 to improve the position of women on the job market and to maintain their position through active surveillance measures, $ the effect on families and their homes to be fully considered when major economic decisions are taken, 9 price changes to be minimized and an economic balance to be reached, 9 the establishment of positive and moderate real interest rates, 9 all industries to face equal conditions, refraining from the strengthen- ing of one at the cost of another, 9 natural resources such as fishing banks, geothermal heat and water- falls be considered the property of the nation as a whole, 9 a cautious approach to be taken to the presence of foreign capital and participation in the Icelandic economy. 37

The Women's Alliance policy statement 1987


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