(23) Page 23
expected his administration is marked by reforms. He
found the printing oflice in a poor condition, the types
being worn and antiquated and the superintendent him-
self, Marteinn Arnoddsson, aged and feeble. At'his sug-
gestion ncw types were procurcd and a new printer ap-
pointed—Halldór Eiríksson, who had been for number of
years in Denmark and Gcrmany. The present book is
according to Jón BorgfirÖingur the first printed in the
new tj'pes and by the ncw printer, while the last one
printcd in the old tvpes by Marteinn Arnoddsson was Las-
senius’ Biblíu - Kiarne (sce Brit. Mus. Cat. 9). It was
probably also on Skúli Magnússon’s initiative, that the
prices of books, printcd at Hólar, were reduccd by one
half, the sheet being formcrly sold at the price of 4 skild-
ingar, but thereafter 2 skildingar (Rentekammer - Skri-
velse, March 10, 1742, see Lovsamling for Island II., pp.
384-3S5.). The translator of this work, Jón Einarsson
wasSkúli Magnússon’s .uncle and was born about 1074; lie
spent one year abroad and after his return to Iceland he
had a position (“heyrari”) at the Cathedral School at
Skáiholt, which he occupicd for one year and a haif,
whence he went to Hólar, where he was appointed to a
similar position and was to become rector of the Cathedral
School there, but he died of an epidemic at MöÖruvellir,
Sept. 12th, 1707. He also made a translation (still unpub-
lished) of John Barclay’s Argenis, a MS. copy ofwhich
(dated 1808) the W. F. collection possesses.
63. Þad Andlega | Bœna Rey-|kelse,
Þess gooda Guds Kienenians | Sr. Þordar
liaxrd.ir - | Sonar, | Kordum ad liiskups -
Tuuguui. | Og þad sania i Andlegt|Psahna
Sal | ve Sett ogSnwed, | Af |Benedieht Mag-
nus | Syne Bech | Fyrrum Vallds - Alane i
Hegraness Svslu. | — | Selst Alment Inbund-
ed 8. Fiskum. | — | Prentad av Hoolum i
Hialltadal, 1746. | Af Halldore Erikssyne.
12.° f, [1], pp. 1-183, ff. [3]; sigs. A—H; ini-
tials; ornaments ; paginal catchwords. Contents :—Title-
folio, on revcrse a scriptural passage in made - up borders
text (the mctrical version following each prayer) pp. 1 -
183 ; Psalmur of Si0 Ordunum Kristi a Krossenum, p.
183- f. la; Viku - Saungur D. Johannis Olcarii, fl.
lb-3b. This is the first edition of tlie prayers and their
metrical version combined. For lists of editions of these
works see nos. 59 and GO.
64. I,ög-Þijnge.s| BookenJAnno 1747 |
Þrvckt at Hoolum □ i Hialtadal | Anno
□ ”1747.
4° fl [17] ; sig. A—E (the last in one lcaf); ini-
tials ; paginal catchwords ; title at top of first page, with
vignette (crowncd stockfish on shield) dividing the final
two lines.— Conlents: Title, f. la; text (Num I.-
XX.), fl. la-16b (verified at end: Effter hafande
fullmagt S. Magnússon) ; Registur, ff. [16]b - 17a ;
two additionai documents, f. 17a; list of books rec-
ently printei at Hólar, f. 17b, signed by Skúli Mag-
nússon ; the books given in the list werc announced on
sale at his home, Akrar í SkagafirÖi, and to be for sale at
the assembly at Pxará 1748. Revision of Bibl. Not. I.
no. 49.
* 65. Þær Fimtiju | Heilpgu | Medita-
tiones|Edur | Hugvek. | jvr Þess Haitt.upp-
lijsta | lioct. Johannis Gerhardi. | Miwklega
og naikvæmlega sinvuar i Pshlm - Vijsur, |
Af þeim Frooma og Gudlirædda | kicrie-
mane,|Sr. Sigurde Tonssyne| Ad Prest-Hool-
um. | Editio IX. | — | Seliast Alment ln-
bundnar 6 Fiskum. | — | Þrickt a Iloolum
i Hialltadal, | Af Halldóre Erikssyne, 1747. j
8.° pp. 1-93, f. [1] ; sigs. A—F; broad made - up
book ornamcnt p. 1 (top) and similar line ornaments se-
parating the hj'mns throughout the book; 3-line Gothic
initials ; catchwords and running tities (Hugvekju | Psal-
mar.) ; page 12. 5 x 7. 5 ; page - lines 29 ; the rev. of the
title - folio is numbered page 1, in consequence of which
the even page numbers are always on the right when the
the volume is open—a peculiarity which occurs in someof
the books printed in Iceland. The type of pp. 87 - 93 is
reduced in size and the page lines becoine 36. This is an
excellent copy of the 9th edition of the Hugvekjusálmar.
For a full account of the various editions see no. 20.
Contents:—T.-p.; text (I. Hugvekiu Psalmur) pp. 1-62
[®92] (50. Psalmur); 51. Psalmur. Um Andlega Upprisu
Guds Barna . . . Af . . . Jone Einarssyne, designato
Rectore Hola Schola. (Upprijs þu Sail mijn, andlcga i
Trw), pp. 62 [«92]—93; Registur, f. lab.— Jón Einars-
son was a versifier and translator of note (see Bibl. Not.
I. no. 69) among his productions being the volume known
as thc Krossskólasálmar.
66. Lifande Imynd | Svo vel ] Guds
Heima - Maiia i hans Naidar - Rijke hier ax
J0rdune. | Sem og cirnen | Sam - Borgara
þeirra Heil0gu i hans Dijrdar-Rijke a\ Himn-
um. | Auglijst og fyrer Siooner leidd i Ein-
falldre | Lijk- Predikun, | Ut af Fsalme Da-
vids XV. v. 1. og 2. | Þegar Framlideii Lijk-
ame þess | Vel - Edla, Hai Æruverduga og
Haalærda Herra, | Saal. Mag. Jons Arna -1
Sonar.| Fordum Superintendentis j^ferSkail-
holts - Stipte, | Blessadrar Minningar. | Var
med Soomasamlegrc Lijk-Filgd lagdur til
sijns Sijdarsta Legstad - | ar iiian Skail-
hollts Doom - Kyrkiu þan XIIX. Febru-
arij, | Anno M. DCC. XLIII. | d| Af Sr.
VigfwsaErlendssyne, Doomkyrkiunar Frest-
e | ad Skailhollte, Nu Vel - Æruverdigum
Frofaste i Arness - Þijnge. | — | Þrickt ai
Hoolum i Hialltadal, Af Halldore Eriks-
syne, 1748.
4.° f. [1], pp. 1-91, ff. [9]; slgs. A—I; on title-
page vignctte of coflin andbier; numerous ornaments.
Contents :— Title-folio, on reverse, in border, the “Im-
primatur” of Bp. Halldór Brynjólfsson ; dedication (to
the widow, Guðrún Einarsdóttir) signed by Vigfús Er-
lendsson, author.of thc sermon, p. 1; sermon (divided
into 4 sections : Prologus; IngmngureR; Lijfs - Histor-
iaii; Textans Utlegging), pp. 2-91; Latin eulogy in verse,
signed : Berno Iohannis (Bjarni Jónsson), p. [92] - f.
2a ; a second eulogy, signed : Scholse Skalholtinæ Alumni,
fl. 2b-3b; a third, signed : Einarus Iohannis, Scholæ Skal-
holtensis tunc Con - Rector, nunc ejusdem Rector, ff, 4a-
5a ; two Icelandic poetic eulogies : auglijst af.... Einum
Elskande Syne («Egill Eldjárnsson), ff. 5b-9a, reverse
blank. The preacher of this funeral sc-rmon, Vigfús Er-
lendsson, at the date of Bp. Jón Árnason’s death dean of
the cathedral of Skálholt subsequently became rector of
Setberg (where he died 1781), and rural dean of Snæfells-
nessýslu ; Bjarni Jónsson, author of the first Latin eulo-
gistic verses, was doubtless that Bjarni Jónsson, who later
(1753) bccame rector of the Skálholt Cathedral School (d.
1798) ; Einar Jónsson was first conrector, then rector of
the same school, and died in 1781; Egill Eldjárnsson a
P°et of some note (b. 1722 or 1725, d. 1802), was pastor of
Utskalar.— Bishop Jón Árnason, one of the ablest of the
Lutheran bishops of Skálholt, was born 1665 and was a
descendent of Bishop Jón Arason. He became bishop in
1722, and soon showed himself a wise but stem ruler ; he
was particularly anxious about the morality and conduct
of the clergy and about the education of the young. He
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